Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 884 Let There Be Light!

Right now, William was glad they sent these monsters over. He'd reshape the entire mountain using his arrows and grenades without feeling a single speck of regret about his actions.

He'd dig deeply into this colossal mountain's body, make a deep hole, enough to place the heart in the middle and get it surrounded totally with rocks.

Like this, the heart would be part of the mountain, part of the entire mountainous series. And on top of that, he'd kill the incoming monster army without even suffering a single scratch!

This was what a perfect plan would look in his eyes.

The monster army didn't take more than an hour to arrive. He waited and didn't hurry to start his attack. The mountain was on his side, with all of its tough surface and irregular terrain.

He let the monsters try to climb, struggling to level up through the hard terrain. They weren't humans, weren't small sized and agile. Even the agile and fast-moving ones found it hard to climb up. They had huge bodies, and they didn't have any weapons or gears to help them climb up fast.

So, William took his time in finalising the metallic heart, while monsters didn't even reach halfway through the mountain. They took many hours, enough for any reinforcements Sloth would ask for would show up here.

In fact, they arrived a couple of hours ago but didn't proceed to attack or anything. Sloth already warned them against this, and they waited on the side till the attack of William would start.

They wouldn't be the main hit force this time, would just lay low and wait until monsters would lose their focus and start running in the middle of the falling rocks and snow. Then they'd hunt down the strongest monsters first, before wiping the rest out.

Doing this was the best plan they came up with, the same thing that William wanted them to do actually.

"It's time!" As he finished making the heart, he laid it down on the ground and examined it for a few minutes to make sure everything was right. It wasn't perfectly made in his eyes, but it was passable.

The heart came in the size of the mould he created, looked pretty heavy but it wasn't actually like that. The secret was in the nature of materials used in forging it.

It was crystal white in colour, with many parts that looked transparent. It gave the impression of a grand gathering of many bubbles inside it, and William knew this would all change the moment it started absorbing spirit power.

After he checked everything, he didn't forget to run a test and see if the heart would absorb spirit power from the world around or not. The test was a success, even when the absorption rate was very low. After all, trying to gather spirit power from the world was something that would take a long time and lots of patience.

William then shifted his gaze towards the mountain and monsters climbing it. They are already halfway through. Despite the hard surface, they were steadily advancing towards the peak.

"Die!" William didn't hesitate to take out his bow and started launching a dense number of arrows with grenades. The peak looked as if it was raining black droplets of water, soon turning to fierce explosions that covered most of the mountain's lower half.

The ground trembled and the mountain started to get shaken violently. Lots of rocks and ice began to fall, alongside torrents of fiery rocks that arched in the air, leaving behind long trails of smoke.

The scene was something that many masters standing far away on the ground found fascinating. "This kid knows how to throw a party, hahahaha!" Sloth couldn't help but laugh out of happiness and pride. For a reason, he felt what William was doing here was related to his kingdom. After all, William was still a citizen of the kingdom.

The barrage of attacks kept landing over the heads of monsters for almost an hour. William never stopped what he was doing, didn't even try to see what results his attacks brought.

He knew even if the mountain was sturdy and strong, it wasn't enough to stop the devastation brought by his explosive arrows and grenades.

He kept attacking until the mountain looked like part of a living hell down below. There were rivers of fire, running amok down below, releasing thick bellows of black smoke that rose very high in the air.

The monster army on the surface of the mountain tried to resist the incoming attacks for ten minutes. Yet when the fiery rocks started to grow intensively in number, they started to grow panicked.I think you should take a look at

Even the strong and formidable ones started to run away with their tails in their jaws after half an hour. It was impossible to stand against the force of nature falling over their heads.

If it was just William's arrows and grenades, then things wouldn't have been this bad. Yet William's attack started something, one that wasn't any weaker than a mighty avalanche.

And it was an avalanche filled with hellish fire, falling massive rocks and snow. The entire army started to disband in disarray, running everywhere, looking for safety.

"It's our time to shine," one of the masters said in excitement, one that everyone around him felt, "let's show this boy how the old folks like us can fight much better than him!"

"Well said!" more started to yell as they ran towards the rapidly fleeing monsters. Even if there were many strong and scary monsters out there, they didn't pose a threat anymore thanks to William.

They were running for their lives, trying to get as far away from the mountain and fountain of fiery death as possible. So, when the small group of masters appeared, not a single monster cared about them and kept running.

Few managed to escape, with bodies filled with scars and wounds. The attack that William started didn't just stop at the mountain base but extended to cover kilometres away thanks to the falling rocks.

William watched all this from his high point, without feeling anything at all. He expected such a result and knew Sloth and masters he asked for their help down there wouldn't let this chance slip by.

After one hour, he stopped what he was doing, turned to look at the burning and destroyed mountain. "I hope a suitable hole appears down there," he wasn't crazy to go down there and inspect things on his own.

As for waiting for the fire to die down, it'd take long days to do so. He didn't hesitate and grabbed the light heart, before throwing it like it was nothing of value off the top of the mountain.

He threw it towards the burning body of the mountain, watched it vanish in the middle of the thick clouds of smoke and the blazing fire. He didn't look down there for too long, and hoped fate and luck would be on his side.

"It's time to start our counterattack," as he finished doing all this, he took Sloth's scroll out and spoke directly to it.

A faded shadow appeared after a few minutes, with a vague silhouette of Sloth. He nodded before saying: "The army is ready, they are close by. And the team managing the formation is also ready."

"Let the army proceed forward," William paused, "I will start activating my formation in ten minutes. Let the team back there stand in the allocated positions I marked before and wait for the ground to shine bright red before releasing their spirit power."

"They know what to do, how are you going to get down?" Sloth was worried over William. And he got the right to feel so. The mountain wasn't now a place that anyone or anything could traverse. And the fire out there would take long days to cool off.

"I won't go down right now, there is no need for me to do so," William shrugged, "I'm leaving the issue of crushing the army of monsters and dark masters up to you and the army."

"Ok," Sloth wanted to argue with him, but as he lacked any idea about how to solve this, he remained silent.

William didn't really need to go down at any time soon. He had to stay up there and control the formation at the Black Holes, keep managing things from his spot. The battle would last for longer than a week in his best estimates, and so there wasn't a need for him to go anywhere right now.

As he finished speaking with Sloth, he started to take many materials out, letting his two monstrous weapons dig a few holes for him. When he finished, a grand gathering of eleven stars, each was formed of five heads, appeared on the ground.

The holes marked the heads of these stars, and he stood in the middle, surrounded with lots of elixirs. There were few of the spirit regeneration elixirs, but too much of healing elixirs.

"Let's hope I'll survive this," he took a deep breath when ten minutes passed, closed his eyes, before slowly muttering: "let there be light!"

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