Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.

Chapter 253 -253

"Then it's decided. We're going to face the zombies again, and this time it's going to hit even harder. Brace yourselves, everyone, because this time I can't guarantee anyone in this room will return unscathed.

Say your goodbyes to your family members properly, if you think you will not be able to make it back this time.

Derein and I will attempt to contact the masked gentleman. The rest of you, gather your soldiers and prepare. We'll meet near the outskirts in 10 minutes. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I'll take my leave now." Arthur's commanding voice echoed as he and Derein exited the room.

Arthur strode down the hallway, Derein by his side.

"Do you have a way to contact him?" Arthur inquired with a sad expression.

"I do," Derein replied, her expression neutral.

"So, are you going to call him? Something seems off from your expression," Arthur prodded.

"It's just that when he left the camp, he gave me this crystal ball," Derein said, summoning the crystal ball into her hands.

"So, what's the issue?" Arthur asked.

"He told me to use it only when I'm in grave danger, as it's a one-time connection crystal," Derein explained.

"Don't tell me you're hesitating because you value your life more than the fate of the continent," Arthur stated.

"Well, that used to be the case before I reunited with you," Derein replied, looking at Arthur before planting a kiss on his lips.


"W-Wow... If only those damned zombies had attacked a few days later, I could've retired from the throne, and we could've enjoyed a peaceful life far away from all this chaos," Arthur mused.

"So, are you considering running away now?" Derein teased, a playful smile on her face.

"I don't think that's possible anymore. I'm the king of this continent, and I have a duty to protect it even if it costs me my life," Arthur said, his gaze serious as he looked into Derein's eyes.

"Well, that's why I love you. You never shirk your responsibilities. I'll contact him now," Derein said before giving Arthur another quick kiss.

"Thank you, Derein," Arthur said, giving her a nod as he walked away.

Derein injected her mana into the crystal ball and initiated contact with Anon.

"Hello?" Derein's voice projected through the crystal.

[Ah, Derein. How's everything, love?] Anon's voice resonated on the other end.

"I don't have time for pleasantries, Anon. I need your ogre army to fight for me, immediately," Derein's urgency was palpable.

[Darling, remember, everything comes at a price.]

"I don't care about the price. I'll give you whatever you want; just help Arthur," Derein pleaded desperately.

[Be careful with your words, Queen Derein. If you're saying 'anything,' it really means anything, doesn't it?] Anon's voice took on a playful tone.

"Yes, I'll give you anything that belongs to me. Please lend me your army, Anon," Derein implored.

[Then I'll hold you to that promise, Queen Derein. By the way, before I forget, who am I dealing with? Arthur's girlfriend, Derein, or Queen Derein?]

"Queen Derein," Derein responded firmly.

[Excellent, Queen Derein. My army will meet you near the outskirts. Farewell, and good luck.] Anon's voice disconnected.

The communication from Derein's side also ceased.I think you should take a look at

"Wait... How did he know that I needed his army near the outskirts?" Derein pondered aloud.

"Is he coming?" Arthur's voice suddenly cut through the air from behind her.

"Huh? Yeah, he's on his way," Derein replied with a smile.

In the underground city...

"Hahaha... Look at that, will you? Quite the deal I've made," Anon chuckled, stowing the crystal ball away in his inventory.

Anon stood within Biyuk's workshop.

"Master, it's ready," Biyuk announced, emerging from a room.

"Excellent. Keep it safe for now. We've got some guests coming, and I want them to witness the spectacle," Anon ordered.

"As you command, master," Biyuk acknowledged before retreating back into the room.

"Your majesty, I've brought them as instructed," a towering ogre entered the shop, immediately bowing on one knee.

Following him were Freya, Gia, Cherry, and Kia.

"Hello, ladies," Anon greeted them with a smirk.

Confused and awestruck, they gazed around the expansive surroundings, oblivious to the grand city lurking beneath their own homes.

"When did you construct all of this?" Kia asked, her eyes narrowing at Anon.

"I've been building it while I've been... busy with all of you," Anon quipped.

"Why have you brought us here, master?" Freya inquired.

"Ah, good question. You see, the old house was getting a bit... outdated. So, I decided to spruce things up a bit. You can rest in the house over there. It's fully equipped, and you'll find everything you need. Goodbye for now." Anon gestured for them to follow Ogre No.709, who led them inside the house.

"Time to put on a show and remind these bastards what the masked man is capable of," Anon muttered to himself as he exited the workshop.

"MASTER!" An urgent voice echoed through the air.

Anon turned toward the source and saw Sephie rushing toward him, her face etched with panic.

"Master, this isn't right," she gasped, breathless.

"What's the matter, Sephie? Something troubling you?" Anon's demeanor remained nonchalant as he lit a cigar.

"Master, what you're planning... it's dangerous. You could die," Sephie warned.

"Die? I have your troll locket. How could I possibly die?" Anon raised an eyebrow.

"Master, what you're about to attempt... it's beyond the capabilities of the troll locket," Sephie replied gravely.

"Sephie, my dear, life is a risk. Some risks are just bigger than others. But I'll take it," Anon declared, leaning in to steal a kiss from Sephie.

After he let go of sephie, he looked at her and spoke "You are a very good assistant, sephie. But i am not that easily breakable."

"Master, This thing is not possible in the first place. You will need a very good control over your mana to execute this plan. One mistake and you will see 7 heavens in one go.

I have to stop you from doing this master. Please, don't do this."

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