Reincarnated Lord’s Unwanted S*xual Technique

Chapter 218

Chapter 218

"Desmond-sama, I've caught a rat."

In the mid-afternoon after finishing the job of the signer, Grandpa Randolph brought in a mouse. It was my office. But, isn't this the work for a cat, not a dog?

―― Just kidding.

"I'm sorry, really sorry. I should have asked for permission, but you see, a noble mansion with an open door and no gatekeeper——it seemed like a great opportunity, you know? I just wanted to see what life was like inside, kind of like how you have to go into a dragon's nest to get the egg, right? I couldn't resist the urge..."

The rat, brought in by Grandpa, must have wondered why it had to be stared at by a suddenly intruding black-haired beauty.

"Wanna get Desmond to prep some eggs?"

Ah, Teresa's words made her jump and rush out. ―― Um, I want to.

The mouse Grandpa caught wasn't an ordinary mouse, it was a human one. Though, it made sense to refer to her as a mouse. A woman with teary eyes and messy flaxen hair, not the typical look in a world filled with beautiful women. The simple, homey vibe was actually quite nice. But why did this situation feel so familiar? Well, it's only natural for her to be a bit nervous in a strange moment like this.

I sat at my desk, acting all lord-like with my fingers locked under my chin in an intimidating pose. The terrace trio, exuding a noble aura, occupied one sofa. Liz sat on the opposite couch, flanked by maids Katherine and Monica. Plus the Blue Demon and Red Demon. And the one capturing her, Gray Hound.

――Hmm, I'd rather commend her for not wetting herself.

If it was me, I would have peed my pants!

"Leave that to me!"

"Charlotte, don't go any further." — Well, I've already said everything. But if it was her, I'd love to take care of it as well ――Gufufu.

"So?" I asked Randolph with my best lord impression.

"Hoho." Grandpa responded with a seemingly kind demeanor. Lead-colored eyes with a hint of mystery and romance-gray hair that seemed to have been gently stroked. Thick eyebrows, and a bushy mustache, truly a kind-looking grandpa, at least in appearance.

In appearance! In appearance! I said it three times because it's important.

"She sneaked into the mansion and was creeping around. Although she's a complete amateur, not a spy or anything, but it was her words that piqued my interest——"

An interview,

She said.

"Fufu, an interview you say?" Margaret-sama spoke with overwhelming elegance.

With a youthful beauty that doesn't seem like that of a mother with daughters who are already approaching her forties and thirties, she has platinum blonde hair with waves similar to Charlotte's.

The ample fruits of raising two daughters pushed up her blouse per usual, and she looked at her with those large emerald eyes inherited by her daughters.

"Pii" — Hmm, a mouse-like squeak.

"――Are you by any chance, afraid of me?"

Margaret-sama deliberately widens her eyes, but she is definitely scary. If she doesn't fear her, what else is there to fear?!

"We will talk after this, Desmond-sama..."


――Cough, well, certainly, I know Margaret-sama's frightening side — not only on the bed, Gufufu — "Ya~an" "Don't force it, old lady..." "Aaaah?" "Sorry."

Anyway, just with her looks, Margaret-sama is a very beautiful girl. If she says she's scared of her, then, well, does this mean this mouse has a keen eye? ―― an interview, it seems.

"Are you, by any chance, a famous writer?" Charlotte asked.

"Well, I wouldn't say famous, but I've sold decently..." The mouse scratches her head, making her messy hair even more messy. "But―"

She looks into the distance.

"Lately, I've been in a slump and escaped to such places to find material... Oh, but the food here is delicious!"

She seems to be quite a headstrong woman. It's not just a little, but her reactions are hard to deal with.

"That's right —" Margaret-sama puts her finger to her lovely lips. It's picturesque... "In that case!"


Hey, don't just randomly clap, especially you, Witch! I'm beyond startled! The lord, twitching involuntarily, was being observed by the mouse.

Oh, it seems like she's feeling a sense of friendliness from her end too. For a lord, how come?

