Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 907 Reinforcements Are Coming

Even if that master was at the pinnacle grade of power back then, it didn't matter to William right now.

The monsters coming towards him were all weak, much weaker than him. So to these monsters, he was like a pinnacle master or something.

He didn't just limit himself to releasing arrows. Whenever he found a monster coming from a different direction, he'd release his flying weapons to bring it down. Thanks to the difference in powers between the monsters, him, and his weapons, taking down these monsters was a piece of cake.

Even if they came in large groups, he managed to slaughter them all. His flying weapons worked as an electrical saw machine, killing and cutting all the monsters without a single speck of resistance or challenge.

The monsters never stopped coming, and William made sure the attention of the leader of this grand army would be fixed over him using his arrows. The monsters roared, coming at him from all directions now, but to William this was nothing.

He already was moving and retreating, dragging the monsters slowly away from the main battlefield. Like this, he'd create a wedge in the enemy's ranks, ending up relieving the pressure over the frontlines.

At the same time, he wanted to drag as many monsters as possible so the army waiting at the edge of the toxic region would take them down easily. This blow would weaken the monster army here, making things much better and a lot easier later on to save everyone trapped out there.

He didn't hurry to run away to not arouse any suspicion in the leaders of the army. Not to mention if he did so, he'd end up dragging much fewer monsters, and would kill much less than what he was killing right now.

He let his flying weapons enforce an area of protection around him, spanning for a few hundred metres without much problems. As for his two monstrous weapons, they weren't living things to begin with to get affected by the toxin in the air.

Every now and then he'd recall them back, take a few minutes to replace their exhausted elixirs, before releasing them out again. As he kept retreating, he made sure the reign of fire he was releasing was still following him. And this continued for long hours.

No matter how he retreated, monsters followed. The world looked like it was formed of monsters in his eyes, as if there was nothing else but monsters roaring and running towards him, monsters falling and dying in his hands.

"You are betting on my spirit power to deplete? Let's see what you'll do when I keep doing this for days!" He knew the enemy leaders were trying to force him to deplete his spirit power using the sheer number of monsters that came without pause. If a blind was watching the entire fight he started so far, he'd release his aim by now.

And yet the monster leaders never stopped sending out more monsters towards him, adding more wood to the fire. William wasn't annoyed by this, yet he regretted not having another hand to help in collecting the cores from these monsters.

He started to devour the cores he got from the other world first. He learnt too late about the nature of these cores, how they'd dissipate their power if they were left untouched for a long time. Using them would replenish his spirit power, add more to his total spirit power count.

As he consumed everything, he gained around two hundred more points. This wasn't only thanks to the low amount of spirit power inside these cores, but because the higher he climbed the less effective his Devour ability would be.

"You are doing great at last! That's the youngster I watched in that alien world! You are rocking it!"I think you should take a look at

Sloth kept speaking to him from time to time, saying stuff like these. This wasn't his nature, as the old man was always secretive, didn't talk that much even if William knew how deeply impressed he was with him.

William simply ignored his comments, and kept his focus over the harsh ongoing battle around. He was doing everything he could to bring as many monsters down and drag them away from the main battlefield. And from Sloth's repeated words, he knew the pressure out there was decreasing.

Or else that old man wouldn't have praised him, instead would continue pestering him with complaints and shouts like before.

An entire day passed like this. William didn't know how much distance he crossed during this fight, but he was sure he dragged the monsters away, enough distance to come closer to his master army.

"Tell me you made enough potions," he waited for half a day before contacting Sara. With Ibra's absence, she was the leader of the team and guild in such times.

"Enough for each master here to carry twenty potions on him. Is that enough?"

"Send one third of them," William paused, "let them follow the sounds of explosions, I'm close to you. But I don't know where I am."

"Are we going to join the battle?" she seemed more excited than what William thought.

"Just one third, and let them consume potions once per hour," William didn't want to risk them getting poisoned in the middle of battle.

"This means… We have only twenty hours?!!!"

"Enough to kill many monsters, retreat and restock, before coming again to fight," William didn't have time to inspect the effects of the potions thoroughly enough in the middle of all this, "make sure to select the strongest out there, don't send any weak master."

"We don't have many weak masters like you, hahahaha!"

"Go to the dark gold grade first then speak," William laughed back, "don't waste time and send them as fast as possible. I'm setting the stage for them to arrive."

William knew he couldn't just depend on his grandes and arrows for the entire battle. He did fine with them, and it was time for the grand number of masters on his side to show their value.

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