Reincarnated Lord’s Unwanted S*xual Technique

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Damward -> Damwead Catherine -> Katherine

I saw him for the first time at my first ball, I had been longing for a prince from a storybook since I was a little girl, and I thought he was my prince because he fit my imagination perfectly.

He had short trimmed golden hair and blue eyes.

He was dressed in a child's formal wear, and when he smiled sweetly at me with his neat face, my still small chest tightened with a kyu~uun sound.

"I'm Charlotte Terrace, second daughter of Count Terrace.

"My name is Peter Swift, eldest son of Marquess Swift could you dance with me, beautiful lady?

"Yes, I would be delighted."

As a daughter of the House Terrace, I had been trained from an early age in the etiquette and dance of the house, and I succeeded in making contact with him without any mishap.

For a nobleman, a woman is a tool to bear a child. Even so, as a noblewoman, she is expected to have first-class manners, behavior, and education. If you are a man, you must have the spirit and courage to run through the battlefield.

We were recognized as typical nobles, and as models among them, we were recognized by the people around us, and we were accepted as their wives.

I was overjoyed. The noble society is full of power, intrigue, and all kinds of deception, and even more so when there are obstacles, schemes, and interferences from the people around me. --However, if they showed it to the public they would be taken advantage of. More importantly, it was a trivial matter, so of course, they won't causing problems if it's just a dance.

It was at the engagement party. He and I quickly left the hall and talked on the balcony of the house.

The sky was full of stars.

It was the kind of night where it seemed as if the stars were congratulating us on our future and cheering us on. He was fourteen years old and I was thirteen. A pleasant spring breeze swayed in the darkness of the night, gently caressing our hair as it passed by.

"I'm going to be a successful General." he said. "You are a lucky woman, Charlotte, to be able to see it up close. You should be proud of yourself."

"Yes, I am."

I smiled back at him with a soft smile.

It was a beautiful spring evening, and I really wanted to be here to talk about love, but my favorite fairy tale was just that, a fairy tale. There was no way an exemplary nobleman like him would do such a thing. A knight who talks about love and protects women, that is something I admire, but I can only see him as a weak man who can do nothing more than protect a woman.

A knight is a man of nobility, a man who takes up a sword, wields magic, invades another country's territory and makes a military feat, or defends a border. He protects his territory, his name, and his property, not his women, his wife is a tool to keep his bloodline alive (but still a mother for his excellent children, so she has a higher level than his people), and his people are his property to pay taxes.

That is normal. So, while he may be concerned about his own earnings, it would be out of the question for a nobleman to be concerned about the individual needs of his people, especially if they cannot make a contribution on the battlefield.

"Oh, by the way, did you hear about the third son of House Damwead?"


I shake my head.

I heard a glimpse of the story, but I pretended not to know it in order to please the man who would become my husband. That is the etiquette of a noblewoman.

"When he was twelve years old, he wanted to fight his first battle but he just fled before them, he didn't even cross his swords with the enemy"

"Oh," she said, her eyes widening. as far as it goes.

"It was unthinkably foolish. The first battle is usually fought on a battlefield where there is no danger of death. However, if you're a man of my level, it's not so easy."

"Yes, you're right, Peter."

The battlefield that the third son of the Damwead family sent to was not called a battle, but a battle to clean up a newly invaded city. I was told that in such a case, guerrillas will appear, but they were almost eliminated, and all that was left was a sparse enemy and the air of a battlefield. It's a battlefield that can't even be called a battlefield to experience it.......

--This knowledge was passed on to me from my sister.

I heard that it was his first battle, where the third son of the Damwead family got scared and ran back when he saw the dead bodies.

"As a man and a nobleman, it was outrageous" Peter said with a hint of anger in his voice. Moreover, the third son is said to be interested in things that should be left to the lowlife, such as building the people's farmland and outer walls and improving their hunting equipment. It was a good thing that he was the third son, but if he was the first son, he would be in trouble.

Like my sister, who carries a sword like a madwoman and runs around on the battlefield....... This is why I set myself up as Peter's partner.