"I grant you permission for the interview."

"Oh, thank you very much!"

Ms. Mouse bows with great vigor, but Margaret-sama? Isn't it I, as the lord of this Aldora territory, who should give permission?

"Is it alright, Desmond-sama?"

"Ah, yes." Phew, that was close. I was about to answer informally. But the way she asked, with a tone of dependence, was a perfect follow-up. You damn witch!

But she isn't called a witch without reason.

"But there are conditions. I would like you to write an article that promotes the Aldora territory. A good medium to make people aware of the current state of Aldora..."

Hey, when you say make people aware, to whom? It's not someone scary, right?

"Is it alright, Desmond-sama?"


Just so you know, it's not like you can get away with everything by acting cute! But I can't really refuse.

By the way, Grandpa had already disappeared halfway through. Such free-spirited!

Honestly, what does she think the lord is?

"Thank you very much!"

I wish you would learn from the mouse right here.

"Speaking of which, what's your name?" I asked Ms. Mouse.

I wonder if anyone knows her. Or maybe Charlotte knows her?

"Ah, um." the mouse's gaze swims a bit,

"Viviane..." *Clatter*!

Everyone, including me, involuntarily flinched as we looked at Charlotte. And it seems Katherine, who sensed something early on, skillfully caught the teacup Charlotte dropped without spilling a single drop. Whether it's magic or skill... I remembered that you were an excellent maid. I'll make sure to reward you later with lots of affection. Gufufu.


My impure thoughts were soon blown away.

"Go..." Charlotte was trembling. "God..."


"God has descended~~~!"

Katherine hastily used 【Soundproof】 — what an excellent maid, I'll make sure to...(same as above) — Viviane squeaked, "Pii!" and Margaret-sama, in a somewhat out-of-character voice, admonished, "Charlotte-chan, that's indecent." And for some reason, her sister started laughing out loud "Fuhahahaha." Yet, Charlotte-chan's scream, which somehow competes with Teresa's laughter that started for some reason,

I guess she is Teresa's sister after all,

I stared off into the distance, feeling somewhat detached from reality.

"Th-th-this way, pleash, right here, pleash!"

Her excitement made her speech a bit slurred for a twenty-nine-year-old.

Well, it can't be helped.

After all,

she's a twenty-nine-year-old girl.


"Fooo, hoooo. Finally, finally, the book ish compleeted..."

She's definitely achieved babyfication... I wonder if that word would be conveyed over here. Well, even if it is, it might lead to troublesome complications.

Charlotte is behaving in a way I've never seen before——or maybe I've seen it quite a bit. It's a "secret just between the two of us" ——Gufufu. She immediately assigned a room in the mansion — a super VIP treatment — and had Ms. Mouse signing autographs for her.

A signature, huh? I'm confident with signatures too, you know? When I playfully reached out my hand, she looked at me with a cold look I had never seen before ——or maybe I just didn't notice it before. It's kinda intriguing. I might get addicted to it. Right now, she's got Viviane-sensei signing each book one by one. Except for Katherine, everyone else left the room as they weren't interested.

Busy signing away, Viviane-sensei does indeed act like a mouse.

And I.



I wonder why she responds normally to me. I'm a noble too, and I should be the most important one here, you know?... How curious.

"Thank you for putting in so much effort for my wife." I sat in the chair next to Charlotte.

"No, it's fine, it's an honor for the author." She smiled. Yep, girls are better when they smile.

"And if you could turn a blind eye to her eccentricities, I'd appreciate it."


And I earnestly wished for it, but she shook her head with eyes that seemed to understand.

"It's okay. You're a noble after all."


♪ How do you write the 'ki' in 'kizoku'(貴族)? Write it like this '大' means big♪ write it like this '可' means possible♪ write it like this: '奇' means strange ♪

――I see, so the 'ki' in 'kizoku' is not the 'ki' in '貴い' (valuable/noble), but the 'ki' in '奇妙' (strange/weird), huh? I see.... can't deny that!

