Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 965 The Grand Technique

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Being on the top of the world in power and you bother about a mere gold-grade youngster's thoughts? Tsk!" William imitated Ibra at this moment, and this was the only possible way out for him from Sloth.


"Let's just do it," William coughed, clearing his throat, "once we are done, I'll let you know."

"Don't miss us from these plans, got it? I'm warning you!" Sloth raised a finger in William's face before he led everyone he brought to take the toll of this battle.

It was going to be hectic, challenging even for such a group of old masters. The monsters were fierce and persistent, seeming endless with all their numbers flooding here non-stop. Even with the old masters taking the front, it was still quite hard to keep these monsters in check.

Not to mention there was the threatening lava fountain risk. Even if it was hard to kill a single old master with this lava, it was enough to disturb any master's tempo, even throwing them away, making them suffer wounds on top of that.

As William knew how dangerous it was going to be for these old masters, he didn't delay and asked his vices to gather everyone up.

"Listen, we are going to divide ourselves into two teams…" William started explaining things in detail while speaking as fast as he could. He asked the entire army to divide into two parts, one that would be formed mainly of fire, lava, wind, and earth elements, and the other one that had rare elements.

William asked anyone with special elements to gather in one team. Be it light, lightning, darkness, and even sound elements were all grouped together.

It was expected that one team was much bigger than the other. "You'll go and help the old masters in stopping the monsters. You can take a break for one hour, heal and recuperate," William spread more orders, letting the bigger team retreat.

That made everyone realise he planned from the start to use the second team in whatever he wanted. "What's in your mind, little boy?" Sloth and other old masters kept their spirit senses focused on William, wanting to know what he planned to do.

"Now, I want you to use your techniques, the strongest and deadliest ones," William turned to the few hundred he had, pointing towards a direction, one that was filled with tons of monsters coming from the far horizon, "attack there, one by one, and let me examine your performance."

It was hard to assess any master's techniques, but in the middle of such a hectic battle, it was easy. William just pointed randomly towards a spot, and let all the masters unleash their attacks one after another.

"What's he trying to do?" one old master asked others using spirit telepathy.

"I believe he is trying to understand their ins and outs, their strengths and weaknesses," another said.

"But why? We are fighting for long hours, days even! Why didn't he examine them beforehand?" I think you should take a look at

"He never does things according to the scrolls," Sloth paused, "he plans something, something like a collaborative technique or something…"

Sloth guessed it right. William did indeed want to mix all of these masters' techniques together, to end up with something grand.

Just depending on a master or few to deal with that bear wasn't going to work. Not to mention there would be the risk of the monsters. So William wanted to make a grand technique, one that had a similar concept of grand formations.

Formations were formed of tons of arrays, stacked together in some sort of a way that would augment all the arrays inside, and support any possible weaknesses.

This would result in a far greater effect than just adding up these arrays together. And William wanted to create something like that.

Yet to do it, he had to first understand everything about these masters' strongest techniques. Then it'd come down to him to devise something out of the blue, trying to coordinate all these techniques together in some sort of a tempo.

Formations used fixed arrays at certain locations, using layouts to produce their scary results. But the grand technique he was trying to pull here required a different sort of organisation, it required timed tempo.

Like a musical note, where the maestro would coordinate different instruments, organising their play and timing to perform the greatest piece.

One by one, different masters started to execute their deadliest techniques. William spread out his spirit sense and closely watched and examined everything.

The techniques used were various and quite strong. Each had their own strengths and weaknesses. William took note of each master and the technique he performed, recognising all of these techniques right on the spot.

"They all lack a lot…" He could spot tons of points that could change the entire performance of these techniques. At other times, he'd prefer to modify and strengthen these techniques. But now it was better to accept them with all the flaws they got.

As he decided to ignore this point, he started to focus more on thinking about how to mix these different techniques together. Even masters with the same element didn't perform the same techniques. And those who performed the same technique, a rare occasion in fact, performed them with many differences, making them look like they were using different techniques.

Every master had his own opinion and experience about using techniques. So even if two masters were using the same one, they'd perform it quite differently. And that was mainly thanks to the great flaws each and every technique in this world had, allowing them to have lots of space for modifications and improvement.

These techniques were like a massive gathering of colours, and William had to arrange them thoroughly and quite fast, to end up making up a masterpiece.

His mind kept working, laying down an initial theory before adding and editing many items to it. The more masters performed, the more he edited.

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