Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 292 Disappointed.(2)

Chapter 292  Disappointed.(2)

This wasn't what he wanted at all, he wanted something that would lead to the both of them having sex...that's why he wanted the conversation to end.

But there was nothing he could do about it, as far as the conversation was to keep going, then it would keep going...he can't cut her short.

..Cutting her short would mean disrespecting her, not being interested in the conversation, and that could ruin some things.

"That means the both of us would soon be out of school, we'd soon be graduates. Wow! It's been a journey". Cara uttered shaking her head a little.

She was remembering how she's been moving from class to class until she got to this point...from a little kid to a teenager, it's been a journey.

She glanced at Aiden once again and uttered, "So, there's this question I want to ask you".

Normally, this is what Aiden had in mind to say, 'If it's concerning the both of us having sex, then ask. But if it isn't, then don't ask'.

..Yes, that's what he'd like to say, but he can't say that.

This is what he said instead, "Go on".

Cara threw the question immediately, "Do you have the mana core in you? Do you possess an ability?".

A little smile appeared on Aiden's face as he nodded his head a little while answering, "Yes, I possess an ability".

"What ability?". Cara inquired again.

"The fire affinity, I'm an S-rank bender".

Cara nodded her head a little as she uttered, "That's nice".

After saying that, she threw another question at him, "Do you possess any of the minor abilities?".


She nodded her head once again, then Aiden threw the same question at her, "What of you? Do you possess an ability?".

..Now, Aiden already knew she possessed an ability by checking out her status in the past.

Checking out her status was among the first thing he did after she was given to him as a quest. He knew she possessed an ability and also knew the ability she possessed.

But he just wanted to ask since she asked, let the conversation keep going though he wasn't really interested in it.

"Yes, I possess an ability". Cara responded.

"Which one?".

"I'm an F-rank bender, I possess the earth affinity".

..Yes, she possesses the same affinity as Oliver, Aiden had confirmed this days ago.

"Do you possess any of the minor abilities?". Aiden inquired once again.

"No, I don't".

"We are just the same then, we both possess an affinity each but don't possess any of the minor abilities...we're compatible". Aiden said.

"Compatible for what?". Cara inquired.

'To have sex'.

Yes, that's exactly what Aiden wanted to say, but he can't. This is what he said instead,

"To be friends, to keep being friends".

"Oh!". Cara uttered nodding her head a little.

But you know what? She was actually wishing Aiden said what he had in mind though she didn't know what was in his mind.

She wished he said, 'Compatible to have sex'. As known, she wanted him, she wanted to get down with him, but her ego wasn't allowing her say it.

Aiden knew she wanted him...but she didn't know if Aiden wanted to have sex with her or not. Now, she didn't want to present herself as too cheap by requesting sex from Aiden.

The both of them conversed about other things, they bonded more, but we all know what Aiden wanted. He wanted to ask her if she was gonna go to any of the academies specialized in training benders after she graduates from school, but he decided not to ask her due to some reasons.

..Time was passing, and Aiden wasn't achieving what he wanted.

The discussion between them was going okay...but when you have something else to accomplish apart from the conversation, you wouldn't still feel satisfied.

That's exactly what was happening to Aiden, the conversation between him and Cara was beautiful...but his main purpose was to f**k her and accomplish the quest.

And time was counting, he has 5 days remaining to conquer her as he's already achieved the seduction part...once tomorrow reaches, he'd have 4 days remaining.

"So, umm, Aiden, there's something I want to tell you". Cara uttered to Aiden.

Aiden's face lightened up a little the moment he heard that statement, seems like she finally wants to make her request.

"What is it?". Aiden inquired.

"So, do you plan on becoming a warrior? Would you go to any of the academies specialized in training benders?".

..Disappointment, yes, that's what Aiden felt at that moment.

It even showed on his face, but he quickly removed it, he shook it off. This was something he wanted to ask her while they were discussing, but he ended up not asking her due to certain reasons.

..And now, she was the one asking him? When would she say what she f**king wanted?

Now, this wasn't what Cara wanted to say, she didn't plan on asking that question. She mustered up a little courage and decided she was finally gonna tell Aiden what she wanted.

But just as she glanced into Aiden's eyes and was about to say it, that spirit held her back again and she ended up asking a question she didn't plan on asking.

Would Aiden reply to the question? Yes, he has no choice, he has to keep playing along.

"Yes, I plan on becoming a warrior, I plan on going to an academy specialized in training benders. My parents are fully aware of this, I've discussed it with them, and they're very happy with me,

I want to learn to make use of my fire affinity properly, I want to learn martial arts and all that. I want to be able to defend myself whenever I come across danger. So yes, I want to become a warrior".

Cara nodded her head as she voiced out, "That's nice".

Aiden threw the same question at her, "What of you? Do you plan on becoming a warrior? I mean, there are female warriors".

"I'm not sure, I haven't decided yet, I'm still confused. Maybe in the next few months, I'd be able to decide". Cara responded.

"But what does your father want? Does he want you to become a warrior?".

"None, he's always like, make your own decisions. If I want to become a warrior, he'd support me, if I don't want to, he'd also support me".

..That wasn't the case with Aiden's father, he wanted one of his family members to become a warrior.

If Aiden didn't awaken a power element or his decision was that he wasn't gonna become a warrior, Ethan would have been very disappointed. So he and Cara were in two different worlds when it comes to this situation.

"Your dad possesses an ability, right?". Aiden threw another question.

"Yes". Cara responded.

"But he isn't a warrior".

"At all, nowhere close".

Aiden nodded his know, this was a nice conversation, a beautiful one. But it would have been more beautiful if Aiden wasn't expecting something else.

It would have been more beautiful if the both of them didn't want to eat each other up. It doesn't seem like Cara was gonna be saying what she wanted anytime soon, and time was passing.

..Yes, it wouldn't happen so easily, he knew how long it took Lucia to finally approach him and tell him what she wanted.

He wasn't expecting it to be easy with Cara because she was even a tough one to seduce. But as said, time was passing, there was no time to waste.

So at this moment, he was considering activating the rod increase again. Yes, the rod increase was what made her begin thirsting for him in the first place.

He activated the irresistible fragrance minutes ago, it wouldn't be a bad idea to activate the rod increase now. These activations were taking skill points, but that doesn't matter since he was activating them for important reasons.

..Maybe when she sets eyes on the big cock again, she wouldn't be able to hold back from saying what she wanted anymore.

Just as Aiden was about to say 'Activate rod increase' in his mind, a knock was heard on the door. Fear gripped Aiden at that moment, that could be her father.

Cara glanced at Aiden's face and noticed the fear immediately, and this was what Aiden said to her,

"That could be your father".

"Even if it is him, nothing would happen, we aren't doing anything wrong".

The knock resounded on the door again, and a kind of expression appeared on Cara's face like she's discerned something. She uttered...

"I don't think that is my father. My father wouldn't knock on the door, he'd just enter, I mean, this is his house".



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