Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 891 Don't Shout!

"Stop speaking nonsense and start training…"

"B… But…" Karoline suddenly spoke up, as everyone already took the stance of training with utmost difficulty, all but Karoline.

"What's wrong?" William looked up and down at her, not getting why she didn't get the stance of training yet.

"I don't have any training technique… I…" she hesitated, looked around as everyone rolled their eyes.

During the past period of knowing each other, she never stopped speaking about how she was a monster before and turned human. Everyone took this as a craziness sign, and never took it seriously at all.

They got the right to feel so. After all, they never heard of such a thing ever happening. Not to mention William's previous words when he introduced her helped in deepening such an impression about her.

Gradually she got what they were thinking about her. And even if she felt terribly bad about that, she couldn't do anything to change this. She was telling them the truth, and they never believed her, not even once.

"You don't have a training technique…" everyone was shocked to hear that, but William wasn't. He just missed this little detail about monsters.

Humans were able to traverse across the grades of the spirit world thanks to different reasons, one of them was training technique.

Monsters didn't have training techniques, and that was why they'd take thousands of years to just cross one grade.

"Just close your eyes and breathe slowly," even if he knew tons of training techniques, he'd not commit such a mistake and give her a random training technique on the spot.

He needed to test her spirit power first, detect what elements she had, what type of spirit she got in her. After that, he'd select the best training technique for her.

She wasn't just a friend, but was someone very important to him. He'd grow her with honesty and care, to grow up and be a formidable weapon by his side when he'd meet with that damn fox.

Others gave him weird looks. The fact that she didn't know a training manual was surprising, but the response of William and his words left them baffled, lost for words.

He was known for many things, but the most prominent thing was his vast knowledge and willingness to help his friends. He casually gave everyone in the team training techniques that weren't even heard of before. And they all knew how scary and strong these techniques were.

But now? A friend needed help and he didn't stand to help. This was quite shocking. William noticed their shocked gazes, ignored them for now as they wouldn't get why he did that.

As he closed his eyes and started training, everyone also followed him. Karoline did the same, but she didn't feel much better as everyone else after one day, needed three more days to be able to move around.I think you should take a look at

"Why did this happen to me? Last time I felt nothing like this!" she complained while moving with legs distanced away from each other, walking in a weird and funny way.

"Call it luck," William laughed, but didn't say or explain anything to her. The last time she came here, she was at the pinnacle stage of this world, and wasn't as weak as she was today.

Not to mansion monsters were blessed with their physical bodies, not as weak as humans. She was just suffering what being a human meant. And she had to get used to this as she'd continue her life as a human.

"Hahaha, I'm intrigued to take a recording crystal out right now, hahahaha!" Berry pointed at Karoline, laughing and venting out all the frustration built up by the latter's naive and annoying actions with William.

"Stop it! I'm hurt and struggling to walk and you laugh!" Karoline acted like how a six years old little girl would, and that made everyone, including William, laugh again.

"I said stop it!" she shouted, and this time they didn't laugh. It wasn't because she was greatly annoyed, but because her shout caused something in the grand space they were walking in.

The place wasn't filled with anything but bones and dried up vegetation. There wasn't a single living thing where their eyes would reach. And all they could do was walk around, hope to find anyone or anything alive to get any clue from.

The sky was dimly lit and filled with a weird layer of brown dust. There wasn't any sun, any star, or any moon at day or night.

Yet when Karoline shouted, the brown dust gathered up at the high altitude changed. It seemed as if someone punched it using a fist or something, created a hole, void of any dust, clearing out the space lying behind.

They spotted no stars, no space, no blueness of the sky or anything there except for pitch blackness. This black colour was familiar, as it was the same as the one that grabbed them here in the first place.

"Watch out!" seeing this hole appearing and blackness coming up from behind, William instantly shouted. Yet his shout didn't last before everyone felt a brutal sucking force grabbing them, moving them quite fast towards the sky as if they were flying.

Before they'd realise what was going on, they were pulled the same way they got dragged here with. They ended up falling into another similar space, while feeling the same achiness and tiredness.

"No shouting, do you get me?" After a day of training, Ibra was the first to express his dissatisfaction with what they experienced thanks to Karoline. Yet the latter seemed to not bother with him or others, simply closed her eyes and regulated her breathing.

"Tsk! I thought we got one annoying person in the team, to end up having two, tsk!" he was speaking about William, and the latter just chuckled and said nothing.

Yet he was more interested in the mechanism of what happened to them. He thought the centre of each black hole formed of a single space, but it seemed this wasn't the case.

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