Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 229: The Depths Where Light Does Not Reach (2)

Chapter 229: The Depths Where Light Does Not Reach (2)

Queen of the Deep Sea, Kiara.

Facing her, Shiron let out a hollow laugh. It was because Johanna’s secret was that absurd.

Blue hair, a pure and innocent country girl-like appearance.

Who would have known? That the girl, who smiled without a trace of worldly dirt, was the cause of a curse that could overturn the world.

The saying “it’s darkest under the lamp” seemed to describe this situation.

No, it wasn’t that they hadn’t tried their best.

Indeed, hadn’t they vouched for Johanna’s innocence throughout the journey via Latera?

[I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Disqualified as a lie detector!]

……Even without Latera, Shiron had used every means to confirm whether Johanna was an enemy or not.

He had threatened to kill him, but the cook didn’t show up, and instead, a girl he’d never met in “Reincarnation of the Sword Saint” appeared. He found it strange.

It was natural for anyone, not just a genius like Shiron, to have suspicions.

Therefore, Shiron didn’t hesitate to use violence to confirm if she was an enemy. Neither Seira nor Lucia stopped him. Whether the demon girl bore malice or not, being tied down by petty morals could lead to losing something greater.

The fortunate part was that Shiron’s violence wasn’t in vain, thanks to Johanna’s secret being revealed.

‘No wonder she was so tough.’

Shiron clenched and unclenched his fist, reminiscing the feel of his past actions. Even with control, Shiron’s strength far exceeded normal limits. For a human, it would tear flesh; for a demon, it would at least bruise.

‘It’s a shame I didn’t cut off her arm.’

[Sorry! I shouldn’t have interfered! Even if she takes the form of a girl, there’s no such thing as a good demon!]

Latera vowed with more determination than Shiron.

[From now on, I won’t question the hero’s judgment! I swear!]

‘…Just act as usual. If even Lucia or Seira couldn’t tell, it means her disguise was that good.’

“What are you thinking about? Why aren’t you speaking?”

Tilting her head, Kiara erased her smile.

“Are you too shocked? Surprised? Is that why you’re speechless?”


Shiron nodded honestly at Kiara’s question. Denying that he was fooled, even after eating the seaweed she picked, would be pointless, as Kiara’s disguise was flawless.

“To think the Queen of the Deep Sea would… personally guide the executioner coming to cut her throat.”

“Executioner? Ah! Right, I forgot because the last journey was so enjoyable.”

While Kiara chatted cheerfully with Shiron, Lucia and Seira remained tense.

Unlike them, the two showed no signs of tension. Despite the clear confrontation, they neither approached nor retreated, as if they had agreed not to fight.

‘How can they be so calm?’

Lucia questioned while not taking her eyes off the situation, simultaneously feeling relieved.

She couldn’t feel the immense power from the past, suggesting Kiara wasn’t in her true form.

‘Is she using a possessed body?’

Seira, though a step late, quickly grasped Kiara’s move.

‘…She couldn’t use such a trick before.’

Her thoughts grew closer to the answer.

‘She’s become stronger than before.’

Using a trick she couldn’t 500 years ago, Kiara’s dominion over the sea, like a god with her [Tide Manipulation] in the sea, made her a formidable opponent.

A threatening enemy just with that power, Kiara now faced them through Johanna, much like a god descending through a shrine maiden.

“Um… they seem more shocked than you?”

Shifting her gaze to Lucia and Seira, Kiara spoke, seemingly disbelieving Shiron’s genuine acknowledgment of being fooled.

“That’s a normal reaction. Until a moment ago, they thought she was a comrade… surprise! She turns out to be an enemy!”

Laughing uproariously, she clutched her belly, seemingly unable to breathe.

“Still, phew! It’s a relief I fooled you. When you slapped me, I thought you’d found out from the start.”

“You really enjoy teasing people, huh.”

“Not fun? Or were you disappointed…”

“No, just surprised it was different from what I knew.”

Shiron shot a disdainful look, as if seeing an adult acting immaturely. Kiara responded with a bright smile.

“Hmm, what was different? I’d be happy if you told me.”

Kiara smiled coyly, nibbling her finger, making Latera retch.

[Why is she acting so relaxed? It makes me want to slice her up!]

“Hmm, won’t you tell me?”


“Why are you raising your holy sword?”

“The angel in my head is screaming to kill you right now.”


Kiara frowned at the incomprehensible remark, but that was all.

As always, Shiron’s unique sensibility, combined with his extraordinary strength, bewildered those around her.

“More importantly, are you thinking of fighting me?”

Kiara raised her hands in surrender, as if she didn’t want to fight.

“What are you doing?”

“It’s a sign I don’t want to fight.”


Everyone, including Shiron, widened their eyes at Kiara’s words. Watching their reactions, Kiara giggled.

“Think about it. I haven’t done anything to you. Fighting would be strange, right? And you haven’t swung your sword hastily, right? It means neither of us has crossed the line yet!”

