Reincarnator’s Stream

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

『’Bald Suhyuk’ has started the stream.』

A notification that sends excitement through many hearts.

Bald Suhyuk’s stream had begun.

– Bald-hi

– Bald-hello

– Bald-up! Bald-up!

– Is this really the collaboration today?

– Literally two Soo-hyuks LOLOLOL

The speed at which viewers were entering was incredible.

Surpassing 10,000, 20,000, and then 30,000….

Seeing nearly 50,000 viewers join within a few minutes made Suhyuk click his tongue in amazement.

‘This is no joke.’

He knew Bald Suhyuk had a lot of viewers. 50,000 was nothing; on an ordinary day, he had around 100,000 viewers watching his stream. Moreover, today was the announced collaboration.

It was only natural that more viewers would be interested than usual.

“Bald-hi! Hello, everyone! Oh, nice to see you too. What? You came to see Suhyuk? Thanks… Oh, not me? Okay, get lost.”

『’Bald Suhyuk Baldy’ has donated 500 points.』

『Hey, is it true that you’re a handsome guy according to rumors?』

“Who’s spreading these rumors? Such excellent work. Yes, it’s true.”


– Bald Suhyuk LOLOLOL Handsome guy LOLOLOL

– But I did hear that rumor too, from a reliable source

– I’m telling you, bald started that rumor himself~

There was a brief period of interaction with the chat and donations. Watching the stream from behind the scenes, Suhyuk waited for his turn.

After a while.

“Thanks for the donation, bald Baldy… Okay, okay, I’ll get Suhyuk… fine, fine, I get it.”

Grabbing the timing, Bald Suhyuk looked at Suhyuk.

“Here is the master you’ve been waiting for, streamer Lee Suhyuk!”

Following the cue, Suhyuk stepped into view.

– Wowowowowow

– An esteemed figure in a humble place…

– (A soon-to-die streamer)

– Welcome, small-time streamer

It was hard to tell if they were welcoming him or cursing him. Standing side by side with Bald Suhyuk in front of the camera, Suhyuk greeted.

“Hello, I’m streamer Lee Suhyuk.”

– Run away!

– The masks are identical, but the physical difference…

– Fake Suhyuk is at least a head taller

– So who’s this small-time streamer?

Though they wore the same mask, the difference in their outfits and physiques made them easy to distinguish.

“For those viewers who might not know, please introduce yourself.”


Nodding, Suhyuk introduced himself to nearly 100,000 viewers.

“I’m the Fake Suhyuk. Currently a player on the 6th floor, and my specialty is lightning.”



Lightning erupted from his fingertips and struck the floor. It was a small performance, but many viewers had been eagerly waiting for it.

– Wow

– Seeing this live

– Is this real??

– Of course, it’s real LOLOLOL Haven’t you watched Fake Suhyuk’s videos?

Most of Bald Suhyuk’s viewers sought entertainment rather than skill. Bald Suhyuk’s gameplay was far from skilled, to say the least.

However, that didn’t mean they had no fascination with lightning. From the start, Bald Suhyuk’s concept was derived from Lee Suhyuk, so it was natural for them to be interested.

“Today’s master is quite flashy…”

Bald Suhyuk muttered in a daze at Suhyuk’s unexpected actions.

Having heard Suhyuk’s determination before the stream began, he had a feeling that today’s stream would be quite exhausting.

『’UglinessCaptain’ has donated 1,000 points.』

『But how do you plan to teach this hopeless case?』

A simple question along with 1,000 points. Given the large scale of the stream, the donations that came in were significant too.

Suhyuk answered the question.

“For now, I plan to focus on feedback.”

– Feedback?

– Can that even fix him?

– Not a chance, undoubtedly Bald Suhyuk will win LOLOLOL

Bald Suhyuk’s stream had a different vibe compared to Suhyuk’s.

While Suhyuk’s stream was usually filled with compliments, Bald Suhyuk’s stream was fundamentally tinged with skepticism towards him. And the purpose of this collaboration was precisely.

“I watched all the previous content videos before starting the stream.”

To break that skepticism.

“It seems doable.”

There was a hint of laughter in Suhyuk’s voice. A statement full of confidence. And with such confidence inevitably followed something.

『’2ndFloorBestSword’ has registered a mission.』

『If Bald Suhyuk achieves more than 10 kills today, 100,000 points. If he fails, you both have to do a couple stream. Deal?』

100,000 points.

An enormous sum was placed on the mission. Even with the risk of failure, it was hard to ignore.

– The vice president is here ㄷㄷ

– 100,000 ohh LOLOLOL

– Can’t resist the couple stream

– Ugh…

– The missions didn’t stop there.

『’BaldingSuhyuk’ has registered a mission.』

『I’ll add 20,000 points to the same mission』

『’RegretOfTheSun’ has registered a mission.』

『I’ll add 30,000 points too! Though I kind of want to see the couple stream ㅎㅎ』


More missions poured in. Although the amounts were significant, something else astonished Suhyuk even more.

‘Are they seriously offering this much for such an easy task?’

They weren’t asking for something as difficult as passing the 4th floor in a few days. They weren’t asking to win a series of consecutive victories.

Just a simple mission to secure more than 10 kills in a single game.


A troubled look crossed Bald Suhyuk’s face. He seemed uncertain about his chances. But unfortunately, the acceptance of these missions was up to Suhyuk.

And of course, Suhyuk’s decision was the same as usual.

“We accept.”


The content began.

The first thing Suhyuk did was observe Bald Suhyuk’s test. For that, Suhyuk started a separate personal stream.