"After such a disgraceful display, he will never be able to go into battle again, but then, what is the point of living as a nobleman if you can't go to the battlefield?"

"Yes, I think so, too."

"I am glad you are an understanding woman."

I am glad that my sister is not forced me into becoming her fiancée. There's no way you can't tell that's what she's thinking. I just return the superficial obeisance.

He is a quintessential nobleman, a model nobleman, so how could he possibly understand my love of fairy tales?

--I'll have to leave them at home or get rid of them all. Or should I leave them with Katherine......?

I felt lonely, but I was thinking about it so that I could be with the man I recognized as my prince.

In the courtyard of Desmond's mansion, the lord's wife was enjoying a cup of tea in a warm sunny spot, as cheerful as the brilliant sunlight. Her platinum blonde wavy hair reflected the sparkling light, like the hair of a mythical goddess. Her voluptuous body was wrapped in a white satin gown, and she looked more like a little girl who had been played with by her favorite brother than a sexy young woman.

She enjoys the pleasant smell of tea, and when she puts her pretty lips on it, she exhales in a dreamy tone of ecstasy. It was a rare sight to see in recent years - or rather, it was a sight she hadn't seen since her return from her previous marriage.

"My lady, you had a lot of fun last night."

"Buh-huh! What are you saying, Katherine!?"

The mistress spluttered tea and blushed brightly. The maidservant, who was called Katherine - she was dressed in a classic black dress-type maid's uniform, with a white apron dress and white brim. Her reddish hair was gathered up in a bun at the back of her head. She was twenty-six years old, three years younger than Charlotte, but her condescending attitude and honest appearance made her seem older than she was. The tone in which she made fun of the Lord was not at all offensive, her elegant beauty was cold, her fine eyes and perfectly shaped nose did not waver in the slightest.

"What, you ask? I'm just stating a fact, wrestling on the bed, forgetting me. even though there are other servants in the mansion, it's such a shamelessly loud voice. If I hadn't cast a soundproofing spell then Charlotte-sama wouldn't have been able to stay in this house. The master(danna-sama) is also not very careful. or maybe he was just trying to humiliate the lovely Charlotte-sama and make love to her as a side dish? Charlotte-sama are you perhaps forgot that I was hiding in that room?"


Pssh, pssh, pssh, pssh, pssh, pssh, pssh, Charlotte turned red and blew steam as if she had become a human steam engine.

--Yes, Katharine, Charlotte's servant since childhood, had been told by her to hide in the closet just in case. because of Desmond, the lord who had not visited her bedroom for several years, suddenly said he would visit her as if his mind had changed. If it was to humiliate Charlotte, she was prepared to resist with all her might and fight him to the death. And Katharine was there to help...

"All night long, I listened to the Charlotte-sama's disgusting noise and the master's grumbling from inside the closet, - he knew exactly what she wanted. The debauched wife called him by his name and accepted the male organ with all her might."

"Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Stop it stop it stop it stop it! Oh, forgive me, Katharine I was wrong. I'm sorry that I let you hide in the closet in such a situation, but Desmond was such a ......"

Charlotte's face loosened up with a grin, probably remembering last night. Her eyes and mouth did not return to their original state.

--You've fallen, haven't you? foolish thing.

I met her as a casual playmate at first, and I had been her attendant since she was a child. After her ex-husband, Count Peter Swift, returned her because she was unable to conceive a child, Charlotte's depression was severe. Especially if it was because of the person she had longed for. When she was handed over to Baron Desmond as a childless device, she seemed to have given up on everything. You can keep your aristocratic pride at least, but you no longer want anything else.

And so the time had finally come for her to be dishonored. That's what Charlotte, Katherine's master thought, and she, as a follower, prepared to stab and kill him for the sake of her master. That was it.

Remembering last night's lasciviousness, Charlotte's cheeks continued to relax. She had known Charlotte's love of sweet stories since they were children together. After all, she had been forced to play the role of the prince many times. She knew better than Desmond how to say something that made women's hearts ache. But at the same time, she also knew that in aristocratic society, such love between a man and a woman was literally a mere fantasy. It is natural that Charlotte is also realized as she grows older.

