Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

While living in Huangshan, I was aware that there were three types of venomous snakes in the area. Although there were likely more, the three I was most familiar with were the ones whose characteristics and habitats I could remember. When I mentioned this to Mang-ryang during my fifth reincarnation, he said:

“Those would be the Black-headed Snake, Green Snake, and the Fatty Snake. If that’s the case, you should catch mostly Black-headed Snakes.”

“Why is that?”

“Green Snakes are almost non-venomous water snakes, and while Fatty Snakes do have a strong venom, its toxicity is limited, making it unsuitable for dissolution.”

Mang-ryang and I were discussing the creation of neurotoxin at the time. We were planning to poison a well to control a village overrun with fanatics. For that purpose, I learned from him how to manufacture the neurotoxin.

Mang-ryang added:

“The venom of the Black-headed Snake is both highly toxic and a neurotoxin. If mixed with putrefactive toxin (焰毒) in a closed environment, it will form an extremely potent neurotoxin. If you can dissolve it in water over the course of a day, it will result in a soluble neurotoxin.”

“Putrefactive toxin? What’s that?”

“Venom isn’t limited to just neurotoxins; there are many types. There exist very minute organisms invisible to the human eye called bacteria that possess properties distinct from animal venom. Among bacteria, there’s a type that despises the air we breathe, known as putrefactive toxin. It has such potent toxicity that it easily surpasses ordinary animal venoms.”

“Are you talking about corpse poison?”

“Not much different. However, unlike the toxin originating from corpses, this can be artificially collected. Specifically, from rotting food or animal waste. Scholars generally call this putrefactive toxin. The term corpse poison is more common among martial artists.”

After explaining this, Mang-ryang paused:

“If you can gather the venom from around ten Black-headed Snakes, it should be sufficient to paralyze a group of about 200 people. If you want to further enhance the neurotoxin, collect it and bring it to my workshop. I can combine it with putrefactive toxin to quickly produce a more potent soluble neurotoxin.”

“How strong will the finished poison be?”

“Extremely potent. It’s capable of directly affecting the nerves to the extent that it’s sometimes used in Daoist alchemy rituals. It can even slow down skin aging, so you can imagine how powerful it is.”

Mang-ryang let out a wry smile:

“Do you know why it’s named putrefactive toxin? Because its potency is enough to ‘burn’ a human soul.”

I knew I had to catch at least ten Black-headed Snakes and extract their venom into a gourd. I was resolute in preventing human sacrifices. Moreover, even if I could produce the neurotoxin myself, Mang-ryang’s workshop was necessary for its enhancement.


I gathered my energy and quickly scoured the peaks of Huangshan. I headed to the habitats of the Black-headed Snakes that I was familiar with and carefully searched under rocks and near valleys. Occasionally, they would be hidden in the grass, so I looked very carefully.

‘Found one!’

I saw a Black-headed Snake raising its dark head, watching me warily. I quickly used a small pebble on the ground to stun it.


I then expertly placed the stunned snake in my bag. Back when I lived alone in Huangshan, I had learned various tips from snake hunters, which made this possible. While I wasn’t a professional snake hunter, I was skilled enough to do my part.

That day, I spent the entire day hunting Black-headed Snakes around Huangshan. I caught a total of six, and after carefully examining them, I extracted their venom from their poison glands. The Black-headed Snake’s poison gland wasn’t directly connected to their vital organs, so they seemed to survive even after the gland was removed. After extracting all the venom, I released the snakes back into the wild.

With a wry smile, I watched the fleeing Black-headed Snakes. I used to enjoy eating snake meat now and then, but according to Mang-ryang, snakes are a hotbed of parasites, making them unsuitable for casual consumption. Thankfully, my profound inner energy incinerated the parasites, but still, it would be better to eat wild boar if I had the choice.

It wasn’t until the next afternoon that I finished extracting the venom from the Black-headed Snake. I was able to confirm that I had harvested venom from a total of 15 Black-headed Snake, including the ones from yesterday. The amount of venom wasn’t enough to fill even half of the small bottle, but I thought it would suffice.

I was about to leave Huangshan to visit Mang-ryang in the village below when it happened.




Descending from the mountain peak, I noticed a large group of warriors dressed in yellow at the crossroads leading to the lower village. They were all heavily armed and seemed to be on high alert around me. Among them, four individuals at the forefront displayed remarkable martial arts skills.