[Ah! That’s why it’s not a lie to say she’s not an enemy!]

“Can’t swing my sword at someone not in their true form.”

Seira spoke coldly. It was obvious why Shiron hadn’t attacked first. Despite his appearance, Shiron was a true hero chosen by the holy sword. Even if she was a demon, Seira believed he wouldn’t take an innocent life.

“Despicable, dirty bitch, saying you haven’t crossed the line while holding a hostage, you’re shameless.”

Therefore, Seira poured out harsh words she usually wouldn’t use. Kiara sneered at her words filled with hatred and curses.

“Forest dweller, aren’t you the shameless one? We’re both holding hostages. Who’s lecturing whom?”

[Argh!! That’s why! That’s why it’s not a lie that she’s the cook’s daughter! How can she be so meticulous! It’s strange not to be fooled!]

“I know you did nothing wrong, so be quiet.”


Silencing Latera, Shiron took a deep breath.

The situation was complicated to the point where no solution seemed clear.

The Johanna before their eyes was just an innocent girl possessed by Kiara. They didn’t know where Kiara’s true body was, and even if she had no will to fight, the fact remained that the petrification disease was spreading through the empire.

“Then, are you saying you have no intention of fighting?”

“Well, to be precise, I have no intention of fighting you…”

Kiara averted her murderous gaze from Seira. Despite wanting to kill those irritating humans and the elf right away, she didn’t want to be hated by Shiron.

“Yes. Regardless of what you think, I haven’t done anything to gain your trust.”

“Really, nothing at all?”

“That’s right. Although I hid my identity, if I hadn’t, you would have attacked me immediately, wouldn’t you? Originally, I planned to throw a surprise welcome party once we entered the sea…”

Kiara’s shoulders drooped as if dejected.

“Why didn’t you go in? Now all the preparations we made below have gone to waste!”

She suddenly started stomping her feet. The ground shook as if an earthquake had struck, and blood and stone fragments splattered every time her feet touched the ground.

Lucia gritted her teeth. Johanna’s body was breaking apart in real-time. She had briefly thought they might avoid a fight, but it reaffirmed that Kiara was a being that must be exterminated.

Leaving her fiery temperament and power unchecked could spell disaster in the future.

‘…She should have been killed earlier.’

Though it was too late, even back then, Kyrie had no choice. When facing Kiara, they were in the deep sea, and Seira’s magic could only provide air for a limited time under the water pressure.

In the end, they couldn’t tear out her heart, only managing to take one leg and two arms.

Back then, her body, torn to pieces, was swept away by the currents, making it impossible to find her. Looking back, they should have taken the risk to capture her.

Unlike the grim-faced Lucia, Shiron’s face was calm.

“This will make things easier.”

Shiron also seemed uninterested in fighting Kiara as he sheathed his holy sword.

“Fine, I’ll accept your proposal.”

“…Kid, what are you talking about?”

“Shiron! You can’t trust her!”

Seira asked in panic, and Lucia shouted through gritted teeth. However, Shiron only kept his eyes on Kiara.

“There’s no need to fight someone who doesn’t want to fight.”

“Huhu, wise choice.”

“But I’m a very suspicious person. My hands are itching.”

“…You’re quite suspicious? What do I need to do to earn your trust?”

“Lift the curse spreading through the empire.”

“I’ve already lifted it.”

Kiara responded immediately. As if it was nothing, she showed no hesitation in her actions.

But Shiron didn’t believe her. He was not someone who trusted a liar so easily.

“And the second thing.”

“…You have many demands.”

“I’m a greedy person.”

However, the conversation continued. Anyway, Kiara was going to be killed. Verifying the truth wasn’t important.

“I can’t understand why you have good intentions.”

“Oh my, really?”

“Aren’t we meeting for the first time? My instinct can’t comprehend why you’d proactively approach someone you’ve just met.”

“Ah, that’s because…”

Kiara laughed brightly and waved her hand.

“Because you are Kyrie!”


‘What the hell is she talking about?’

Shiron looked at Kiara with half-closed eyes, but she didn’t seem to be joking. Rather, her expression was filled with blatant anticipation as if she had finally made a big mistake.

Thunk—Shiron covered his face with his palm just before his expression twisted. He then lifted his head towards the heavily clouded sky.

But he didn’t deny it. Groundless goodwill and continued obedience despite being openly told to hate her. If all those situations stemmed from a misunderstanding, there was no need to deny it.

“……Did I get caught?”

“Yes…! You, you were Kyrie!”

‘What? The kid is Kyrie?’

‘What nonsense is she spouting? This is ridiculous.’

Seira and Lucia looked dumbfounded, but Shiron didn’t spare them a glance.

“I am Kyrie.”

Shiron lied without batting an eye. If it meant he could kill Kiara, he could lie as much as necessary.

“So, what now?”

A white tooth emerged from beneath the hand that covered his face.

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