Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.

Chapter 204 -204

The battlefield was a maelstrom of chaos and carnage, the human forces locked in a desperate struggle against the relentless tide of the undead. The weather was as fierce as the enemy, with dark clouds blanketing the sky, and rain pouring down in torrents. Yet, amidst the downpour, the warriors fought on, their resolve unyielding as they clashed with the horrors of the night.

Arthur and Grok, two of the mightiest fighters on the human side, lay grievously wounded. Despite the best efforts of skilled Healers, their conditions showed little sign of improvement. Grok demonstrated some resilience, but Arthur's injuries grew more severe with each passing moment.

Healers strained to maintain their pace, their hands glowing with healing magic as they tried to keep Arthur alive. However, it seemed like a fleeting effort against the odds. The relentless assault of the undead, led by the fearsome chimera zombie, continued unabated, its claws and fangs dealing deathly blows to the human forces.

Grok's injuries were being tended to, but it was apparent that he would take time to recover. Arthur, on the other hand, was fading, his life slipping away with every passing second.

Among the Healers attending to Arthur, Aeliana, a renowned Healer known for her mastery over restorative arts, had a determined look in her eyes. She refused to give in, channeling her energy into casting powerful healing spells on Arthur.

"I won't let you die, My King. Not today," she muttered under her breath, her hands emitting a warm, soothing glow.

Rain pounded the battlefield, and the ground was a quagmire of mud, making it even harder for the already weary human soldiers to maintain their footing. The undead, however, seemed unaffected, their relentless onslaught pushing the human forces to the brink of despair.

Every human soldier bitten by the zombies transformed into one of them within a mere ten minutes. Their numbers swelled at an alarming rate, with fallen human soldiers rising as new additions to the undead ranks.

Desperation settled over the battlefield like a shroud, sapping the morale of the human forces. Despite their courage and valor, the seemingly endless wave of undead threatened to crush their spirit.

Derein, a skilled archer and the queen of the human realm, fought alongside her loyal subjects with unwavering determination. Her arrows found their mark, and her keen eyes scanned the battlefield for any signs of weakness in the enemy's ranks.

But for every undead she took down, two more seemed to replace it. The zombie horde appeared to be inexhaustible, overwhelming the human forces with sheer numbers and brute force.


The first son of the martial house, known for his prowess with spiked gauntlets, unleashed a flurry of deadly thrusts, obliterating a group of zombies. Yet, the strain on his body was evident, sweat mingling with the rain as he pressed on, a red-hot determination burning in his eyes.

"When will this end?" he grunted, surveying the endless tide of zombies converging upon him.

The soldiers around him were equally exhausted, their weariness evident in the slumping of their shoulders. The undead proved to be relentless, requiring no rest or sustenance, an unyielding force of death that seemed unstoppable.

Only one noble house stood apart—the house of the undead nobility. These soldiers maintained their composure, armed with intelligence and strategy. But even they couldn't keep up this relentless pace forever, for their existence depended on the blood they required to maintain their undead forms.I think you should take a look at

The soldiers who lost their strength succumbed to death, while others, who witnessed the never-ending onslaught of the zombies, began to lose hope, resigning themselves to a grim fate.

"Soldiers, Don't die. Fight even if you are tired to death; giving up is not the answer on this battlefield. Fighting will keep you alive!" roared the leader of the Dragon House of Flames. He swung his enormous sword with astonishing speed, cutting down hordes of zombies in a display of unmatched ferocity.

With each swing, he wondered how long he could keep this up. His muscles screamed with fatigue, and yet he pressed on, unwilling to yield an inch to the undead menace.

Another martial house leader, known for his resilience and strength, crushed the skull of a zombie crawling on the ground, its upper half missing, yet refusing to die. "Damn! Humans at least stay down when cut in half, but these fuckers..." he growled.

Within this whirlwind of chaos, the Knight captain from the Alchemist family approached the martial house leader. "Sir, should we start it?" he inquired, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Not now," replied the martial house leader. "The formation is still far from what we need. Patience, my friend."

"Yes, sir, as you say," the Knight captain nodded.

Meanwhile, Queen Derein displayed remarkable archery skills, taking down zombies with deadly precision. Yet, even she could sense the tide turning against her forces. Her arrows seemed to be mere pinpricks in the vast sea of undead, as if the enemy's numbers were endless.

"Queen Derein, I need help!" one of Derein's knight captains called out, surrounded by zombies on all sides.

"Yes..." Derein replied, her voice calm yet urgent. She prepared her arrow rain skill, unleashing a devastating barrage that eliminated the surrounding zombies in seconds.

But despite her efforts, one of her knight captains fell, overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught. Derein gritted her teeth, a mixture of anger and sorrow surging within her.

"Shit," she whispered, accepting the loss but determined to help her remaining comrades.

As the battle raged on, the soldiers of the Denver house of justice exhibited remarkable combat prowess, their silver armors glimmering in the rain as they cut through the undead ranks with precision and speed. The rain washed away the blood from their armors, yet their determination remained unwavering.

These knights demonstrated the valor of true warriors, their swords moving in perfect rhythm, their footsteps in flawless harmony. Their techniques and silence were impeccable, a display of martial prowess that left their enemies in awe.

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