Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

As soon as we arrived at the gate of Hangu Pass, there were people waiting in front as Namgung Hwan had said. They were warriors dressed in jade-colored uniforms, all standing near the gate. When they spotted Namgung Hwan, they bowed.

“The Sky Corps is here to greet Young Lord!”

The Sky Corps seemed to be a military organization directly under the Namgung family. I looked at about 20 or so of them, and over half were first-rate experts. I was quite amazed; this level of force could sweep through a small faction in no time. Namgung Hwan spoke to the leader of the Sky Corps.

“Why didn’t you come to greet us inside the fortress?”

“I apologize. Our presence inside the fortress would make the Six Gwanjung Families uneasy. It was an unavoidable measure to avoid friction.”

“Is that really what you think?”



Namgung Hwan turned his head away, chuckling bitterly, while the leader of the Sky Corps stood there silently. I could sense some sort of tension between them, but now was not the time to dig into that. Namgung Hwan took Jin So-cheong’s hand and spoke.

“I owe you so much. If it wasn’t for you and Baek-woong, I would have died without escaping the Jo Clan’s stronghold.”

“No, I should be the one thanking you. You trusted me enough to risk coming to Azure Dragon Martial Hall, didn’t you? I appreciate that.”

They seemed to share a unique friendship. I was curious why Namgung Hwan was being pursued by martial experts in Gangho alone with Moyong Yeon and what their relationship with the Sky Corps was. But it wasn’t a situation where I could ask outright, so I held back.

Namgung Hwan also grabbed my hand and spoke.

“Little expert, thank you. If you ever visit Namgung Family, you’ll be honored as the savior of my life. Please come.”

“Don’t mention it…”

I politely responded and took a quick glance at Moyong Yeon. She had been strangely silent and inactive throughout this incident. It was as if she was supposed to be that way, quietly following Namgung Hwan.

‘In a situation where she could have been raped or assaulted, how can she be so calm?’

I felt something was off. No matter how fearless and resilient she was as a female martial artist, the situation involved dozens of people from the martial world who were hunting her for the purpose of assaulting her. Any normal woman would be shaking with fear or showing emotional fluctuations. But she was as steady as if she knew ‘nothing like that would happen,’ not showing even a trace of perturbation.

“Then let’s leave.”

“Ah, okay.”

As soon as Jin So-cheong’s farewell was over, Namgung Hwan and Moyong Yeon disappeared into the night, accompanied by Cheongongdae. Despite likely being quite tired, they were forcing themselves to move, probably to further distance themselves from their pursuers. Just as the two were out of sight, Jin So-cheong spoke to me.

“Then, let’s head back, junior.”

He now seemed to completely accept me as the new junior brother. If he had treated me like an experimental animal that could be useful before, he was now fully willing to accept me. I felt a small sense of pride and said,

“Senior brother. I have something to ask.”

“What is it?”

“Today’s events are too strange. The renowned Namgung family’s young head, traveling with Heavenly Yin Body without a single escort, and the Sky Corps, who I presume were already at Hangu Pass, didn’t come down from the mountain to escort him.”


“Do you, senior brother, know something about this?”

As my voice trailed off, Jin So-cheong remained silent for a long moment before speaking.

“It’s no longer our place to interfere. I’ve done my duty as a friend to Namgung Hwan; the rest is up to him. Anyway, things shouldn’t get more complicated.”

“Do you know the whole story behind this incident?”

“Would you like me to tell you?”


Jin So-cheong then ruffled my hair and chuckled.

“Alright, how about we make a bet?”

“A bet?”

“If you spar with me at the training ground and withstand 100 strikes in spear techniques, I’ll tell you.”

I was a bit surprised.

“Is that…”

“What do you say? It will be good training as well.”

I felt a competitive spirit rising. Jin So-cheong is not just a senior brother-like figure to me; he is practically my martial arts master who has taught me almost everything I know. And he is an individual of overwhelming talent and ability, incomparable to me. I didn’t want to turn down his offer for a martial arts bet.


Jin So-cheong and I rushed back to the Azure Dragon’s training ground. It was a considerable distance, and by the time we arrived, it was nearing the hour of the Sul-si (7pm~9pm). Even if we were tired, obeying the order of our master, Threefold Expert Lee Gwang, was a priority, so we had to report quickly.