『Title: Watching Bald Suhyuk’s Room. Master and Apprentice』

– Was it because the title included Bald Suhyuk?

– As soon as the stream started, viewers flocked in.

– Hi, hi

– Curious about the reaction

– You’ll regret underestimating our Bald bro

Bald Suhyuk’s viewers migrated to Suhyuk’s stream.

10,000, 15,000…

In no time, the number of viewers surpassed 20,000.

‘That’s incredibly fast.’

Most of them were likely viewers from Bald Suhyuk’s stream, but even so, the rate of increase was staggering. At this pace, reaching 50,000 viewers wouldn’t be out of the question.

“Hello, everyone. This is Lee Suhyuk.”

Suhyuk’s greeting was brief and to the point.

“No need to say hello again, right?”

After all, the greetings were already done on Bald Suhyuk’s stream. More importantly, the content had already started.

Suhyuk looked at Bald Suhyuk’s screen. Bald Suhyuk, who had started the trial, was entering the battlefield.

“No way, why do we have to do a couple stream, of all things? And with two guys? Huh?”

He seemed to be worrying about the penalty already. Well, frankly speaking, Suhyuk didn’t want to do that penalty either.

‘Two guys doing a “We Got Married” content? Absolutely not.’

We Got Married” (우결 in Korean) is a content where a streamer couple, typically a male and female, act as a married couple.

However, a couple stream with two guys was closer to a punishment than content.

“It’s the first round, so I’ll take it easy. Trust me, master.”

Bald Suhyuk looked at the long cliff and the two-path road, brimming with determination. But even getting into a match wasn’t easy.


『Dale Full: Bronze 4』

『Rao Fail: Bronze 4』

『Deograte: Bronze 4』

『Benito Roman: Bronze 4』

A team consisting entirely of Bronze 4, the lowest rank.

Due to continuous losses, the scores had dropped significantly, resulting in low-ranked teammates.

– It’s a hell party LOLOLOL

– Seriously, I’ve never seen a full Bronze 4 team LOLOLOL

– What happens if he loses again?

– He fails the test and has to blow more points, what else?

Despite the low scores, Bald Suhyuk took it seriously. In an escort mission, where he was on defense, he bravely faced the enemies carrying the cargo.


『’Ruder’ has killed ‘Benito Roman’.』

The result was no different from usual.

‘So his real name is Benito Roman?’

A real name learned through the notifications. It somehow seemed unfitting compared to the nickname Bald Suhyuk.

“A mistake, a mistake. I went in too hastily by myself.”

‘But the opponent was alone, too.’

Suhyuk sighed at Bald Suhyuk’s excuse. The subsequent gameplay was disastrous. He kept getting killed by enemies, continually feeding the opposing players.

How he even made it to the 4th floor was a mystery. At some point, it felt like he was doing it on purpose just for the stream.

– Look at his expression tightening, right?

– Can’t even see but you know it

– The mask is crying, right?

The viewers from Bald Suhyuk’s stream kept an eye on Suhyuk’s reactions. In the Master and Apprentice content, all the streamers playing the master role had similar reactions.

It felt like watching an unrepairable patient. They kept sighing, unsure where or how to start fixing things.


But Suhyuk’s reaction was a bit different.

“That was a kill opportunity.”

– ???

– What is he saying

– That was full HP

A narration that seemed out of place in the given scene.

“What? Suhyuk said it was a kill opportunity?”

Somehow, that information was quickly relayed to Bald Suhyuk.

“Here I go-!”

At that sight, Suhyuk facepalmed, or rather mask-palmed.

“He went and committed suicide…”

And in the next moment.


As Bald Suhyuk charged, the opponent hastily backed off.


Suhyuk’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“They let him live?”


– It’s the chaotic mess show LOLOLOL

– It wasn’t suicide, but survival

His mind was filled with questions.

‘How did this even happen?’

Both Bald Suhyuk charging in saying he’d die, and the opponent letting him live.

No one seemed to be playing properly. The rest of the test content was a chaotic mess as well. Even in the subsequent ‘Forest of War’, the situation didn’t improve.

Throughout watching Bald Suhyuk’s stream, Suhyuk kept repeating similar comments.

“That was a kill opportunity… oh, it vanished.”

“Why isn’t the jungler farming?”

“With this, it’s an opportunity to reverse… oh, never mind.”

The second test ended.

The final score: 1 kill, 10 deaths, 3 assists.

A result that would be odd not to sigh at. As Suhyuk waited for Bald Suhyuk to return, he made his final assessment.

“Overall, everything is just a complete mess.”


– Agreeing with the mess LOLOLOL LOL

– Told him to get 10 kills, and he gets 10 deaths… What is Bald Suhyuk even…

A simple yet weighty statement.

A mess.

There was no better way to describe the current test.

“I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Having been a player for a long time, including his previous life, Suhyuk was genuinely surprised.

“Is this even real…”

He had watched Bald Suhyuk’s streams before, but those times were just to see what streaming was like, not to focus on the play itself.

However, the world of Bald Suhyuk, when viewed with a focus on content, was vastly different from Suhyuk’s own world.


‘That’s why, actually…’

『’BaldingSuhyuk’ has donated 1,000 points.』

『If you’re Lee Suhyuk, who wants to give up on the mission, raise your hand LOLOLOL』

A timely donation message. At that donation, Suhyuk shook his head.

“Why would I give up?”

Seeing Bald Suhyuk trudging back after the test, Suhyuk spoke confidently.

“It seems doable to me.”


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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