No matter how much you love your partner, in the aristocracy, a woman is just a tool to bear a child. And a man who spouts sweet words can be seen as soft and weak, even in his own bedroom.

But that man, Desmond Damwead is.........

--Congratulations, Lady Charlotte. You have been married to the right person. Moreover, that sexual technique was intended for lady Charlotte, who is unable to bear children. I'm not sure why he suddenly wants Charlotte to have a baby, but...

I've played as a prince before, so I know what I'm talking about. --He's genuine.

I'm not going to lie if I say I'm not a little frustrated that my position has been taken away from me, but I should congratulate my beloved master for beginning to find happiness. If only a child could be born from this.......

--No, I think that's a little too much to hope for.

Charlotte, who seemed to have undergone a personality change is, "fu~u" exhale with drooling eyes. Even though she played the role of a sister or a prince, it's more like an older sister. but both of them are for Charlotte.

--Master, if you do anything to make Charlotte-sama cry, then I will not spare you, so please be prepared.

With a shiver, Desmond shuddered in his office. But we'll leave it at that.

"But what is so special about the sexual arts? Is it really that much of an art to making a woman lose her mind and scream such a disgusting voice?"

Charlotte looks uncomfortable "Ngh......."


Like a cat who came up with a prank. Charlotte said.

"So, let's give it a try, shall we?"

"Chuu, chuu ......"

In Charlotte's bedroom, on the cushions where Desmond and she had communed last night, the two beauties were facing each other, both looking magnificent without a stitch of clothing.

Charlotte, twenty-nine years old, seemed to be sniffling, and Katherine's expressionless face made it impossible for the outsider to tell what she was thinking or feeling.

In this world where there is no sexual desire or eroticism, we do not force each other to show our nakedness, but when we do, there is no resistance. But there are some exceptions, for example, when people directly look at the excretory organs.

Charlotte couldn't help but want to experiment with Katherine after what Desmond had given her last night. She wondered if Katherine would cry out in an uncontrollable voice like she had done. --Perhaps it would prevent her from making fun of me-- "I'm looking forward to it." however, it was so quiet that I could hear the sound of my heart *toku* *toku*

She has wavy platinum blonde hair and a young face with large emerald eyes that make it hard to believe she is twenty-nine. She has a childish face that looks like she's about twenty, but her body is full of fresh, lustrous skin that makes her stand out as a woman.

Opposite to Charlotte, the bitter divorced wife, was Katherine, a cool-looking attendant with reddish hair pulled up at the back of her head. --She was of a slender build.

Charlotte was trying to kiss her first, to test it out.

Here are two beautiful girls (but they are a 29-year-old and a 26-year-old) who got taught naughty things by their naughty uncle who is a reincarnated person. "Wouldn't you like to try it?" They were innocent, naive, and interested "I wonder if we can feel good too if we did it ourselves?"

It was Katherine who opened her mouth first "Is this a kiss?"

The way she softly put her finger to her lips was so seductive that even a woman of the same sex couldn't help but admire it. However, Charlotte was expecting to see more blushing and a sweet voice and was disappointed to see that Katherine was the same as usual.

--I think I could almost hear her say "That's disappointing".

And it was Mistress Charlotte who was forced her to do so.

"Charlotte-sama was so enraptured by master when he did this to her."

"~~~~~!" The lovely Mistress Charlotte squirmed her mouth with her rosy cheeks and determined.



She pounced on Katherine and pressed her lips which were like flower petals to each other. Her breasts bounced and perked up. The small twin mounds and huge peaks pushed and squeezed each other, and their light pink nipples added a delicate accent.

The wife slipped her tongue into the servant's mouth. As he had done to her last night, she rubbed her tongues together slipperily, making her swallow and suck the saliva.

"How about that?" She breathed over her shoulder, looking a bit resentful as she looked on the servant. This should work because I am.....but

"Well......I could say that it's a strange feeling......."

