Reincarnated Lord’s Unwanted S*xual Technique

Chapter 213

Chapter 213

The earth and the stars quake silently. The wheel of fate spun and creaked.

"――Kukuku, is it this way?"


Under the starry sky, the claws of a dog with a body as large as a cow descend. From below, it appeared as if they were tearing through the very fabric of the night sky. Looking up from below, it's like the night sky is getting torn apart. If those claws shred the boy, they'll tear through Desmond's fate too. As the body of the boy faded away like a faint mist, the dog's face twisted with delight. 《Duke Phantom》. It had been a while since they last met,

――He's still going strong.

Now, showing movements befitting that title, Randolph twirled the giant dog's body around. The tail, covered in needle-like hairs, tears everything it touches to shreds. If the Shota Boy were to be torn apart, it would undoubtedly be Desmond's fate that was torn.


The figure of the boy then suddenly appears as if mocking the 《Gray Hound》. Then the dog's fangs draw near.

As if tearing apart Desmond's fate, the delicate thread of danger dissolves into mist, linking to another place. And.


A knife plunged into the dog's fur. Then it vanished as if merely a ghost.

"That's tough. It's even tougher than before." The boy wielded a knife and vanished.

"Well, anything less wouldn't cut it as the young master's butler."

"――Oh?" The boy's eyes twisted. It carried an enigmatic allure, if had to put it in words, some could even say it was enchanting.

However, if Desmond had heard this he'd think, 'Is my surroundings really so dangerous!?

"Desmond Damwead." The boy—no, the old ghost Michael Magus said, his tone like he's enjoying a tasty candy.

"Yeah, for sure—to put it like you said, I guess he's pretty 'interesting,' right? He can push me by using just 【Physical Enhancement】. I haven't been pushed back like that since with 《Platinum Breaker》."

"――Hoho, that's right." The old man, like a delighted grandfather, though with a dog's face.

Michael's voice is like the singing of an angel. "Furthermore, unlike when he was racking up small accomplishments as the 《Heretic of Damwead》—though, honestly, I think he deserves credit for that, don't you think? Now, he's not only impregnated the Terrace family's second daughter, who was supposed to be unable to bear children but also caused the downfall of the Swift family and is now about to assume the title of Earl of Terrace and become Desmond Terrace Aldora, the Aldora Margrave. Adoption negotiations are quite troublesome among nobles, but with the 《Witch of Terrace》, it's not that difficult." He said, his eyes showing a strange glint. "Furthermore, isn't she also pregnant? The Witch carrying Desmond's child... Considering the circumstances, he likely won't be given a choice... Desmond is in quite a predicament. Still, impregnating that old hag――truly befitting the title of 《Impregnation Lord》."

He shuddered, the idea of that old hag wearing such a girlish expression goes beyond horrifying.

"Agreed." another old man nodded.

The old man in the guise of a dog and the old man in the guise of a boy contemplated the old woman in the guise of a girl. Aldora—truly a bizarre land. Compared to the era when the land was laid to waste and monsters roamed unchecked, which one is more inhospitable?

And Desmond-sama, the owner of the land, would surely wept tears of joy when he was officially recognized as the 《Impregnation Lord》by the Duke.

"《Witch of Terrace》, 《Platinum Breaker》,《Blue Demon》, 《Red Demon》." 《Duke Phantom》 in the form of a boy counted them on his fingers. "...Oh right, I guess I'll have to add 《White Flames Empress 》 and 《Ephemera》 Oh, also, 《Gray Hound》... Haha, with 《Aldora Knight》 and the connections of their houses, greater than just that of the Margrave. Plus, with the self-sufficiency of this territory, high literacy rates, and the 《D Children》.....Although the size of the land is still small, but if it continues to grow like this, it will surely become another kingdom. First a Heretic, now Impregnation Lord, and next,


The elderly man in the form of a young boy, the predecessor of the Megus family that produced the prime minister of this country, curled his lips in an expression whose true intentions remained inscrutable.

"Well, something like this couldn't possibly be investigated in a single day." but if it had been under investigation before, it would have ruined the reputation of the Gray Hound, which is in charge of counterintelligence in this territory.

"Ahaha, you can rest assured. I learned this from the Witch. So that I, 《Duke Phantom》, can decide whether to recommend him for the title of Earl of Terrace or not..."

He smiled charmingly, wearing a noble expression that Desmond couldn't imitate. However, Randolph, not intimidated or enticed by it, remained calm.

"――Huh." and the Duke twisted his lips with a boyish face. "I think it's a good idea. I will recommend him. After all, as you say, it sounds more 'interesting' this way."

