Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 988 Spying On That Monster Again

William decided to let his team study these scrolls to get to know that mysterious part of the world better. He also wrote down the way to let anyone train over Mystic Arts and also added his own perception about his experience back in that world.

"Mentioning that world… I shall go there and see what that Nightmare monster is doing," he knew he might get a backlash, but it was worth it. Feeling terrible for a few days wasn't an issue for him as long as he could gain intel about his enemy.

For a long time, he tried to look for and hunt down that monster. And yet he failed. That monster was like a sneaky rat, one that was smart enough to evade all the traps laid for it.

After finishing writing down everything, he used Mystic Arts via the organs he had, before entering into the fate and destiny world.

He was standing on top of his fate and destiny wheel, the name he got from the scrolls about the wheel structure he was standing on top of. According to these scrolls, all the living creatures in the world had such wheels, and affecting the wheels would affect anyone.

Damaging the wheel was enough to cause long-term damage to anyone. And that made him consider strengthening and defending his wheel. Yet it was very hard to do so.

Aside from those blessed with fate and destiny protection like himself and his arch enemy, it would require training over many techniques, doing lots of great things, and using tons of rare and precious materials to shield one's wheel from damage.

He decided to teach his team and close friends these methods to shoulder their wheels against any harm expected from his enemies. When he arrived there, he closed his eyes, thought about his enemy, and then the world changed.

"This…" the last attempts to try and spy on that Nightmare monster always failed, ending up with severe backlash from this world. William was prepared for fierce resistance from the world, and yet none of this happened.

For the first time ever, a wheel appeared clearly in front of his eyes. It got attached to his wheel. It was slowly rotating, and the moment it got attached to his wheel, he felt like he could see tons of things about this monster.

He saw the monster when it was just a baby, growing up by stealing the remains of the big monsters' leftovers. Be it humans or monsters, he consumed tons of these and ended up growing in both strength and size.

The more it grew stronger, it became more ferocious and deadly. It kept living in the deep parts of the forest until one day something big happened and it had to leave.

William knew from a long time ago about this incident and guessed that something bad must have happened back then to force lots of scary monsters to leave. Yet he never got to know the reason until today.

"After five years… I can finally get why all these monsters fled… So it was the ascension of one monster to the outer world…" William saw clearly a huge bull-shaped monster passing the last step, opened a portal, and got selected by one of the dark masters in the outer world, before leaving.

He could tell it was a dark master as that master came down onto this world. He looked massive, grand in shape and power. And with his presence, everything living in the entire area was left with fear and worry.

"These monsters and dark masters… They help each other out and have a stable way to go out from here, not like any normal master…" he sighed when he saw these scenes before he finally saw the parts related to himself.

He saw how this monster ran for days and weeks, ending up finally at a place where many other monsters gathered, seemingly interested in the few humans inside.

He saw how this monster paused in its tracks and roared. William knew it was the moment when that monster sniffed the fox spirit inside him, and decided to chase and kill that human to evolve.

Everything then happened as William knew. A chase happened, ending up with William running away. He saw how this monster got unlucky to be chased by a scary master, ending up running far from him, unable to follow and kill his prey.

Then he saw how this monster gathered up all the remnants of the dark masters, led them towards the Blue Hills, and there it started to mutate and change into a human form.

It was severely wounded from the fight with the formidable master, ending up choosing to turn into a human.

If it didn't take such a step, it'd have died instead. William watched him build that dark academy, and rebuild the entire Blue Hills zone to end up with the deadly trap he faced and crushed before.

Then he watched it leave for the capital. And there things started to go south for it. It met up with more formidable dark masters and forces, and tried to find a way there for itself but ended up failing.

"The dark masters hated that Mutant and it didn't know the main reason behind this was the presence of another predator leading these forces, hahahaha!" William laughed at the bad luck that monster had. He watched how it tried to stop the plans regarding taking down the capital, ending up suffering another round of severe wounds and deadly injuries.

It had to retreat and went far away from the capital and the kingdom. As William saw, it kept running towards the west, until it couldn't stand it anymore, went inside a cave, and collapsed.

Then the scenes got fixed in that cave. "It's in hibernation… That explains why the fate and destiny world didn't stop me… That monster… It's dying!"

William was surprised about that, and felt tons of happiness before he recalled the advice he heard from the fox statue.

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