“We’re back.”

“Good, welcome back.”

Threefold Expert Lee Gwang was reading a book in the Reclining Dragon Hall with a lantern lit. He closed the book and spoke to Jin So-cheong.

“You’re a bit late.”

“I was delayed helping a friend.”

“If you can justify it to yourself, I won’t inquire further.”

Master Threefold Expert Lee Gwang thus resolved the matter at hand. Watching him do so, I felt a twinge of envy. Usually, people would probe deeply into such issues, but Master Threefold Expert Lee Gwang trusted his disciple wholeheartedly, believing him to be upright. I envied the strength that such an attitude could impart to a disciple.

Then Master Threefold Expert Lee Gwang spoke.

“You’ve heard the story. He came to me from another martial arts sect to become my disciple.”

“Yes. He has been of great assistance to me as well.”

Master Threefold Expert Lee Gwang nodded in satisfaction.

“As you can see, he possesses extraordinary internal energy You two should work together to revive our martial art sect, aiming to be unparalleled under the heavens.”

“Yes, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Unparalleled under the heavens!

At the utterance of these grand words, my heart pounded. It was a phrase every martial artist aspired to, and coming from a peak expert like Master Threefold Expert Lee Gwang, it felt extraordinarily real. I felt a sense of expectation settle within me, as if training under him would genuinely make that aspiration achievable.

“You may go now.”


“Rest well.”

The two of us stepped back from Master Threefold Expert Lee Gwang. As we walked down the dim hallway of the martial hall, Jin So-cheong softly spoke to me.

“You and I, we’re still tense from earlier. Why not settle our bet now?”

“Can we keep betting until I win?”

“Of course.”

“Then we definitely should.”

Jin So-cheong and I headed from Reclining Dragon Hall to the training hall. We lit the hall up and took up our wooden spears to assume our stances. We both practiced the same cultivation technique, ‘Eight-style Thunder Spirit Technique.’

Jin So-cheong said,

“Feel free to use all your internal energy without holding back.”

“Are you sure? Even if it doesn’t kill us, this training hall might be destroyed.”

“Don’t worry. I just want to see your skills.”


At that moment, a shiver ran down my spine. My concern about causing a commotion late at night by using too much of my internal energy was unnecessary.


It felt as if my entire body was being pierced.

Though Jin So-cheong simply maintained his stance, it felt as if my vitals were laid bare, and that the tip of his spear was already lodged in my heart. Even if I could use unparalleled internal energy, it would be pointless. The moment I’d make my move, his spear would cut through my neck under the light of the training hall.

This wasn’t a matter of weapon specialization, whether it be spear or sword.

‘What…?! I’ve consumed the millennium snow ginseng three times!’

Yet, I couldn’t accept the reality. It was incredulous. Despite having consumed the miraculous thousand-year ginseng three times, and having abundant internal energy flowing within me, I still couldn’t defeat Jin So-cheong. To make things worse, I remembered Jin So-cheong had only recently achieved peak mastery, which shocked me even more.

Could this pressure be greater than standing before the head elder of the Iron Blood Gate?

Sweat trickled down my hand holding the spear. I stopped assuming the Thunder Dragon Breath Technique stance as an illusion before me seemed to speak. A tickling energy choked my breath.


I couldn’t bear it any longer. I tried to muster my internal energy to move in a different direction, but my thoughts didn’t translate into action. Every time, it felt as if that wooden spear was alive, following me.

It’s not going to work.

This absolutely won’t work.

It’s a problem that can’t be solved with internal energy alone.

“…I’ve lost.”

In the end, I couldn’t move an inch and had to admit defeat right there. Only then did Jin So-cheong relieve the pressure. He put his wooden spear back in its rack in the training hall and said,

“I apologize, junior brother. I didn’t intend to show off my skills on the first day, but I couldn’t refrain from advising you because your current state is quite dangerous.”

“Dangerous, you say?”


I also put my wooden spear back in its rack and sat down cross-legged in front of Jin So-cheong. I sat down because I knew he had something important to say, regardless of the outcome of our spar. Jin So-cheong nodded and spoke.

“You must be thinking this, junior brother. All that’s lacking is your ability to control your Qi and martial arts. Once those are met, you can instantly become a first-rate expert! …That’s what you think.”

“…I won’t deny it.”

