Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 58: Formatting

Chapter 58: Formatting

The Zhongnan Sect is one of the renowned sword factions even among the Nine Sects and One Union. Although it might slightly pale in comparison to Qingyuan Martial Hall or Huashan Sect, in the southern part of Shaanxi, their status was as high as the heavens. They had produced numerous peak-level masters over the generations and held numerous exceptional techniques, making them a prestigious sect among the prestigious, unquestioned by any in the martial world.

They were no less than the Twin Gates Sect of Luoyang I had challenged before! While the Twin Gates Sect might boast not being inferior to the Nine Factions and One Union within Luoyang, the Nine Sects were continental entities renowned throughout the land. In terms of recognition and influence among the orthodox factions, the Nine Sects were like Mount Tai, immovable.

That’s why I was incredulous and said to my senior brother, “Are we really challenging them?”

“Did junior disciple come all the way to Jeonggok, unpack in the inn, and now say such things?”

Jin So-cheong, who was enjoying a warm tea, chuckled.

“Don’t worry. The Zhongnan Sect is a prestigious orthodox sect; they won’t resort to cowardly acts rashly.”


We had already arrived in Jeonggok village. That meant we were right at the foot of Mt. Zhongnan, the stronghold of the Zhongnan Sect.

I glanced briefly at the peaks of Zhongnan Mountain visible through the inn’s window. Since Zhongnan Mountain wasn’t very high or rugged, traces of buildings were visible here and there. The buildings of the Zhongnan Sect of the Nine Factions and One Union must be among them.

“I hope so.”

I couldn’t relax at all. The Iron Blood Sect, also classified as an orthodox sect, once decapitated a rogue during a casual spar. Having been hit hard once already, there was no guarantee I wouldn’t experience something similar again. Perhaps sensing my concern as nervousness, Jin So-cheong said,

“If you’re nervous, disciple, you don’t have to step forward this time. Observing is enough, as the master said.”

“It’s not nervousness but worry…”

“State your decision clearly.”


I exhaled a deep sigh but soon responded calmly.

“Of course, I have to fight. How could I miss such an opportunity?”

“Hahaha! Indeed, junior disciple has the spirited nature of a brave man.”


That’s right. It wasn’t an opportunity to miss just because my life might be at risk. Masters were rare in the martial world, and opportunities to fight them were hard to come by. The chance to gain real combat experience with the masters of the Nine Factions and One Union was invaluable. The thought of being surrounded and beaten by the masters of the Zhongnan Sect was terrifying, but I forced myself to be brave.

‘With him here, I should be able to escape if necessary.’

My worries, yet grumbling upon reaching Jeonggok village, were because I fully trusted, or rather, was certain of, Jin So-cheong’s abilities. He was a monster.

After a long rest, Jin So-cheong spoke,

“Since it’s getting dark, let’s climb Zhongnan Mountain early tomorrow morning. What shall we have for dinner?”

“I’d like dumplings.”

“Then, let’s eat something appropriate at the inn.”


During the meal, I noticed individuals in Taoist robes or white clothes roaming around the inn. They were likely martial artists related to the Zhongnan Sect or its disciples. Wishing to avoid any conflict with them, I focused solely on eating. Jin So-cheong seemed to have the same thought, savoring the stir-fried vegetables slowly.

Jin So-cheong started a conversation while eating.

“Junior brother’s skills are the most outstanding among the young martial artists I’ve seen. How did you achieve such proficiency?”

He seemed quite interested in me. I modestly brushed off the question about my skills.

“I’m still quite ignorant. I just had a few fortunate encounters and good luck.”

“Haha… The master has high expectations for junior brother. He usually says secret techniques shouldn’t be passed on rashly, but he broke his own rule for you. There has never been, and probably never will be, another person he cares about as much as he does for you.”

“Isn’t senior brother is also receiving a lot of attention?”

“Well. Master doesn’t interfere much with me. He teaches me what I need, then leaves me to my own devices.”

Jin So-cheong’s face held a hint of bitterness as he said this. Seeing his expression, I felt like I understood the whole situation.

‘A genius teaching another genius, that must be why.’

Threefold Expert Lee Gwang is a martial arts genius, and so is Jin So-cheong. It’s common for individuals with similar talents to be drawn to each other and to easily assess each other’s capabilities. Likely, Lee Gwang refrains from unnecessary interference because he has gauged the extent of Jin So-cheong’s talent. However, this approach seemed somewhat impersonal to Jin So-cheong himself.

But I envied such a relationship. The reason Lee Gwang had been almost exclusively teaching me for the past half year, for 12 hours a day, wasn’t due to a close emotional bond. It was because I was a slow learner (鈍才), needing intensive coaching and correction to grasp the techniques. This was incomparable to leaving Jin So-cheong to his own devices.

Prompted by a thought, I asked,

“Senior brother, have you mastered all the techniques of Thunder Spirit Eight Forms?”

“Spear techniques are an endless path. It’s premature to say I’ve mastered them all given my current level of cultivation.”