Katherine looked up at her, and that really seemed to be all to it. Charlotte looked a little disappointed. Maybe she was bothered by that.

"'It's a strange feeling but...well, I suppose it's not so bad."

The wife's baby face beamed like a flower.


"So this is how Charlotte-sama was loved by her husband."

The flower popped out with a poof.


A twenty-nine-year-old girl was freaked out after hearing her say things like, "This is terrible......." But what is really terrible is the wife who let Katherine know that she was in love with her husband.

However, the wife was not discouraged.

"How about this, then?"



She kneaded Katherine's bulge, which was nothing compared to her own, and rubbed her nipples.

"Don't you feel it?" --I was already wiggling my hips with this one.

"No, I can certainly feel the tingling and stirring, but not to the extent that I am in such a state of disarray. I'm not sure if it's Charlotte-sama sensitivity, or Desmond-sama skill, or--"

--Because this is how the wife feels for her husband.

Charlotte choked on her words. "Ughhh"

"Didn't the Master's whispering of sweet words and gentle, loving caresses make you feel that way, Charlotte-sama? --No, I'm not saying that you don't love me. I know first-hand that you are good to me. I have felt it with my own body. So, is that because of a technique?" maid shame and embarrass her mistress to no end. and also prepared an escape route for her master. That is a master-servant love.

"Well, yes, Desmond did say that he had learned something about sexual arts. ......"

"To let the Charlotte-sama have a baby."

"No, please don't say that, Katherine......."

*Pssst* The Charlotte-sama was so embarrassed that she looked like she was about to burst into steam. She looked so cute that I wanted to play with her even more, but I wondered what it would be like to be completely smitten.

"So, there's something else that he did to me."

Charlotte chuffed and licked, raining kisses down Katherine's neck, *Chu* *kiss* licking and sucking her nipples as well as her breast.

"'You still don't feel it, do you?"

"'Yes, there are definitely some strange sensations, but ......"

"Oh yes, then this--"

And the wife descended to the place she had been banged by her husband last night and asked Katherine to spread her legs apart, scrape her thick, reddish pubic hair, and...

--She froze.

"............Charlotte-sama, this may indeed be somewhat embarrassing"

Even though the world is free of sexual desire and eroticism, there is of course shame. It's embarrassing to have your excrement hole spread open, even if you don't feel any sexual sensation. Katherine's cheeks blushed slightly. However.

"What is the matter, Charlotte-sama?"

The Mistress remained frozen, spreading the servant's pubic hair.

That's not surprising.

If you don't have a sexual desire, you don't care what happens to your own body during sexual intercourse, or even reproduction. There is no way that she would have bothered to check and see for herself, let alone look at someone else's genitals.

Therefore, this was the first time Charlotte had ever seen a woman's genitals in the flesh.

--Wow, did Desmond see me like this last night!?..... What's more, Desmond put his mouth on such a disgusting part of me at that time, and hi, hiaaaaaah.....

"Don't you want to lick it?


The lady made a strange noise. The servant, however, who knew nothing of the matter, pressed upon the mistress with her deadly blade.

"Charlotte-sama? Wasn't your husband sucking on Charlotte-sama pussy like crazy last night? It was quite relentless. And both the Master and Charlotte were in ecstasy, can you continue?

" I, i...i..."

She was very aware of what indecent things her husband had done to her last night, and this servant had seen it all.


"What's the matter, Charlotte-sama? Has Desmond-sama done something bad to you!? I'm going to cut off his penis to a thousand pieces!!!"

"No, no!! You can't do that!! Desmond has nothing to do with this.......Heeeeaaahhh!"

"I knew it! I'll take the scissors now!"

"No, no, no, you can't do that!!"

--I can't make you love me back as deeply as him.......

"Heeeeaaahhh!" The female servant was even more upset than her lady who had exploded herself from embarrassment.

Two naked beauties. Twenty-nine year olds and twenty-six year olds bounced around on the bed, their big and modest tits, swaying, shaking, jumping up and down.

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