Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 62: Formatting

Chapter 62: Formatting

The next day, I began learning the secret technique of Thunder Shadow Steps, the Heaven Pillar Kill. My mornings started with sitting in seiza at the training ground, quietly listening to Lee Gwang’s explanations.

“Have you seen So-cheong perform Heaven Pillar Kill? What did you think of it?”

“It seemed like he was easily and skillfully dodging the enemy’s attacks.”

I shared my honest impression. When Jin So-cheong used Heaven Pillar Kill, his movements were so fast and dazzling that they were beyond what I knew as Thunder Shadow Steps. It was not just dodging; it seemed like he was toying with his opponent. Even the torrent-like sword qi unleashed by the first disciple of the Zhongnan Sect was evaded as if he was performing shadow splitting techniques. It was astonishing.

Lee Gwang said,

“The step technique of Heaven Pillar Kill can be considered the core of the Thunder God Style martial arts. It allows for freedom in advance and retreat, always staying one step ahead of the enemy, enabling you to control critical points. Without mastering Heaven Pillar Kill, no matter how diligently you practice other Thunder God Style martial arts, you cannot unleash their full power.”

“I have a question.”

“What is it?”

“Why is it named Heaven Pillar Kill? It seems like a rather violent name for a step technique.”


The name Heaven Pillar Kill sounded like it meant killing the Tianzhu point, located near the Fengfu point on the back of the head. Why would a step technique be named with such a meaning?

Lee Gwang chuckled and said, “You’ll understand once you learn it. Just follow along for /content/v1/5ab04e5bb27e399c11cd8eec/1586291883478-WCEMO1T88LZIAPBEC2YL/GB20+image.jpeg

Then his teaching began. It took me about seven weeks to grasp the form of the step technique used in Heaven Pillar Kill, and about two months to become proficient in its qi movement and techniques. During that time, I trained relentlessly without much rest, often collapsing from exhaustion and drenched in sweat.

When I thought I had completed the basics, Lee Gwang said, “Now you have the foundation to perform Heaven Pillar Kill. Follow me and move seven steps while rapidly circulating your qi.”



As I tried to execute Heaven Pillar Kill, moving seven steps, I stumbled on the third step. It was strange; I was sure I had the flow of qi right, but as I walked, I felt obstructed. I stumbled and fell, prompting Lee Gwang to click his tongue in disapproval.

“As expected, you haven’t grasped the meaning of Heaven Pillar Kill. You really need to be taught everything from scratch.”


It seemed that Lee Gwang had hoped I would grasp the meaning of the secret technique while learning the basics. But if that were so easy, I wouldn’t have struggled this much. Grumbling internally, I stood up as Lee Gwang began to explain Thunder Shadow Steps Heaven Pillar Kill properly.

“Watch closely. With each step, spread Thunder Qi from the Tianzhu point near the back of your neck. The direction of the qi flow can change with each execution, and when the Thunder Qi spreads, your body’s reflexes accelerate dramatically. With each step, the acceleration intensifies.”


The Heaven Pillar Kill that Lee Gwang demonstrated, though based on the form of Thunder Shadow Steps, was a completely distinct step technique. I finally seemed to understand the meaning of all the training I had undergone. The comprehensive martial art that was the secret technique Heaven Pillar Kill required the integration of all step forms, qi flow, and breathing techniques I had learned so far. It was more of an independent martial art in itself rather than just a technique.

However, I couldn’t help but swallow hard and protest.

“It’s too difficult! To execute Thunder Shadow Steps while incorporating the seven-step movement of Heaven Pillar Kill, and then to mix in the breathing techniques, and on top of that, to precisely distribute Thunder Qi from the Tianzhu point?!”

It was an incredibly complex and challenging secret technique. While theoretically straightforward, the real difficulty of this technique lay in performing all these steps [simultaneously]. Each process alone required immense concentration, but doing them all at once was sure to be overwhelming. As I stood there, stunned, Lee Gwang spoke indifferently.

“That’s why it’s a secret technique of the Thunder God Style style. In theory, mastering Heaven Pillar Kill can increase the capabilities of a Thunder God Style practitioner by at least threefold. That’s because Heaven Pillar Kill itself enhances all martial arts.

Therefore, it’s difficult, and the teacher must be careful in choosing whom to teach. If not, there’s a high risk of the learner going mad or falling into demonic cultivation.”


“Originally, with your talent, I wouldn’t have even disclosed the existence of Heaven Pillar Kill, let alone teach it to you. You might have ended up ruining yourself trying to imitate it.”

Lee Gwang turned his head and spoke quietly.

“Even Jin So-cheong, who has exceptional talent, spent an entire month here just to learn Heaven Pillar Kill. For you to master it properly, it might take ten times that long. Focus and give it your best.”

“I understand.”

Jin So-cheong took a month to learn the secret technique – Lee Gwang’s words also served as encouragement that I might be able to master it within a year with rigorous effort. I decided to stop complaining and began learning and practicing Heaven Pillar Kill with gritted teeth. I devoted myself to mastering Heaven Pillar Kill, sparing only the time for eating and other basic necessities.