As I looked at him suspiciously, Jin So-cheong shrugged.

“Yeah, yeah. I’ve learned everything that can be learned for now.”

“I see.”

“Of course, I don’t plan to use any secret techniques in tomorrow’s sparring. It’s meaningless.”

“What? You won’t use secret techniques?”

I was shocked. It was a direct challenge to the renowned Nine Factions and One Gang, and he planned not to use his trump cards? However, Jin So-cheong nodded as if it were obvious.

“Of course. How could I carelessly use techniques in a clash with another sect, especially when killing the opponent isn’t an option? No matter how excellent a secret technique is, if observed repeatedly by others, countermeasures can be developed. Disciple, you should also seal all the secret techniques you’ve learned for tomorrow’s sparring.”


Of course, I hadn’t learned anything that could be considered a true secret technique yet, having only mastered the Heavenly Thunder Blade. Still, after half a year under Lee Gwang’s guidance, my swordsmanship had significantly improved, and I had learned some secret moves, so I was concerned. Jin So-cheong said,

“The Heavenly Thunder Blade is fine. Just aim to defeat your opponent with minimal movements.”

“Senior brother, there seem to be too many precautions. The level here is expected to be very high.”

I grumbled, but Jin So-cheong just laughed it off.

“Hahaha, don’t worry.”

If you were in my shoes, wouldn’t you worry!

I wanted to shout but restrained myself. We were speaking quietly, thankfully, because if our conversation was any louder, it would surely provoke the members of the Zhongnan Sect scattered around the inn. Our discussion was incredibly presumptuous.

After finishing our meal, we lay down comfortably to sleep. Before falling asleep, I looked at the ceiling, but no particular thoughts came to mind, and I drifted off naturally.

The next morning, we ascended Zhongnan Mountain. The path, more like a walkway than a mountain trail, was well maintained, with places to rest scattered throughout. This indicated that the Zhongnan Sect frequently entertained guests and had considerable wealth. The road must have been built using donations and tributes they had received.

Soon, a building that seemed to be the main entrance of the Zhongnan Sect appeared among the mountains. Two white-clad swordsmen stood in front, likely disciples of the Zhongnan Sect. Their swords had uniquely twisted tassels, probably a mark of the Zhongnan Sect.

As expected, one of them called out as he noticed us.

“Beyond here is the main mountain of the Zhongnan Sect. Outsiders must state their names and purpose of visit.”

“I am Jin So-cheong from the Azure Dragon Martial Hall, and this is my junior brother, Baek-woong. We have come from Guanzhong to request a match with the Zhongnan Sect.”


Jin So-cheong’s calm response seemed to surprise them greatly. Despite his polite phrasing, it was a direct challenge to spar. Perhaps because of this, one of the gatekeepers, unable to hide his confusion, said,

“Do you realize this is the Zhongnan Sect of the Nine Sects and One Union?”

“Of course.”

“They’ve lost their minds…”

“How long do you plan to keep us standing here? If you’re going to report, do it quickly.”

After Jin So-cheong’s sarcastic remark, one of the white-clad swordsmen glared at us with a disdainful look and said,

“Fine. Wait here for a moment.”


He then immediately used lightness skill to leap away somewhere. That lightness skill must be the Cloud Light Step that the Zhongnan Sect boasts. Judging by his skills, this white-clad swordsman seemed to hold a high position within the faction.

Shortly after, the white-clad swordsman returned with three colleagues. He spoke in a cold voice,

“Follow us. You will be received in the Dueling Hall.”

“Who said so?”

“Shut up. There’s no need for me to tell you who.”

I was astounded.

‘Look at this guy.’

Of course, I was being as cautious as possible right now, so I wouldn’t step up, but such an attitude seemed overly arrogant. If it had been a martial artist from an ordinary medium-sized faction, they would have been greatly angered by such words.

Jin So-cheong said, “You speak quite eloquently. Is this how you treat guests?”

“Trash like you! How can people challenging for a sparring match be considered guests? It seems like you’re just vagabonds trying to gain fame by clumsily challenging the Nine Factions and One Union, but don’t expect to walk out of here unscathed.”

Jin So-cheong seemed to ponder for a moment at that comment. Then he said, “It seems we have sufficiently identified ourselves, yet you call us vagabonds.”

“Why the sour face? You don’t seem to have any decent origins.”

Jin So-cheong’s face hardened.

“That sounds like an insult to the Azure Dragon Martial Hall and my master.”

“Haha! The Azure Dragon Martial Hall? What’s that supposed to be? Haha…”

This guy!

I was about to burst out in anger, but before I could, Jin So-cheong’s shadow had already shot forward with incredible speed. I realized that movement was the Thunder Shadow Step secret technique, Heavenly Pillar Kill, which I was supposed to learn. Jin So-cheong had already mastered the secret technique I was to learn. Even as Jin So-cheong rushed forward, the white-clad swordsman seemed unable to grasp what was happening.



Jin So-cheong’s palm strike swiftly hit the swordsman’s solar plexus, lifting him a yard into the air. It was an attack so fast that I would have missed it if I hadn’t focused my eyesight.

