Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 813 The Cities Masters Are Here

This attracted the curious senses of the masters at first. But later on, they started to drop their attempts to break through William's arrays and see what he was doing.

Every single time William went inside, he'd come out with many scrolls, having lots of useful information. "This is your share according to the contract," he said these words every single time he came out and handed these scrolls over.

He didn't need to make the use of any of his knowledge about the outer world. There was lots of useful intel inside the scrolls related to the outer world, alongside much bullshit as well.

William even stopped reading scrolls related to the outer world issues after the first week passed. He got enough scrolls and data to satisfy the needs of the city owners for months.

Starting from here, he only focused on reading and writing down scrolls related to the spirit world and the Mystic Arts. he didn't have time to sort things out, but eventually he started to grasp a general image about these two mysterious worlds.

The scrolls spoke about various things about these two worlds, including the history and current situations at the time of writing these scrolls down. William read through tons of scrolls speaking about unrelated things and events, reading incomplete scrolls most of the time.

But gradually he started to see a long and connected line, describing the long and rich history of both worlds. What shocked him was that the Mystic Arts didn't originate from humans, not monsters, and definitely not by spirits.

One scroll mentioned higher beings, ones who lived in an ancient and higher realm, one that he never heard about before: the God Realm.

"Do gods exist?" he had to question himself from the moment he read these scrolls. As he didn't have any clue about what this scroll spoke about, he hoped to find other scrolls speaking about the same beings. And yet, after going through everything stored inside the library, he didn't find another scroll mentioning this matter.

As for the spirit world, he also found a scroll speaking about such a thing. Yet it was a more detailed one, which spoke about how spirits were beings who didn't originate from this world and came from a much higher one.

William could partially understand this scroll better thanks to his old talk with the black fox. The latter mentioned the desire of spirits to break through the shackles of this world and go to another one.

William knew that there was another higher realm, one that no one ever managed to sniff the gate towards it. His old and archenemy, the nine-tailed fox, did all this just to level up and go to that realm. And William's task was to stop and kill it.

Yet he never took the matter of going towards a higher realm seriously before until now. Two different scrolls, speaking about two different and mysterious worlds, and the two mentioned the higher realm.

"It seems there is a way to level up," William never thought such a thing was possible. He even considered his archenemy as being a fool to chase such an impossible dream, "impossible is there for us to break it, right?"I think you should take a look at

He didn't think too much about this, not until he'd gained lots of other scrolls and hoped he'd stumble upon others speaking about the same matter.

Aside from this weird matter, he got to learn lots of stuff about these two worlds. The spirit world was indeed quite messy. The spirits acted the same as humans and monsters, with factions and powers fighting against each other, with different ideologies and viewpoints.

The scrolls didn't mention clearly what the clash and difference in points of view there were. Yet William already had an idea about this from the black fox.

It was all related to humans and monsters, about giving their support to whom. As for the Mystic Arts world, William learnt that there were two sides of the same coin as well.

The side he met and learnt about before was the good one. The scrolls spoke about masters gathering up and learning how to stabilise the world, protect the sacred world of fate and destiny from any intervention or manipulation.

According to these scrolls, such a thing was a mission given to these humans by gods. As for the other side, they were like dark masters.

William already suspected the presence of dark Cults, and these scrolls just proved their existence. The scrolls didn't come from one source, and so he met with many speaking about dark ways to manipulate fate and destiny.

In fact, the ways he read before about how to allow anyone without the right affinity to use these arts belonged initially to the dark side. Yet William didn't care about that. As long as he'd get the benefits he wanted, he was willing to learn these.

Yet when he read through the scrolls and finished the entire library, he didn't find a complete guide for these ways. "Perhaps I forgot lots of information during my stay here… I need time to rest and organise all this harvest…"

He thought to himself while walking out from the library for the first time for two months ago. And as he went outside, he found Fonda waiting for him.

She was the one dealing mainly with him from the leader circle of the royal family. In the first week, she came and told him that they already prepared the pocket world for him. And by the first month, she came and delivered more great news.

"Up till now, twenty-three cities already accepted your condition and are sending their secretive scrolls towards here," she said with a big smile, one that made William question the reason behind her happiness.

The return for such help wasn't that great for the city, at least they'd gain lots of knowledge and privilege in the world, something that was going to happen far in the future.

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