Jin So-cheong sighed briefly, genuinely concerned.

“However…that’s a wrong notion. Even if you possess the world’s best internal energy, the body that controls it is still human. To rely solely on Qi and neglecting on intention is akin to standing naked in the arctic winds,slowly perishing. It’s a truly lamentable situation.”



What’s so important about intention?

I tilted my head, unable to understand the meaning of his words. Up until now, I thought he was talking about the principle of “acting later but striking first” in martial arts and the importance of speed. As I was bewildered, Jin So-cheong chuckled and spoke.

“My actions might seem petty and constricting. But if you start receiving one-on-one instruction from our master tomorrow, he’ll immediately see through your mentality. Because he doesn’t express his disappointment openly, you might end up going around in circles without any clues. I was worried about that and wanted to point it out.”

That would indeed be a dangerous situation. Unlike Jin So-cheong, who always passionately instructs others, Threefold Expert Lee Gwang seems like a neglectful teacher who would let go of someone he finds inadequate. This is probably due to his own genius nature.

I decided to purely accept Jin So-cheong’s goodwill. Having just experienced his skills firsthand, there’s no reason for me to doubt him.

“Hmm…I won’t deny that I think that way, but I still don’t quite understand what you’re talking about. Willpower, you say? Are you referring to something like this?”


I drew out my internal energy along with my killing intent. Most people would flinch or cower just from feeling this energy. However, Jin So-cheong raised his hand to stop me.

“No, that’s not intention. To be precise, it’s due junior brother’s internal energy overflowing, mainly because of the ‘qi-blood-essence-body-fluids’ (fundamentals substances of human body)… Broadly speaking, you could call it ‘Qi’.”

“Are you saying that humans can influence the world through intention alone?”

“That is precisely the advanced stage of martial arts. Once you move past the elementary levels of ‘basic martial techniques’ and ‘internal strength,’ masters begin to compete in an entirely different dimension. Of course, you can’t ignore basic techniques and internal strength completely, but at least it diverges from the lower levels of martial arts.”

At that moment, I understood.

‘Jin So-cheong has also stepped into that realm!’

And ‘Threefold Expert Lee Gwang’ is a true expert who had reached that realm long ago. Only then could I understand the terrifying feeling I felt when facing Threefold Expert Lee Gwang’s intangible martial arts. It was because they, whether Threefold Expert Lee Gwang or Jin So-cheong, had reached a realm that couldn’t be defined by the martial arts known to the world.

Moreover, I realized that even if I hadn’t interfered today, Jin So-cheong would have managed to deal with those first-rate masters on his own. Because in the original history, there was never an instance where Jin So-cheong got hurt or killed, today’s event unfolded regardless of my interference.

In other words, in actual history, Jin So-cheong single-handedly defeated about ten first-rate masters. Earlier, he was just fighting moderately while assessing the situation.

Jin So-cheong said,

“Starting tomorrow, after your training ends, continue sparring with me like we did today. This will undoubtedly help improve your martial arts.”


I had no reason to refuse, so I immediately accepted.

‘Enduring 100 seconds in a spear wrestling match is nothing… it won’t take long.’

After that, we exchanged various small talk and went to bed. I was quite tired today, so I took a bath and slept deeply.

The next day, I began receiving instruction from Threefold Expert Lee Gwang. In the early morning, we went to a training hall in Reclining Dragon Hall that had been set up separately. Threefold Expert Lee Gwang said,

“It seems like you specialize in sword techniques among our Thunder Dragon martial arts. Do you like the Silent Thunder Sword Technique?”

I scratched my head.

“Yes, I know that the ‘Eight-style Thunder Spirit Technique’ is the strongest, but spear techniques don’t suit me…”

“Swordsmanship is inherently weaker, you know that, right? Even knowing that is admirable.”


There’s nothing I can say when he blatantly says swordsmanship is weak. Especially when Threefold Expert Lee Gwang is a master greater than Jin So-cheong, and a ‘Threefold Expert,’ a master of sword, fist, and spear. It would be laughable for a newbie like me to give him my opinion. However, he seemed to have noticed my irritation and smiled as he spoke.

“While I don’t want to be biased towards any particular martial arts, the reality is the reality. There has never been a time since antiquity when a spear was weaker than a sword. Spear techniques developed as combat techniques, while swordsmanship developed as a form of self-defense. Understand this point.”


