Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 938 The Guild Admission Test

William knew this place was going on the right track already, using everything in their disposal to help and raise up the overall might of the city and its masters.

"I hope what they are doing can help in the end," William inwardly sighed when he recalled the Holy Shifter, the one he met before. He knew the disaster that befell this world didn't originate from dark masters or monsters, but it came from other sources, far dangerous ones.

Be it the Mutants, the Transformers, the Holy Shifters, or even any other mysterious force that he didn't meet up yet, all aimed to tear this world apart.

"But… Why?! Why are they focused on taking down this tiny world? It'd be more bizarre if they aimed at other tiny worlds as well…"

William's thoughts drifted towards the old tale, the myth that Karoline told him before. If that was true, then all of these enemies were moving in different directions, all serving the single master, that damn fox!

William was puzzled by this, yet he decided to train after reaching no conclusion.

He trained while his team and friends were doing many tasks for him. Lots of masters joined the guild branch here, and they needed to look for their scanned data and see if there was any good seed anywhere in the mix.

At the same time, the guild acquired tons of supplies. He asked them to go and start arranging the grand loot based on the value and rarity of the stuff there.

He stressed over anything that wouldn't have any known use or function in the world. Such things might be considered gems buried under dirt, things that would come here from the outer world, or other worlds.

Since his trip to the other world, he started taking the odds of having gems and treasures here quite seriously. As there was no knowledge about these, it was expected for them to be considered unknown, or even trash.

He also asked them to send the word, in one week he'd start a grand selection based on his special analysis of spirit power.

William knew this was his chance to recruit any gem before starting his long time seclusion and training session for his friends and team members.

He planned to give them all the support he could. The ones who would rise in ranks fast would accompany him towards the grand contents happening later on, would come with him towards the outer world.

This might look like another random selection of the Fox guild, but he made sure for his guild members to spread the word quite wide, and stressed over the importance of this chance.

He even let his friends and Black Tail team members to spread some news about how special and different training under him was.

William wanted to go to the outer world with as many masters as possible. Yet he knew hoping for that was something, and achieving such a step was a more difficult and challenging matter.I think you should take a look at

William left the task of doing this to his mates, and focused on training. He was slowly progressing, but he wasn't worried. He knew the moment he'd end up at the Scorching Lands, he'd cross the dark gold milestone by absorbing the spirit power remaining at the fox statue.

But he never expected that fate would be on his side, not only once, but twice!

"Are you ready?" One week passed fast, and William stood now in front of the main guild branch's central building. The entire branch got evacuated already from all members. He already gave such an order to make sure the place wasn't going to get crowded by the newly arrived masters.

"The place outside is a circus! Never thought your name and reputation would be this grand!" Anjie said in envy, while referring to the large number of masters surrounding the entire guild, filling the entire city, and even a wide area around.

"Hahahaha, it's just normal for masters to aspire to gain more power, right?" William already received the initial reports about the number of masters applying to this test. According to these, there were hundreds of thousands of masters waiting.

"You are insane, but I like that!" Lara was already here. After she went out to introduce Sloth to the current leading council of the city, she returned and waited with William's friends and Black Tail team members.

"Are you sure you only want the few of us to do it?" Sara asked in doubt, while Berry rolled her eyes as she said:

"He plans to do it the same way he did before when we established our guild five years ago, right?"

"You are my friends and most trusted people I know," William smiled, "why is it wrong to depend on you? Just do it like we did it before, five years ago. Scan everyone, and anything you feel weird there just refer the master to me."

William left only his friends and less than two hundred Black Tail team inside the empty guild branch. He wanted them to run the first screening round of testing masters.

During the past years, they watched him perform this test countless times. Be it over themselves to assess their progress, or over newly acquired talents to assess their potential, William did it frequently and they learnt tons of stuff about this kind of test.

They weren't the same five years ago! They knew more now than back then, and knew how to assess spirits, spirit elements, and define the weird findings in any crystal.

Every time William would point towards someone and say he was special, everyone would ask about the reason. He explained it slowly to them, and over the long course of years, he explained lots of special findings, tiny details that anyone would easily miss before.

So he could now rely on them to do such a task. And they were up to the mission.

"Let's start then," Peter shrugged, "I miss Ibra right now. He'd be quite fanatic about this test, hahahaha!"

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