"Thank you! I'll make it a family heirloom!" And Charlotte-chan leaned forward.

"T-T-T-Th-thank you! W-W-W-whish thish, my woork-"


So, in an attempt to calm down the enthusiastic Charlotte."

Hey, Charlotte, if you focus too much on that, I might get jealous, you know?"

I lightly pat her head.


*scratch* *scratch* *scraaatch*!

Viviane-sensei, at a speed never seen before—pulled out a notepad from her pocket and started jotting down something――she really is like a mouse... Wait! Right now, she's noting this "head pat" in her notebook, isn't she?! Stop it! It's getting embarrassing!

But, as if mocking my thoughts."

Desmond-sama, I request a 'chin lift,' please."

An order came from Lady Charlotte.


And when I glanced at Viviane,

――She was eagerly waiting with shining eyes and a notepad in hand?!

"Come now, Desmond-sama, I shall provide material for the god."

Rather, Isn't God the one who gives the material to Oracles?

But her so-called god is there, notebook in hand, and my dear wife is waiting for a 'chin lift.' Ugh, fine, if it has to be this way! I lifted Charlotte's well-shaped chin with practiced hands, and against her soft lips.

"Is there anything about you that isn't irresistible?"

Pressing our cheeks together, I whispered in her ear.


"Fuu-ooh, Fuu-ooh!"

I could hear the mouse lady's breathing. Charlotte was trembling—yeah, cute, so cute. If you're gonna give those kinds of orders, might as well make you blush in front of sensei—gufufu.

...But, well, this mouse lady's vibe... it's exactly like those, isn't it? Yes, it is.

Certainly, she is one of those who attend to summer festival.

Well, if that's the case—rubbing my cheek against hers, I sniff the scent of her hair.

"Does Desmond-sama really enjoy the scent of Charlotte-sama?"

*Haaa* the mouse sniffs.

"Right, this fragrance captivates me and won't let go." Sniff-sniff, huff-huff.

"I'll take that line too!" But this behavior is absolutely not acceptable.

"What does Charlotte look like?"

"She's completely red! Ah, those big emerald eyes are moist and swaying... I'll gladly take that too! I've never seen a face like this before!"

Hoho, in that case...I bury my face in Charlotte's neck. So that Viviane doesn't find out what happened *lick lick*

"Nn..... hey, Desmond-sama,..... you can't do that,....."

Gufufu, gufufu. It seems being humiliated in front of an admired author is very embarrassing. There, there, *lick lick*.

"Nnghhh, nnghhh....."

Oh, Charlotte, that ero elf Charlotte, is holding back her voice! Mmmm, delicious.

"The shaking and a writhing sensation... How should I express this!? I still have a lot to learn!"

――No, because it's a concept that doesn't exist in this world.

"Nn, Desmond-sama, you can' a place like this... Nfuu."

"W-why is it, why is my heart pounding so much?"

The warmth of my wife's body was conveyed to my lips. A suppressed voice accompanied by a faint writhing. Her wavy hair, like a spider web, entangled me, refusing to let go from her neck to her lips. ――Alright, let's leave a mark.

"Please forgive me... Nn,...n... Ah..."

This is what I call eroticism!

Suppressing the smug expression that threatened to surface, I parted my lips from my wife's neck. Charlotte quickly placed her hand there and used 【Heal】. Hmm, it's a shame it got erased, but I'm satisfied with that move. ―Gufufu.


"This, this is..."

Viviane-sensei trembled as if deeply moved.


"O-oh." Oh no, I got overwhelmed by the pressure from her.

"Please show me more, I beg you!... Ah, I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being so rude...but please, please!"

In the face of the overly enthusiastic sensei's pressure,

And I look at Charlotte,

――She flinched!

"Ufufufufufu, Desmond-sama? You're really getting carried away. Even I have things that are off-limits, even if they're naughty."

"..... Sorry"

"I won't allow it. Next, it's my turn."

"Please be gentle..."


――And so, this is how it all turned out.

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