“Of course, when you become the absolute master, spear and sword reach an equal realm. However, until then, it’s better to start with spear techniques and then learn sword techniques. That’s the most efficient way to make the most of your talents and time.”

“Talents can be exhausted too?”

Lee Gwang nodded as if it were obvious.

“Talent is not infinite. It gradually diminishes within a set time and possibility. That’s why there are many cases where one may be an extraordinary genius in their youth but becomes a mediocre talent as time passes. The truth of life is to learn as much as you can when you’re young.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Since you’ve mastered all the basics of Eight-style Thunder Spirit Technique, starting today, I will teach you the advanced applications of spear techniques and correct the weak points in your martial arts.”

So, I began learning martial arts again in Azure Dragon Martial Hall after over a decade. Following the guidance of Threefold Expert Lee Gwang, I diligently retrained in spear techniques from the beginning. In the process, I was able to learn the three advanced execution forms called “Jwal (札),” “Gyeong (驚),” and “Jjak (着).”

[TL/N: Not sure how to translate the forms without their full technique’s names. Might explain the terms more later in the series]

“Practice these techniques at least 500 times a day starting today.”

I practiced the forms from morning to night, exhausting myself to the point where beads of sweat were falling from the tip of my nose.

After the day’s lesson ended, I went to Jin So-cheong and initiated a spear match. I was unable to move even an inch under Jin So-cheong’s pressure yesterday, but I went with a determined mind, thinking today would be different.

I gripped the spear and stood opposite.


However, like yesterday, I couldn’t move an inch towards Jin So-cheong, as if I were a specimen trapped in a spiderweb. I felt that the moment I moved, all of my vital points would be attacked. Not understanding why, I sat down on the spot and pondered deeply.

‘Why can’t I move? Even before I move, all my movements are suppressed. What principle could it be?’

While I was pondering, Jin So-cheong said, “Junior brother, perceive the gap not with your eyes but with your senses.”

It seemed like important advice, but I couldn’t understand what he was saying, and so the day ended fruitlessly again. If I had been a genius who could realize things from one piece of advice, I would have already conquered the world.

“Well, I can’t help it. Let’s just practice what I learned today.”

When my self-study did not improve my skills, Jin So-cheong laughed bitterly as if there was nothing to be done, and kindly gave me an extra explanation of the techniques I had learned today. After hearing Jin So-cheong’s explanation, I felt like what I had learned from Master Lee Gwang was easier to understand.

“Good, I can do it!”

Self-study indeed was an absurdly foolish idea.

Now, I will train in martial arts like this, and I’ll definitely reach the realm of a first-rate expert!

“Junior, I don’t want to say this but…”

Three years had passed since then.

Jin So-cheong and I stood facing each other in the training arena, both of us holding wooden staffs. And I was just standing there blankly, my staff knocked down. I’ve been in Azure Dragon Martial Hall for three years now, and today, I lasted only 80 seconds. Jin So-cheong said bitterly,

“Junior, you have no talent.”

That’s right.

Three years had passed since the bet, but I still couldn’t last 100 seconds in staff combat. Even in a duel where I gathered all my internal energy, my moves were read in advance and I was suppressed beforehand, so there was hardly any progress. The only consolation was that thanks to my brave efforts in Azure Dragon Martial Hall during this period, my martial arts skills had greatly improved, and now I could execute techniques like Noryeongpalsik or Noryeonggeombeop with incomparable proficiency compared to before.

However, about a year ago, Master Lee Gwang had stopped teaching me one-on-one. After realizing that I was just an ordinary person, he seemed to try to teach me as sincerely as he could for a while, but soon lost interest and left me to Jin So-cheong. Of course, Jin So-cheong, being diligent and kind, was doing his best to teach me, but my self-esteem had already been shredded.

I numbly acknowledged this fact.

“It seems so.”

Jin So-cheong tried to comfort me.

“Don’t resent Master for his indifferent attitude. That’s just the way he is, and he means no harm.”

“There’s nothing to resent. The skill gap is too vast for me to even feel that way.”

I expressed my honest feelings.

The head of Azure Dragon Martial Hall, Master Lee Gwang, and his disciple, the chief instructor Jin So-cheong.

