Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 765 Walking Through The Wind

"A service it is then," William paused, thinking about the value of such a word.

"I'm not bragging or something, but you aren't just speaking to anyone. I'm the crown princess of the kingdom, the one who is destined to rule it in the future."

"I see," William thought about this for a few minutes before deciding, "I'll help you this time, and you owe me a service one day… Plus a privilege to get one piece of land here as a gift, and the permission to purchase lands at the capital and all the cities and big towns that belong to it."

Anjie's face changed a little, wanting to ask why he wanted such a thing. And when she recalled his identity, the leader of a guild, something that was like an impact in her eyes, she knew why he asked for this.

"Got it," she waited for the next wind to blow before adding while giving him a ring, "this is your call, walk out when the wind blows. Make sure to use the things inside the ring to protect yourself and your team."

"They aren't going to come with me," William suddenly turned to Alfred, "you'll wait here."

"But we can help…"

"I need you to scan other places," William moved his eyes around, and Alfred got what he wanted to convey. He wanted to investigate not only the tunnels and fog, not the weird pocket world lying behind the walls, not even the toxin and wind.

William still felt how bizarre the entire situation was. And so he wanted them to see the fate and destiny of everyone here. He felt like there were dirty fingerprints behind what happened to the kingdom's king, and whoever did this wouldn't let Anjie come and seek to solve this crisis without sending his people here to watch over her.

Alfred didn't get all this of course, but he knew what William wanted from them. He looked at the masters surrounding Anjie and felt this task was going to be a bit challenging, "I'll make sure to use formations to support you and open a path for you to return back."

"You can do this?!!" Anjie was surprised to hear this. Alfred was a real prodigy, and he thought about the best excuse he could provide to mask any intervention or unwanted questions from anyone here.

"He has a space spirit and element, plus unique technique that can do what he just said," William chimed in, completing the lie Alfred came up with.

"I see… So why won't he open a crack there and let us get everyone out?" Anjie was anxious and worried about her mentor, and that made her slip by and act in such impatience.

This didn't escape William's keen eyes, and he linked this with the mentor she spoke about. "He can't do it unless I'm there," William rolled his eyes before adding, "don't rush things up. Wait until I send you a signal and then act."

"Can he connect with you while being inside a pocket world?!" This time one of the old masters surrounding Anjie spoke in surprise. And when William and Alfred both nodded in agreement, he and other masters felt more admiration towards Alfred.

"I see," Anjie paused, "check the content of the ring. We made potions and elixirs to counter any toxic effect you'll face inside that world."

"Ok," William gave Alfred a last glance, before turning to Anjie and added, "he has to work and activate the formation all the time. Please make a space for him to work, and don't disturb him."

"Sure," she nodded, while she and other masters decided to watch Alfred and track what he was going to do.

William then waited for another wind to blow, then he stepped towards the outside. The fog was protecting those inside from the wind, and the moment he walked through, he felt like his body was sucked by irresistible force.

At this moment, he didn't hesitate to activate his spirit. He was covered with a fierce gale of wind and couldn't see his shape right now. His spirit sense once released got instantly crushed, and he even felt pain from this, so he stopped using it.

He didn't see that he activated not only one spirit, but two. The toxin in the wind seemed to stir the acting dormant snake spirit, ending up waking it up and forcing it to show up.

William was feeling a bit weird. The wind wasn't just fierce, but it had some sort of numbing and illusional effects that he tried to resist using his spirit power.

He didn't know how long he kept dragging like this, but he knew this wasn't a normal way to enter a pocket world. "This world must be on the verge of collapsing," he reached this realisation just before all the suction force vanished and he felt a solid thing under his feet.

When he looked around, he still found the fierce wind surrounding himself. Just as he used his spirit sense, he saw the weird shape of his spirit body.

His body was made of the fox, but his neck was long as if it was a snake. His tails had a fourth one, one that looked like a spear, ending sharply with some sort of solid and dangerous looking needle made out of white bones.

"This…" he was startled the moment he saw this, yet he didn't have time to think about anything. The moment he released his spirit sense, he felt like it hit a wall surrounding him.

"There are other masters here," William knew the walls his spirit sense hit wasn't real. Spirit sense was a formless form of power, one that couldn't be blocked except with far stronger and more hostile spirit senses.


Yet before he'd find anything useful about the owners of these spirit senses, he heard many roars coming from multiple directions. "This…" he was startled by this as the directions these roars came from matched the origins of the spirit senses he just detected, "don't tell me they are monsters and not masters!!"

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