‘Keep it up!’

Half a year passed.

I realized that time was passing without any significant progress.

A year had passed.

I seemed to have gotten a slight grasp of Heaven Pillar Kill, but I was still getting stuck around the fourth step, far from the complete seven. Around that time, feeling utterly stuck, I even asked Jin So-cheong for advice, who tried his best to explain.

Time went on.

As I trained daily and worked as an instructor at the Azure Dragon Martial Hall, the seasons changed rapidly outside the window. Whenever I wasn’t practicing Heaven Pillar Kill, I refined my skills in Heaven Pillar Kill and other Thunder God Style martial arts.


“I’ve… I’ve done it.”

After two and a half years,

I finally grasped Heaven Pillar Kill and was able to execute its seven steps, albeit clumsily. Lee Gwang, looking on with dissatisfaction, said,

“You’re too slow. I was planning to enter you in the next martial arts contest after you mastered Heaven Pillar Kill, but how could it take two and a half years?”

“… I’m sorry.”

“Anyway, you’ve done it. Now, go to Black Night Gate. Alone.”

I was taken aback by the unexpected instruction.

Black Night Gate!

It was one of the Eight Gates of the Demonic Path and one of the most powerful factions in the current martial world. Additionally, I remembered a past life where I was killed by an assassin from Black Night Gate, hired due to a grudge held by a village chief. Recalling that memory soured my mood, but I shook my head and asked,

“Isn’t it dangerous to go alone?”

Lee Gwang looked at me with cold eyes.

“If you can properly execute Heaven Pillar Kill, you should be able to protect yourself in any situation. It’s unthinkable for a Thunder God Style lineage successor to fall at the hands of Black Night Gate. You’re not expecting your brother to clean up after you from start to finish, are you?”

“No, that’s not it.”

“Even if you don’t win in the martial contest, it’s fine. If you can return alive, I’ll consider your training a success.”

I then understood Lee Gwang’s intention.

In other words – this wasn’t about officially challenging Black Night Gate to a martial contest and deciding on victory or defeat. It was about provoking a faction that operates assassination squads and has highly skilled individuals, then surviving and returning from the tiger’s den. And I had to do it alone!

Lee Gwang’s words echoed in my ears.

“Remember, just come back alive by any means. Then, I’ll teach you the next stage of Thunder Shadow Sword Technique.”

Lee Gwang had given me half a year for this mission. Within six months, I had to find Black Night Gate, confront them, and return with the outcome.

Over the past three years at the Azure Dragon Martial Hall, my body had grown significantly, and my clothes barely fit. So, I had a new outfit tailored for comfort while in town. Having also bid farewell to Jin So-cheong, there was nothing left to hold me back.

‘Black Night Gate.’

I sensed that the task Lee Gwang had given me was extremely challenging. Not only surviving a martial contest with Black Night Gate, a secretive faction of the demonic path that didn’t operate openly, but finding them was also a task in itself. They controlled the underworld covertly, buying estates with illegal money, and operated in secrecy, accepting assignments.

In other words, to challenge Black Night Gate, I first needed to find them.

And Lee Gwang had left the method entirely up to me.

Sitting in an inn, I pondered,

‘How do I find them?’

Various ideas came to mind, but for someone like me who had never dealt with the underworld, it all seemed impractical and daunting. The brokers of dark information wouldn’t easily reveal their identities, and a clean-looking young man like me suddenly asking about Black Night Gate would undoubtedly raise suspicions.

I pondered for a moment.

How to find Black Night Gate?

“… That’s it!!”

I realized there was a way, without beating around the bush.

The village chief!

The chief had placed a request with the assassins of Black Night Gate right after I threatened him and robbed his silver vault. Such a swift request implied that he ‘already’ knew how to contact Black Night Gate and the details of their dealings. If I approached the chief now and asked about the method of contacting Black Night Gate, there was a high probability he would know.

Of course, I could gradually learn about these contacts by surviving in the shadows of the city and increasing my knowledge in the relevant areas. But if there was a sure way, it was better to try that first. I set my first goal to negotiate with the village chief and headed back to my hometown.

Clip-clop, clip-clop

Riding a borrowed horse, the sights of the mountain roads in Guanzhong evoked fresh sentiments. When a few bandits burst out, attempting to shout, I casually swung my sword.


Despite being on horseback, my sword precisely beheaded three bandits, their heads flying through the air. The shocked exclamations of other bandits echoed behind me, but I paid them no heed. There was no need to waste time with such riffraff.

‘Have I changed again?’

I realized I had become quite numb to killing. Even when I was a bounty hunter, I didn’t feel much aversion to killing, but in this life, especially, I hardly thought about it. Perhaps it was because my power had grown so much that I could kill someone with just a flick.

The journey from Guanzhong to my hometown didn’t take long. Riding a horse and not resting even for a day hastened my travel. Seeing the boundary marker of So-eul village, I couldn’t help but think how often I had seen this stone.

“Hey, cow dung….”

