Reincarnated Lord’s Unwanted S*xual Technique

Chapter 220

Chapter 220

Viviane woke up,

and the first thing she saw was an unfamiliar ceiling.

――Wait, she'd seen it before going to sleep.

...Um, what am I...

Her memory was like a blank slate. She thought about it vaguely and then,

――The stuff from yesterday came rushing back.

The mouse, all panicky with messed-up flaxen hair, tried to bail out in a hurry, her face turning blue. But, when she flung the door open.


The lord was there.

A blond, blue-eyed, self-proclaimed overly and disgustingly handsome noble. Though, to Viviane right now, he looked more like an abominable beast.


"Huh?" Desmond parroted back.

"I'm gonna get pregnant!!!" Piiiii~aah~~~ Ms. Mouse squealed.

"Hey, what are you saying? That's scandalous!"

Flustered, Desmond quickly covered her mouth with his hand, barged into the room, and in a bit of a tussle, pushed her onto the bed. It was a masterful move, although it was hardly the end of her struggle. Pressing her down, holding her mouth with his hand.

Tears welled up in the corner of Viviane's eyes.

――I'm going to get pregnant. I'm going to be stripped by Desmond-sama like yesterday's Katherine-san, he will inseminate me from behind, and even my throat...

"Hu, huffuuuu~!"

"Wh! Why are you crying... No, I said I won't impregnate you! I won't do it to anyone who doesn't want it!"

But for a noble to speak such words to a commoner was unbelievable. For example, the deadline was originally a week away, but out of nowhere, they wanted to read it sooner, so it turned into three days. The deadline turned into death line. How many times had she faced tight deadlines like that?

――At least, please don't make it painful...

"Hey, why are you closing your eyes and acting like you've given up! I said I won't do it! Listen to meeee!"

Not noticing that Desmond was now serious and shouting, Viviane felt the man's weight on her, and,

"That's enough, Desmond-sama!"

The platinum savior appeared.

"Really? you won't going to impregnate me.....?"

She asks like a small animal.

"No impregnation, no impregnation."

I, your good lord, would never indiscriminately impregnate such a girl. "Hmm, said the person that impregnating his wife's sister and mother."

No room for leniency?!


when Charlotte-chan walked in, I was in the middle of pressing down on Viviane-sensei on the bed, covering her mouth with my hand. She was able to calm Viviane down. Yeah, she's impressive. As the rightful wife, with dignity, her right hand was set ablaze in platinum and roared as she entered the scene of her husband's misconduct. The mouse was taken aback by the sheer intensity.


I backed off, and Charlotte held back her right hand. Is it even stronger than the 【Fireball】 she threw at me before? If a wife goes off on her husband, there'd be nothing left! —— Piii.

Good thing Charlotte and I are well-connected! Otherwise, it could've turned into a crime scene instead of just an affair. I still have a bit of sweat on my back—phew.

By the way, the "Chicken Sense" didn't activate, that's because it was actually safe, right? Right?

"Viviane-sensei, it's okay. Desmond-sama won't impregnate women who don't want it."

Charlotte stood in front of me, positioning herself to protect still trembling Viviane-sensei from her husband. Or rather, she was firmly holding me. Her plump chest was crushed against my chest, the binding force was incredible. I gently placed my hand on Charlotte's waist and stroked it.


Viviane-sensei, aka Ms. Mouse, had teary eyes. I'm really sorry, but when someone shouts like that, restraining them seems logical.

"All criminals say the same thing."

Huh? Was I truly on the verge of being struck? Even though the "Chicken Sense" didn't react at all? That could be troublesome. Nervously, I kept on stroking my wife's slim waist. Not good, it's getting hard.


Charlotte-chan sticks closer and grabs me.

Uwa, I can't move at all now. — Gufufu.

"....." — However, Viviane-sensei showed no signs of letting her guard down.

Just yesterday she treated me so casually, and why is she like this today? Moreover, being told She'll get pregnant just by facing me... "That's because she peeked into Desmond-sama's room last night. ——Really, Mother is quite troublesome. To write about Aldora, you need to get to know Desmond-sama first, she said."

--Outtttt! Witch, you're outtttt!! What the hell are you meddling with?! Sure, it might have been the best way for her to get to know me, but...


Is this what led to this situation? Hmm, I get it, I get it now.... but...

When I look at her, the more the mouse trembles.

——What should I do with this?

Are you just going to toss this to me, Witch-sama?

But, what saved me—or rather, who saved me—was...

"There's no help for it."

And, Charlotte-sama, who caught and embraced me, said. I nudged her waist.

"...N, not now Desmond-sama. Let me properly handle it." She gently released her hand ——Hmm, why does it feel a bit relieving?

Charlotte continued, "Desmond-sama is not a bad lord. I will explain it to Viviane-sensei. Surely, she will understand when she hears how I was corrupted by you."

—Hmm hmm, that's right, that will surely.....


It seems I misunderstood. She not going to save me. She's going for a killing blow.

"――So, that's how it is."


"Desmond-sama practices and mastered the sexual art..."


"And, he won't stop until he impregnates me..."


As Charlotte spoke, Ms. Mouse's expression changed.

I was convinced that this person was, at least, a great listener. because.

"Desmond-sama likes me too much."

"Oh, really?"

The mouse's eyes grew warm.

"I'm so happy, it's like being sugar-coated..."


Hey, wait a minute! Hey, I'm the lord, the 《Impregnation Lord》, don't look at me with those eyes!



Oh no, I gotta get out of here. Charlotte-chan squirms with flushed cheeks, and Viviane-sensei looks at us with a mouse-like grin. Hey, weren't you scared of me just now? At first—or rather, isn't my treatment getting a bit too casual?

However, this person is experienced in dealing with nobility and doesn't cross the line between being polite and disrespectful. The farthest thing they got was, "Oh my, do you like him too?" and "Oh, no, hahaha." They're dancing on the edge. How many deadlines does she have to meet to stay on this delicate line without crossing it? So, I can't get angry. And even if the line is crossed, I still can't get angry.


It's fine if she's not afraid of me anymore, but...

"I get it now," said Viviane-sensei, nodding. "Charlotte-sama, thank you for sharing such a wonderful story."

"I am honored." puffing out her huge boobs—ehem—she said. Huh, isn't my wife too cute and beautiful as her platinum-blonde hair sparkles in the sunlight streaming through the window?

And so, can't get away physically, can't hold my head high, can't close my eyes, and can't cover my ears. I have no choice but to escape from reality. But, reality, unwillingly, keeps pressing down on me.

"Charlotte-sama." said the mouse with a serious expression, "May I turn this into a book?"

""—Eh?"" Our voices synchronized at that moment. But our thoughts were completely opposite!

"Fuuu~ooooh! Am I dreaming?! Could it be, could it be that god has blessed us?! Of course, she can! In fact, I really hope she does! Right, Desmond-sama?"


When asked with such eyes, what else could I answer?... What is it called again?

——Empty Eyes, I think that's what they call such eyes.


"If you know what will happen, right?"

Why is she rubbing her fingers like that? It's like she's crushing some kind of burning remains. *Shaking, trembling...*

My beloved wife is threatening her husband for her own selfishness. Ugh, this happens way too much. It's not good at all! And not only that... Why do I feel like I'm standing on someone's palm, even though I'm in a room in the mansion?

――If this a dream, please wake me up.

However, I'm already seeing a fleeting dream called reality.

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