Recognizing the face of Gongjae, also known as the Cold Heaven Sword Sword among the four, I immediately grasped the situation.

‘Ah, these must be the experts of the Huangshan Sect.’

Not just any experts, but four elders and all their core disciples had turned up! By the looks of it, more than 70% of the Huangshan Sect’s power was concentrated here.

It seemed they had scoured all 72 peaks of Huangshan to find me and had decided to set up camp in the inhabited lower village. I had not expected them to wait for me, so I walked right into their trap. I sent a telepathic message to the leader.

[What’s going on? I’m about to leave after completing my tour of Huangshan.]

“We’ve heard that the White Lotus Sect has a total of three guardians. If you don’t mind, could you tell us your alias?”


I realized that something had gone awry. They might have caught wind of my false claim of being a guardian from the White Lotus Sect, but directly asking about my identity like this wasn’t a good sign. They had come after me despite thinking that I was a guardian, which meant they were seeking a confrontation.

Why would I know the alias of a White Lotus Sect guardian? I sent a strongly-worded telepathic message in return.

[This is outrageous! Are you trying to intimidate a free wanderer of Gangho like this?]


Telepathy usually transforms one’s voice into energy to be heard by the intended recipient. This time, I amplified my energy so that everyone in the vicinity could hear. It consumed an enormous amount of inner energy, but it created a furious wind that swept through the area, making the Huangshan disciples stumble.


“Such… incredible internal energy…”

The disciples of Huangshan faltered, looking at me with fear. One of the elders of the Huangshan Sect, who had been glaring at his disciples, stepped forward and spoke.

“My name is Ma Le, the Reviving Virtuous Sword, an elder of Huangshan. Our sect leader wishes to meet the White Lotus Sect’s guardian personally, which is why we ask for your identity.”

[Personally? How preposterous! I have no business with the Huangshan Sect.]


It was at that moment. the Reviving Virtuous Sword Ma Le, an elder of the Huangshan Sect, discreetly sent me a secret message through sound transmission.

[I’d like to discuss the matter of Wind God Style. I earnestly request your presence.]


I was startled. A completely unexpected term had appeared.

‘Wind God Style?’

Wind God Style!

Unlike Thunder God Style, which developed martial arts based on thunder energy, Wind God Style developed its martial arts around the power of wind and clouds. It was a martial art that boldly competed with Thunder God Style among the various martial sects that once existed in White Lotus Sect. Undoubtedly, it was a peak martial art.

However, it had always aligned itself with the faction of the sect leader and had even played a role in suppressing Thunder God Style. Therefore, Threefold Expert Lee Gwang always said that he would never let any Wind God Style practitioner off easy.

Why had an elder of the Huangshan Sect suddenly mentioned Wind God Style?

Based on the situation, it seemed the Huangshan elder assumed that as the guardian of White Lotus Sect, I would naturally know about Wind God Style. Furthermore, he believed that once he brought it up, I would naturally listen to them. This indicated a definite relationship between the Huangshan Sect, White Lotus Sect, and Wind God Style.

As I stayed silent, the Reviving Virtuous Sword Ma Le, perhaps becoming impatient, sent another message.

[I heard there is a master of Wind God Style among the guardians. If you are that person, our leader would like to meet you. Do you not share a deep connection?]

I realized that things were getting interesting.

‘In other words, Sect Leader of the Huangshan Sect has a close relationship with a White Lotus Sect’s guardian skilled in Wind God Style. And he assumes I’ll accept the invitation… So then, is this grand procession not to attack me but to bring me in earnestly?’

I began to consider the possibility of going with them. I felt I could escape whenever I wanted, and I was curious about the relationship between Wind God Style, White Lotus Sect, and the Huangshan Sect. But I restrained myself and replied,

[Sorry, but I have something to do and don’t have time to meet him casually. But after I finish my task, I’ll consider meeting him. Just wait.]

[When can you come?]

I sent a message back, seemingly irritated.

[Why do I have to tell you that? Just wait!]

[Ah… Understood.]

The Reviving Virtuous Sword Ma Le appeared to accept this reluctantly. Then he whispered something to the three other elders beside him and shouted at his disciples,

“Let’s go back!”

The members of the Huangshan Sect disappeared into the darkness, their torches flickering. The villagers who had been watching from a distance began murmuring, wondering what had happened. I too had no intention of staying long, so I quickly launched a body technique.

