Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 797 Becoming Powerful For No Reason!

This shocked William for many reasons. First, he crossed lots of distance until arriving here. Then it was the time issue.

He didn't know what date today was, what month or year. But from the words of these masters, he knew they spent more than what they felt.

They spoke as if the Hot Snow area lasted for days here. And that meant it moved from the place they entered from to here, taking days, even weeks in doing so.

He knew the reason behind its sudden disappearance was for him to pass through the exit. However, the process that seemed to take a few minutes took long hours in the real world.

William knew they noticed the shock on his face, and he explained this by saying he was scared to end up in that terrifying place. They bought his words, especially with his younger appearance and look.

William knew this sentry tower was a warning system laid out by the city. It wasn't the only one, and they all worked on watching the area for tens of kilometres, alarming the city of any gathering of monsters nearby.

They didn't escort him just to make sure he wouldn't lose his way, but to also relay the news about the presence of newly gathered monsters nearby. He knew his lie would be exposed by then, and yet he never showed any nervousness on his face.

He knew it would look suspicious when the city's strong masters would find nothing at the place he'd point towards. And yet monsters were famous for their continuous movement.

By the time the masters wouldn't find anything in a grand area around the city, and that was unlikely as monsters used to roam around cities and towns, then he'd be gone from here.

He came here to visit the grand library, then he'd return back from where he came from. He crossed lots of distance, ending up luckily at the place he wanted to be. And yet he felt like he wasted more time than what it was supposed to take if he came here normally.

"Time to see what's wrong with everything," William finally got into a room inside the city. It was indeed a big and bustling city, not anyway smaller than the Novistic kingdom's capital.

The masters who accompanied him left him in this building, which was three storey one, with a small garden around. They left to notify the higher ups about the news of monsters lurking around the city, and that gave him time to check on various things.

The first thing he did was to examine Angelica. She was fine, only losing his consciousness, nothing serious in his eyes.

Then he started to examine his spirit. "Wow! I gained one more thousand spirit power point out of nowhere!!!" he was shocked to discover this, and that wasn't the only surprise he got from the spirit crystal he held in his hand.

His spirit power was pale gold in colour, looking like fine gold dust scattered inside the crystal. Yet now it changed, with weird black particles appearing in there.

He counted every single speck inside using his spirit sense, and he realised that the additional one thousand spirit points came from these black particles.

"Where did they come from?" This was the main question he had in mind. He knew they weren't part of his spirit power, and yet they merged perfectly with his spirit, taking the shape of a fox.

It wasn't a perfect fox now, as there were lots of signs of a snake as well. William got an answer for one of his questions, the one related to the fate of the snake spirit after it woke up and merged with his fox.

It seemed the merge was going on smoothly without much issue. He didn't do anything at all, didn't even find anyone to read the message left over his back for him by the black fox. And yet seeing this happening was good news, the only one he got.

When he saw the black dots at first, he linked it to the seal that he suffered from. Yet when he looked closer, he found fine shackles appearing around the spirit power dots, seemingly limiting them or something.

That meant whatever these black dots were, they didn't originate from the seal. Not to mention his spirit power got a boost, something that such a seal wouldn't provide.

One thousand spirit power wasn't a small amount, and he knew that. He'd consume hundreds, even thousands of this world's monster cores to get such an increase. And yet it happened without the need to do or devour anything.

He didn't know that the source of these black spirit particles came from the portal he passed through. When he struggled back there, he ended up absorbing lots of spirit power in that portal.

That portal was made entirely out of pure black spirit power, so high and dense that just staying there for a few minutes was enough to raise up his spirit power by an entire thousand points.

So even after spending hours in examining, running many tests, he ended up with nothing. This power seemed to merge fully with his and wasn't doing anything bad so far. Yet he couldn't help but wait for the moment when he'd remove this seal and see if it'd impact his spirit body or not.

He then turned his attention towards the seal he had. He tried before to break it, but that was when he was in the middle of the forest. He didn't have much time to test everything. And so, he started to use the entire house he was in, laid out formations to break the seal.

Yet the seal proved to be really stubborn. The most he did was to lessen its effects, enabling him to summon just one tail. Even with doing this, he had to exert lots of spirit power, almost two thirds of his, and the transformation wouldn't last for more than one minute.

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