“This guy….”

Before his colleagues could even halfway draw their swords, Jin So-cheong had already completed a twelve-hit combo. His hands and feet left only white afterimages due to their speed.

Flutter flutter flutter

All three, who appeared to be first-class masters, were quickly beaten and collapsed on the spot. Jin So-cheong, not stopping there, spun around and delivered a kick to the stomach of another.


“Ugh… ugh…”

That person spat out white foam and fell forward, unconscious.

“I won’t forgive anyone who insults my master.”

In Jin So-cheong’s eyes, as he swiftly knocked down the disciples of the Zhongnan Sect, there was a cold madness. Seeing such a Jin So-cheong for the first time, I swallowed hard. Normally, one would fear the consequences of attacking disciples of the Zhongnan Sect, but such thoughts didn’t even cross my mind, as the aura emanating from Jin So-cheong was chillingly powerful and resolute.

After a moment of contemplation, Jin So-cheong softly spoke.

“Junior brother, hold me back a bit, will you? At this rate, there might be bloodshed today.”

I grumbled in response.

“It seems you’ve already seen enough…”

Wasn’t this already a level of bloodshed? The men collapsed in the hall had been beaten to a point where they could end up crippled. Some were rolling their eyes back, foaming at the mouth, and writhing like insects, indicating that Jin So-cheong had deliberately beaten them harshly.

“Maybe we should just take down their signboard and leave.”


With a fearsome sound, Jin So-cheong clenched his fist and flew off at an incredible speed. While I wasn’t incapable of such speed, considering Jin So-cheong’s internal strength, his lightness skill was clearly at an exceptionally high level. For someone in his mid-twenties, his martial prowess was astonishing.

Shaking my head, I looked at the white-clad swordsmen sprawled around. I clicked my tongue in disapproval.

“Fools. Did they really think they could pluck the whiskers of a tiger?”

Provoking Jin So-cheong was something even I would hesitate to do. The boldness of that white-clad swordsman, who shook Jin So-cheong’s temper with just a few words, seemed impressive. I felt somewhat satisfied and chuckled, running forward.

Thud thud thud

After running about two miles, the main building of the Zhongnan Sect came into view. There, about ten disciples of the Zhongnan Sect lay unconscious, having been struck down by Jin So-cheong. The remaining ones had formed a defensive circle around Jin So-cheong, tense and ready. A man in his thirties, a high-ranking member of the Zhongnan Sect, shouted angrily.

“You bastard! How dare you cause such a ruckus in the Zhongnan Sect!”

“You were the ones who insulted my sect first. We came here with peaceful intentions, but this situation was provoked by you.”

“What? Even if what you say is true, it’s unforgivable!”

Swish swish swish

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding white-clad swordsmen unsheathed their swords, the sound intensifying the tension. Normally, a martial artist would be nervous or intimidated in such a dire situation. But Jin So-cheong just muttered more coldly.

“It’s us who can’t forgive.”

Boom boom boom

Suddenly, Jin So-cheong’s figure split into three, and he showered palm strikes on the white-clad swordsmen of the Zhongnan Sect who were rushing in from all directions. With each heavy strike in the air, be it a double or triple hit, the sound resonated, and with every hit, swordsmen were sent flying, blood spraying. None could even properly receive a single move from Jin So-cheong.

Flutter flutter flutter



As they were caught and kicked in the air, the sight of the swordsmen being devastated was intense. There didn’t seem to be any fatalities yet, but several were knocked unconscious with a few strikes, eyes rolling back.

I was speechless at this thrilling scene. Although there were second-class martial artists present, most of them were first-class, and some were even at the threshold of peak-level, yet they were overwhelmingly dominated. What was more astonishing was that Jin So-cheong hadn’t even drawn his main weapon, the spear, and was merely using Thunder Cloud Palm and Thunder Cloud Fist to decimate the Zhongnan Sect.

“… Wow! This isn’t the time to be awestruck!”

I shouted urgently.

“Senior brother, stop!”


As the last white-clad swordsman trembled and leaned against the entrance of the Zhongnan Sect, Jin So-cheong’s powerful fist shattered the massive entrance door. A door a yard wide flew off, crashing heavily onto the ground. The swordsman, crying and urinating in fear, was right next to where Jin So-cheong’s fist landed.

Jin So-cheong then retracted his hand and said, “I’m still not satisfied, junior.”


Jin So-cheong slowly raised his head. Realizing he was looking at the innermost building of the Zhongnan Sect and the peak-level masters there, I panicked. As expected, Jin So-cheong started walking towards it.

I was witnessing a true martial hall-breaking in its purest sense.

And I realized I had misjudged Jin So-cheong. He wasn’t a gentle and kind person. Usually quiet, but once ignited, he was a beast that would annihilate anyone, regardless of who they were, a destructive god with absolute confidence in his power!

“Let’s make a scene.”


I wanted to protest, but I was too scared to say anything and just followed him.

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