With a ‘whoosh,’ I soared into the dark, thinking.

‘Is there a relationship between the Huangshan Sect and Wind God Style? How should I take this?’

My head was in chaos due to the sudden information. But what was certain was that I had grabbed a clue, and it wouldn’t be too late to investigate this after thwarting the current Human Sacrifice. I thought about secretly infiltrating the Huangshan Sect later to just meet the sect leader.

Or maybe, there might be another way.

“Ah, who knows.”

I shook my head and accelerated my lightness skill, crossing over the mountain peak. Right now, the most important thing was to save time and get to Mang-ryang. The more time I had left, the higher the probability of my plan succeeding. I couldn’t afford to divert my focus on anything else when I already had my hands full. I decided to think about the matters of the Huangshan Faction later.

After diligently conserving sleep and running, I was able to reach Jinrang Valley, Mang-ryang’s residence, in just a few days. I had been quite sleep-deprived during the journey, so my mind was foggy. I sat for a while in the guest hall of Jinrang Valley to restore my physical and mental strength. You stand to lose if your mind is not clear before an important discussion.

The next morning, when I arrived at Mang-ryang’s residence, he was lying casually and singing. From the looks of the dining table that was already cleared, it seemed he was leisurely resting after a meal.

“Well~ Well~ What should I do~”


“Quietly~ that is unknown~”

I made my presence known abruptly.



Mang-ryang was truly startled, letting out a bizarre sound as if his heart had fallen. It took almost half a unit of time for him to calm down. His flushed face began to return to normal as he coughed, hitting his chest with his hand. Finally, he spoke.

[I am… blessed with the spiritual power of god… I’m monk Mang-ryang—]

“That’s enough. I already know all that.”


Mang-ryang awkwardly withdrew his dark arts and transformation skills.

“Hmm, now what to do…”

I contemplated telling him everything directly, as I had been doing. But I felt that wouldn’t get us anywhere, so I took a different approach.

“Mang-ryang. What would you do in a situation like this?”

“What situation are you talking about?”

Pretending it was not my own experience, I elaborated on the incidents with the fanatics and monsters. After listening for a while, Mang-ryang offered a solution.

“If I were you, I’d poison the well.”

“I thought of doing the same.”

Then, I handed Mang-ryang a small bottle containing the venom of fifteen black vipers.

“Here, this contains the venom of 15 black vipers. You should be able to combine this with Flame Poison to create a water-soluble neurotoxin.”


Mang-ryang was truly stunned. He carefully took the bottle and spoke.

“Who exactly are you? You seem highly skilled in the art of poison, how did you find and come to me?”

“That’s not what’s important. The tragedy I spoke of will undoubtedly occur soon, and you and I can prevent it. They are planning to do the same thing again.”


“If you can help me, I’ll give you all of this.”


I set down a silver coffer that I’d brought from the village chief’s house. Even after using a silver ingot for travel expenses, its value alone was not inferior to most treasures. Mang-ryang, who had opened the box to check the silver ingots, spoke in an awestruck voice.

“Hmm… this is more than enough for a reward.”

“How long will it take?”

“It should take a day… two days at most.”

“Understood. I’ll wait in the guest house. I’ll pay for the accommodation myself.”


At that moment, Mang-ryang suddenly summoned me.


“Why is that?”

“I’ll also go to that village.”

Mang-ryang’s words were imbued with clear determination, and I was caught off guard.

“No, that can’t happen. The place is very dangerous, and I don’t have the leeway to look after someone like you who hasn’t mastered any martial arts.”

Mang-ryang lowered his head.

“Hmm… No, actually, it seems to be the opposite.”

“The opposite?”

Upon closer look, Mang-ryang seemed to be making a face like he had discovered an interesting toy. Clearly, he was deeply interested in this matter. He grinned and said,

“Somehow, after hearing what you’ve said, I think I could uncover the [Truth] that you couldn’t find.”

“What exactly is that?”

“It’s just a gut feeling.”

Mang-ryang shrugged his shoulders.

“Well, as far as I’m concerned, I could just take this money and safely stay here. The choice is yours.”

I pondered.

Should I accept Mang-ryang’s proposal and bring him to the village of carnage itself?

After a moment of thought, I nodded my head.


“Good, I look forward to it.”

Better safe than sorry.

And it was as if some intangible trust that Mang-ryang would discover something supported my choice.

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