“Shut your mouth.”





The village youths who had bullied me in the past tried to pick a fight, but I quickly knocked them out with a blow each before they could provoke me further. Not killing them but only knocking them unconscious required a delicate control of strength. I looked down at them and sighed.

“I don’t really want to kill you. That’s fortunate.”

The reason for my sigh of relief was that I was worried I might go on a rampage in So-eul village. Due to the intense pleasure I felt during my previous act of vengeance in the village, I feared I might lose control if my inner desires for slaughter surfaced. Fortunately, having avenged myself enough in my past lives, I didn’t feel much now.

I then headed straight to the village chief’s house. The chief’s house was bustling with dinner preparations. I realized the scene was very similar to the day when I massacred his family and gouged out Kim Manjae’s eyes. The bloodbath I had created that day briefly overlapped with the peaceful evening scene.

As I quietly stood watching the chief, he recognized me and approached.

“Is that you, cow dung? Where have you been?”

“I went to take care of my business.”

“Ha! Your business is cleaning cow dung in this house…”



I swiftly closed the distance of five yards to the chief in an instant, turning his face pale with fear. The onlookers were also startled and watched in amazement. I lightly tapped the chief’s cheek with my finger and smiled slyly.

“Let’s not talk about that and have a constructive conversation.”

“You… you’ve become a martial arts master…”

“Well, it’s hard just standing here. Is there somewhere to sit?”

The chief, regaining his composure, replied,

“Come to the main room.”

I followed the chief to the main room. He seemed uncomfortable in my presence, trembling nervously. Understandably, he knew that at any moment, I could take his life if I wished.

“What… What do you want?”

“Chief. I heard you have quite a connection with factions like the Beggar’s Union or martial arts sects.”

“Who said that? I don’t really interact much with those people…”

I spoke up,

“Black Night Gate.”


“Help me make contact with them. Then I won’t do anything and will leave. I won’t come to this village again.”

The chief scrutinized my face as if trying to gauge my sincerity, then nervously fiddled with his pipe and finally nodded.

“Fine. I don’t know why you want to meet them, but keep your word. Never show your face in this village again.”

“I wouldn’t come even if you invited me. But the information better be accurate.”

The chief looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping. After a while, he whispered,

“To contact Black Night Gate, go to Chaobi village. Look for a man named Han Kwang-il. Pay him five silver ingots and say [I’m looking for a black man]. After that, Black Night Gate will contact you.”

“Are you sure?”

The chief trembled as he spoke,

“If I’m not sure, you might slaughter my family, so of course it’s accurate!”

It seemed the chief had sensed the latent murderous intent and madness in my eyes. Though I didn’t try to hide it, he still had the insight of a village leader. I just smirked and replied,

“Don’t worry. You’re too insignificant for me to take revenge on now.”

“Ha… Acting like a big shot, aren’t you?”

“Think what you like. I’ll be going now.”


I said goodbye and left swiftly.

Using Thunder Shadow Steps, I quickly moved away from the chief’s house. I realized that my hatred had significantly diminished compared to the past. The people who would have been torn apart without a second thought were now just annoying neighbors.

My decreased hatred was likely because more powerful and evil enemies had appeared, like the sorcerer and the commander of the Embroidered Uniform Guards. Just thinking about them made me feel suffocated.

“Sigh. What a hassle.”

I stopped in my tracks while traveling. It was only about 20 miles to Jo Byeok village, so I wouldn’t take long to reach it, but something more important came to mind.

I wanted to check.

I wanted to see what had become of ‘that village.’

It wasn’t the most appropriate thought for someone who should be dedicating every minute and second to training, but I found myself wanting to see with my own eyes what had happened to the village I had left behind. I had a strong desire to use this as a catalyst to refocus my mind.

“Let’s go see.”

Thus, I decided to visit Jo Byeok village later and abruptly changed my course towards ‘the village of tragedy.’ I also thought it would be good to talk to Hyuncheon Daoist if he was still there. With half a year at my disposal, it seemed like a good idea to gather more information while I was at it.

It took about ten weeks to reach the Kyungha River, near the village of the tragedy. I stood silently, looking at the cold and majestic flow of the river. Just about 3 miles from here, the village would appear.

The last time I saw it, it was a horrific sight, completely burnt down to ashes.

I had come all this way, traveling day and night for ten days, to see that again.

To confirm my sins, to fuel my hatred against the Embroidered Uniform Guards, and to enhance my focus in training.

‘I am sorry…’

The thought of that tragedy brought a solemn feeling.

But then I realized something was off.


As I approached the village, instead of desolation, I saw signs of life. There were traders and, crucially, smoke rising from cooking fires in the village. In the distance, I could even see a six-story building at the village center.

Buzzing sounds of life

Arriving at the entrance of the village, I sat down in disbelief.

“How can this be…!!”

The village of the tragedy was neither burnt down nor piled with corpses.

It was unharmed.

As if nothing had happened in the last three years, the villagers were leading bustling, happy lives, throwing me into confusion.

What exactly had happened here?

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