Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 833 The White World!

As William walked, he found out that the layer of mist covering up the ground wasn't solid or attached fixedly there. When he walked, he felt like he was stirring the fog around, ending up creating whirlpools of white mist around his feet, creating a weird looking trail behind, one that extended for long kilometres behind.

William started to grow used to how calm and serene this place looked like. When he walked for an entire day, he couldn't help but start examining his spirit.

"I got no increase in my spirit power, but the spirit fusion… It seems like it progressed smoothly than before…"

Before, the snake spirit was less than five percent merging with his fox. But right now, the merge went close up to twenty percent.

This appeared clearly on his spirit body shape. The snake parts weren't just limited to his long neck and few changes at his back. His body showed a weird lustre that looked like it was a coat or something. Not to mention there were two weird fangs coming out from his shoulders, moving around as if they were going to devour anything they touch and crush it using brute force, kill it using corrosive power.

This was new. In addition to this, the snake tail that was present before was gone, replaced with a short thick tail, ending up with something globular that had small needles coming out from it.

He didn't know what the use of this thing was, and yet he didn't have any target around to test his new body on.

William didn't intend to rest, not until he'd figure out where he was. His best guess was that the thunderstorm with lightning was the outer coat, a layer that enveloped this heaven like place, protecting it from any outsider.

"Hello… Anybody there?" William kept shouting from time to time. He first did it just to check if there were any sleeping monsters or enemies around. But later on, he loved how his voice echo looked, and kept repeatedly shouting to hear it.

"Who are you? How come you are here?"

Just in the middle of doing his new habit, an alien voice came like a soft ether was playing nearby or something.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" William turned around, but he couldn't see anything at all. The voice he heard was so soft, echoing in a beautiful and mesmerising way, as if it came from far away.

"Why are you shouting? I'm trying to have a nice nap here."

"A nice nap?!" William was surprised by what this lady said. He didn't see her yet, but he was sure she was indeed a beauty.

"Yes, that's what happens to someone like me."

"Who are you?" William was now feeling more interested in meeting the owner of this voice.

"Hush, lower your voice, I said I want to sleep."

"I'm not shouting anymore!" William was speaking like he was whispering to himself. And yet the lady kept complaining about his loud voice regardless.

"Ok, ok, I won't speak anymore. But where are you? I want to come and sleep with you."I think you should take a look at

"Bad human! Who told you monsters are the type of free goods?!!"


William didn't know why she got such an impression from his words, but as he jumped over his surprise, he realised something.

"You… You are a monster?" he wanted to confirm what she just exposed right now.

"Yes! Don't tell me you are one of those vulgar racist, the ones called masters," and when the lady monster said these words, he couldn't help but blink twice.

He looked at himself, and then he knew why she acted in this way towards him. She mistook him as a monster, just one of her kin.

"I'm just curious to see the beauty of my lady," he instantly changed his attitude and spoke as if he was a monster, "my lady seems to be something grand and mighty, something I aspire to reach one day."

"Keep dreaming, humph! I took a million years to reach this stage, not like the few tens of years someone like you lived!"

The tone of this lady showed how haughty and arrogant she was. She did indeed think that William was a monster, and she gouged his age from the sheer size and shape of his.

"Forgive my rudeness, but I want to take a peek at you, and maybe get a glimpse of what my distant future will be like. I came all the way here thanks to my lady's fine reputation."

He thought of anything that would convince her to let him meet her. He was curious, what type of monster who'd stay in such a highly dangerous place, ending up speaking so perfectly fine like a human?

"Hmm… You managed to pass through my outer shell, and that means you have something unique in you…" she paused, as if she was really going to get convinced with the bullshit he just made up, "but there is no need for you to beg to see me. You are already inside me."

"W… What does that mean?!" William tried to not think dirty but couldn't find any explanation to her weird words.

"Oh, you don't know what I'm experiencing then? That's expected… Someone like you is considered pretty low to know such sacred stuff. Let me tell you then, come, move forward and I'll take you to my private opening."


"Just walk forward, I'll guide you with my fluid…"

"Stop it, I'll move forward now!" William interrupted her and started to walk. He didn't know why but this monster lady was acting horny in her words without even intending to, "tell me, where is all the lightning and the thunderstorm? Where is all the fog?"

As he started walking, he saw a faint streak of white fog that gathered together, forming a path that was like a running white river. He didn't dare to walk over it, and simply walked by its side.

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