"Hoho, I'm grateful."

"Of course, unless he shows disloyalty to the Kingdom—but he's not that kind of a guy." He then remembered something, squeezed his hands, and exhaled, "The other two houses will probably resist, and honestly, because of his few achievements, he'll have to fulfill a few conditions."


He smirks with the face of a mischievous boy.

"I thought you'd say that. And, I have already guessed about those conditions already."


"Because I have no intention of playing your game."

"Too bad."


Thus, the dog bared its fangs. "So, you've seen enough, it's time for you to be on your way."

"Really? But you wouldn't just let me go, would you?"

Haha, hoho, the laugh intertwined, sounding like a clash of swords.

"――Hoho, it's hospitality." and the dog bared its fangs. "If I didn't properly entertain someone who would recommend our master, it would be a failure as a butler."

"No, no, it's a courteous reception, much appreciated."



Then, the dog's and the boy's, as if waiting for signal,


"I apologize Desmond-sama, but he managed to escape. I tried my best to slaughter him, but considering the surrounding damage, I decided it was better not to..."


――Hah, what a mess.

"Desmond-sama, may I have a moment?"

This is what Grandpa said to me after the party ended. Huh? What's the overall result of all this? Well, it was a success, a huge, a huge success.

We received several daughters as a sign of friendship and built friendly relations with each other, and it seems they were impressed by the crops in our territory, as trade requests poured in. The financial team, led by Liz-chan, takes care of that, so I just sign them as usual. Also, those who didn't bring their daughters today are planning to offer them in the future...

The title 《Impregnation Lord》 is gaining popularity! Maybe it's better that way because they don't call me the Demon King yet.


Now, the 《Duke Phantom》 matters.

――Hmm, it's good to deal with an intruder. I couldn't handle him in the first place. However, you see, ――Hey, old man. From the way you're talking, knowing that the other party is the former duke, and you, an old man of nothing more than a knighthood, tried to slaughter someone who can crush a baron like me by authority alone?

――Huh? Is this a roundabout attempt to have me executed? ――I don't understand.

But what did that Shota old man, not Shota Boy, want to do? He touched my c×ck, wrestled with me, and then disappeared. Hmm, he disappeared. Truly, the "Duke Phantom" is quite something. Perhaps he's skilled in that kind of magic.

"No, that's not it. While such magic is indeed one of the reasons for his title, it was because he has slaughtered countless enemies on the battlefield and sent them to the afterlife, with reverence like Duke of the Underworld." Margaret-sama said.

"However, it's been a while since we faced each other, and he seems quite active. Escaping the defense of both me and 《Walpurgis》..."

Grandpa seemed frustrated. ――Hmm, it seems I miraculously survived nine out of ten deaths.

Moreover, did I just not hear another unfamiliar term just now? Seems like some thing important is progressing without my knowledge?

"I need to keep training, Desmond-sama. Are you coming with me?"

Stop! I don't need your invitation!

I vigorously shook my head to refuse, but Margaret-sama...

"That would be great. In that case, please invite Walpurgis as well."

"Hoho, how wonderful."

Hmm, no? ――Hey, I haven't agreed to any of this, right?

"However, it seems Desmond-sama seems to take an interest in Duke Phantom. If you think we're lacking, you can..."

What the heck! What happened? Speak up! Apologize, apologize right now for sending him an invitation behind my back!

But no one paid attention to me. ――Well, I'm making sure my inner thoughts don't show outwardly, though? ――sign.

And the old man, without hiding his joy, said, "That would be interesting in its own way. Now, to achieve independence from the 'Kingdom'..."

Stop! Don't say any more!

――Huh? What's happening? Is today's social gathering already plunged Aldora into a life-and-death situation? Is the lord beyond the mosquito net? The stage features two major figures, the 《Witch of Terrace》 and the 《Gray Hound》, with the special guest 《Duke Phantom》. It seems completely out of place for the 《Impregnation Lord》 to climb onto the stage.

Fine! I'll climb on the bed then! (Bitter tears)

Or better yet,

Can you do your job? "Chicken sense"...

Ugh, this is too much!

It seems that around me, there are only enemies.

"And what about the personality of Desmond Damwead?"

"There's no issue. However, ―― allowing someone like him who hasn't even been on the battlefield and achieved anything notable to inherit the Earl title will likely cause a significant backlash. He is the Heretic of Damwead after all."

"Ah, I understand that. But if we don't permit it, who knows what the witch might do..."

"Exactly. Therefore, I have a good proposal. Achieving merit on the battlefield isn't the only way to contribute to the war effort."

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