These two people are monsters! Three years ago, they already had skills that couldn’t be classified within the framework of peak experts, and in these three years, they grew faster than I, a newbie, did. When geniuses also put in effort, it was impossible to keep up.

Of course, I had my own achievements. I’m proud to say that I’ve grown much more compared to myself three years ago. It’s just that having two geniuses around makes me look pitiful.

A moment later, Jin So-cheong spoke.

“Actually, Master told me the day before yesterday to stop allocating separate time for you and focus on my own personal training.”


It probably seems to Master Lee Gwang that I’m draining Jin So-cheong’s talent. Until now, they had been watching over us because we both belonged to the Thunder Dragon lineage, but now they seemed to want to give Jin So-cheong his own training time. I felt rather miserable, but I braced myself and nodded.

“Master’s judgment is correct.”

“I’m sorry. But if you have any questions during your training, come and find me anytime. I’ll help you with anything.”

“Before that, may I know what happened three years ago?”

Jin So-cheong answered,

“Today is the last day, so I’ll tell you.”


“The incident that day… to be honest, it was Namgung Hwan’s reaping what he sowed.”

“Excuse me? ‘Reaping what he sowed’?”

What followed was shocking.

“He was more ostentatious and arrogant than he seemed. So he should have kept the secret of Moyong Yeon’s Heavenly Yin Body condition, until his death. But he unwittingly revealed it impulsively before marrying her when he was out in Gangho.”


It was Namgung Hwan himself, who had leaked the secret of ‘Heavenly Yin Body’ in the Gangho! Seeing my surprise, Jin So-cheong sat down in the training hall and continued.

“In Moyong Clan, they obviously wanted to call off the wedding with Namgung Hwan immediately. But Namgung Hwan’s father, the clan leader of Namgung Clan, hastily sent them off to the martial world to buy time. They were practically chased out, without any escorts. He then found his way to me.”

Jin So-cheong was evidently a good person. Probably among all of Namgung Hwan’s friends in the Gangho, only Jin So-cheong had stepped forward to help.

“Why didn’t Namgoong Clan’s Sky Corps immediately escort Namgung Hwan?”

“It’s likely that his brothers, who were competing with him for the next clan leader, were involved. They probably thought that if he died, it couldn’t be helped and thus, left him unattended.”


“Well, in the end, I did escort him, but Namgung Hwan is probably still fiercely competing for the succession within his family.”

I felt like I understood the events of that day to some extent.

However, there was one thing I couldn’t understand.

“At that time, Moyong Yeon, the woman in danger of being r*ped, was too emotionally stable and calm. Wasn’t that strange?”

“Hmm… That’s probably because she genuinely loved Namgung Hwan.”

“What? Loved?”

“How else could she wander around the Jianghu with the person who knows her most secret vulnerabilities? I may not understand it, but it’s likely that Moyong Yeon trusts and loves Namgung Hwan to the extent that she doesn’t even consider betrayal.”


I really couldn’t understand it.

Even if Namgung Hwan was handsome, could anyone really love him that much? It might be the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen. At the same time, I felt sorry for Moyong Yeon. Namgung Hwan didn’t seem like the kind of man who would devote that much sincerity to a single woman.

After the conversation ended, Jin So-cheong said,

“Junior, don’t be too disheartened. Keep striving. Your skills are now first-rate, and there are hardly any martial artists around who can be your match, at least in this area.”

“Thank you,” I said.

I returned to my private room, leaning against the wall and lost in complicated thoughts.

To be honest, I didn’t care much about the secrets from three years ago anymore. What really frustrated me was that I couldn’t best Jin So-cheong in the art of the spear. I felt suffocated by the insurmountable wall of talent that I had never truly felt before. Of course, my personal martial arts skills had improved, but it didn’t feel good as I was aiming higher.

‘Sigh, there’s nothing I can do.’

I shook my head and resumed my martial arts training.

I need at least another 10 years.

I decided to take a different approach to relieve my sense of defeat.

—”If you had practiced your swordsmanship for another ten years, I wouldn’t have been a match for you.”(Chapter 23)

The words of Jinpyeong, the swordsman who had once cut my throat, flashed in my mind.

‘I’ll do just as he said.’

If I become strong enough to get revenge on the elder of the Iron Blood Gate for that defeat, this sense of defeat will disappear. It was a moment when I deceived myself by creating new motivation.

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