Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.

Chapter 229 -229

"So, the next question is for the girl with blue hair and blue eyes. What is your name, darling?" Anon asked.

"I am S-78."

"No, not that one. I am asking your real name," Anon clarified.


"Hmmm.... I don't like that name. Cut off one finger," Anon commanded.

"Wait, please. You can't do that. I didn't name myself. Please, Nooooooo...."


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...." She screamed louder than the guy with glasses.

"Shut up," Anon said, rubbing his ears and looking at the girl.

Upon hearing Anon's command, she immediately shut her mouth, no matter how much pain she was suffering.

"Look, guys, I don't have anything against any of you. I am not a savior of those who are lying, oh sorry, hanging dead inside that red room. I just needed the information at first, but when I looked at your faces, I felt this urge to torture you to the ends of hell. But I am not doing that, at least not yet. We are just playing a simple game."

"I will give you every single piece of information I have on me; let my partners go," the in-charge sitting in the last chair spoke.

"Oh my God, would you look at that? The in-charge lady is willing to reveal her dirty little secrets to save her partners, huh..?" Anon spoke with a smile, glancing at the lady.

"Well, let's see what you've got. Question number one: Who is your master?" Anon asked.

"We never met our master. We receive orders at the start of every month from someone through that communication crystal there," the in-charge lady replied, pointing towards a crystal on the table.

"Can you contact him right now?" Anon asked.

"No, it's a one-sided communication crystal. Only he can contact us," she explained.

"Well, that's sad, huh? What are your orders for this month?" Anon asked.

"We are ordered to produce 10,000 clones and 100,000 zombies by the end of this month, and we are supposed to give our reports every day, at the end of the day."

"To whom?" Anon asked.

"We don't know; we just put the reports on the dining table at 7 pm every day, and we are not allowed to go out until one hour has passed after that," she explained.

"Hmmm... So, what does he give you to do his work?" Anon inquired.

"This.." she said, pulling out a very small bottle filled with pink-colored liquid.

"Hmm...? What is this?"

"A drug," she said.

"A drug? You mass murder people and turn them into disgusting monsters for this pink liquid, huh..? That's interesting too."

"That's a very addictive drug. He roped us in with that drug."

"What do you mean, he roped you in? You said that you never saw him?" Anon asked, giving her a suspicious look.

"I was an alchemist and worked for the Adventurer's guild. I ate my food from this inn that was at the center of the city. One day I felt something strange about the food; it was tastier than usual, and I felt this strange joy after eating it.

I didn't knew that he was drugging my food until one day when he didn't.

I ate my food like every day, but my stomach didn't feel good. I thought it was something else until I started vomiting blood.

I asked the healers about it, but they didn't know what it was; no healing spells worked. I was continuously vomiting blood that night. When I came home, the window of my room was opened, and a crystal ball and a bottle of this liquid were on my table.

I didn't know what it was, but suddenly a voice started talking from the crystal ball. It sounded neither like a human nor like a beast; it was something else.

The voice said that if I drank the liquid in that bottle, I would be cured again.

I had no other way rather than giving it a try; I was dying anyway. So, I drank it, and it cured me. From then on, I need one dose of that thing every seven days, or I will die," the lady explained.

"...and you all need it?" Anon asked.

"Yes," she confirmed.

'Sephie, can you hear me?' Anon used <Psychic connection>.

'Yes, Master,' Sephie replied.

'There is this drug in my hand that seems rather unique; its color is pink, and it's very shiny. If not taken for 7 days, the victim starts to throw up blood. Do you know something about it?' Anon asked.

'Hmm...? A pink drug, you say? Let me check; my mother once told me about it, I think. It's made from an Incubus's Semen, I think, and yes, found it,' Sephie spoke.

'What is it?'

'Master, this drug is called 'Slave Drink.' It's made from an Incubus's Semen, and three doses are enough to make someone addicted to it. If given in excessive amounts for a fixed period of time, to a female human, it makes them vomit blood if not taken in 7 days,' Sephie explained.


'Anything else, Master?' Sephie asked.

'Yeah, can you make a cure for this shit?' Anon asked.

'The cure for this drug is simple, Master, but you have to get the Incubus from which it was made,' Sephie spoke.

'Hmmm... Just get the things ready. I will bring the Incubus,' Anon ordered.

'Yes, Master.'

"So, where did you say you ate your meals?" Anon asked, looking at the lady in-charge.

"At the center of the first ring, there is an inn named 'Gilbert's Inn.' That's where I used to eat my meals," she answered.

As Anon started thinking, his eyes fell on the guy with glasses.

"You, what drug do you take? Is it the same one?" Anon asked.

"No, Sob-Sob I take this one," he said, throwing another drug bottle towards Anon.

This time it was filled with shiny green liquid.

"Okay, this motherfucker really likes shiny colors, huh...?" Anon spoke as he looked at the green liquid with frustrated look.

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