Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.

Chapter 263 -263

Inside the Denver House...

The great mother's room...

Ren sat on the sofa, his face clouded with a grim expression, gazing down in shame.

The great mother stood near the window, peering outside with a disappointed look etched on her face.

"I can't comprehend... Why do you refuse to assume leadership of the Denver Household? Wasn't this your lifelong aspiration? And now you're rejecting it?

If you take over the reins, the house won't remain under Anon's dominion," the great mother voiced, directing her gaze at Ren.

"I-I just can't be the house leader... Mother, you have to understand..." Ren's voice wavered, his legs shaking rapidly.

'Mother, how can I explain this to you? I'm also his slave, and I became one before you. If I ascend as the Denver house leader, it won't impact our status. We will still be Anon's slave and it will just damage our status even more.' Ren ruminated while nervously biting his nails.

"Sweetheart, what's the matter? You can confide in your mother. I'm here for you," the great mother offered, taking a seat beside Ren and gently holding his hand.

"Mother... It's just that... I don't feel entirely prepared for this responsibility," Ren confessed hesitantly, looking up at the great mother.

"Dear, you can't be more ready for this role. Say yes, and I'll crown you as the family leader instantly," the great mother insisted.

"No, mother. I can't lead the Denver house, and I implore you not to push me," Ren pleaded.

"Why the hesitation? What's preventing you from becoming the Denver house leader? Don't you desire to liberate our house from Anon's control?" The great mother's voice escalated as she rose from the sofa.

In that moment, Ren lost his composure, erupting, "Mother, can't you see I'm saying no for a valid reason? There must be a good reason behind my decision, right?"

"Then share that reason with me, son. I'd love to know what's stopping you from leading our house. Tell me," the great mother demanded.

"It's him."

"Who's 'him'?" She inquired, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"It's Anon; I'm his slave too," Ren admitted, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

An instant hush enveloped the room.

"WHAAAAATTTTT? When did this happen? When did he abduct you?" The great mother yelled, reaching out to touch Ren.

"When we participated in the Kingdom's Night Run, he captured me in the woods," Ren recounted.

"Huh...? But you won that race; you came in first during the Kingdom's Night Run," the great mother puzzled.

"That wasn't me, mother. It was Anon. He used some sort of mask to mimic me and clinch the victory.

He imprisoned me in his basement for a week with the third daughter of the Dragon House, Silk," Ren explained.

"That... Anon. How dare he lay hands on my sweet child. I'll kill him—Ahhhhhhhh my head, my head, it's throbbing like mad." The great mother crumpled to her knees, clutching her head in immense pain.

"M-Mother... Are you alright?" Ren inquired.

"No, I'm not. My head's pounding; can't you see?" She snapped at Ren, her anger evident.

"Mother, you need to stop harboring ill thoughts about Anon; otherwise, this pain will persist," Ren advised.I think you should take a look at

"Okay... Okay... Anon is a fine person, I like him. He's my master," she repeated in succession as she rose from the floor.

"Becoming the Denver house leader won't alter the situation much, mother. We'll still remain subservient to him," Ren explained, helping the great mother onto the sofa.

"Damn it, he's doomed us. We're now beholden to him, and every other house is aware. They'll mock us till the end. What are we going to do?" The great mother lamented, grabbing her head.

"Mother, I don't think we have any other recourse," Ren lamented.

"No, there is an alternative," the great mother declared, gazing at Ren with newfound hope.

"What is it, mother?" Ren inquired.

"If you have a child, I can announce him as the house leader," the great mother revealed, a smile gracing her lips.

"But... I have to be married for that, and—wait, are you suggesting I marry a random girl and father a child solely to free the Denver house?" Ren questioned.

"Yes, that's my plan now, and you won't marry just anyone; she's a 6-star noblewoman from a prominent house. I'll arrange your engagement tomorrow, and the wedding will take place two days after.

I want a child who can liberate us from this enslavement," the great mother elaborated, her eyes fixed on Ren.

"Mom, I can't wed a girl I've never met. I want to marry—" Ren tried to defend himself but he failed brutally.

"Enough. You'll wed the girl of my choice and father a male child who can lead this house without being subjected to servitude. Do you comprehend? We need him darling, or do you want your children to serve under Anon too ?" the great mother asserted with a furious expression.

Initially, Ren remained silent.

"I asked you a question. Do you understand?" the great mother reiterated.

"Y-Yes... Mother. I'll wed any girl you select, but she'll remain my concubine," Ren proclaimed.

"No problem, as long as you have a child with her. I don't care what you do with her afterward. Either kill her or keep her as a concubine or sell her to a whore house; my primary concern is having a grandson, you understand ?" the great mother instructed.

"Y-Yes." Ren replied as he didn't feel very good about this idea.

'What if he made my child his slave too ?' Ren wondered in his mind.

"Very well."

Knock-knock-knock Suddenly, a knocking echoed at the door.

"Come in," the great mother permitted.

"Ma'am, your carriage is prepared for your departure to Sir Anon's residence," a soldier informed, bowing.

"Don't address him as 'Sir'," the great mother retorted, her face contorted in anger.

"A-As you wish, ma'am." The soldier spoke with a feared expression as he immediately left.

"I'll take my leave now. Take care, son." The great mother exited the room.

[Author: You guys want a discord server ?]

[Will upload 5 chapters tomorrow.]

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