Reincarnated Lord’s Unwanted S*xual Technique

Chapter 208

Chapter 208

――A story behind the scenes, a "hidden" stage.

When there's a dazzling "light," there's bound to be a "shadow."

And this is about that story.

"Hohoho, you're too careless. If you want to get past me, you'll need at least three times as much... No, even with that, it's still might be impossible."

In the shadows of the social gathering, the old man, known as the 《Gray Hound》 was making a scene. With hair that resembled the touch of silver, thick eyebrows, and a full beard, he had a certain look that resembled a certain old man. He was dressed formally, not in a tailcoat suit, but in a butler's uniform that was reminiscent of one. Just by looking at him, he seemed to be the true Margrave ―― or perhaps, he still appeared to wield tremendous power.

He was also present in the front of the "public" social scene. There, he controlled his <Gray Hound> to remotely hunt down the unwanted. And thus,

"The assassin is from that house, and this Shadow is from that house."

Sorting was being done,

"Excuse me."

Nobles were occasionally leaving the venue after being tapped on the shoulder. Or perhaps, even those from the homes of nobles who weren't here...


"HOーHOーHO! How interesting, 'Gray Hound.' is still in the business, I see."

A high-pitched voice reached the ears of <Gray Hound>.

The old man in the venue had to restrain himself from grinning.

With not the usual ――Hoho, but ――Kukuku.

His gray, enigmatic eyes were looking through the eyes of the <Hound> And through the lips of it, he spun out sounds,

――It was the forest on the border of "Aldora".

To one of the Gray Hounds deployed there, he spoke through its mouth.

It was a dense and lush forest. Unlike the dazzling social gathering, it was dimly lit. It was truly suitable for the shadow stage.

"It's been a long time,《Owl》. For you to be here, Miss《Witch》 seems to be demonstrating a great deal of sincerity in sending you over."

A gray dog, much like a miniature schnauzer in Desmond's world, snickered.


The response he received was a scornful laughter.

"Sincerity? HOーHO. You're really out of touch, huh? Have you always been clueless about this stuff? Just running around, eating, and taking down enemies?"

So, so sad.

The voice's tone was dramatically exaggerated, but the entity known as 《Owl》" by the "hound" remained invisible. All that met the eye were leaves whispering in the swaying treetops.

"Lady Witch is not merely displaying sincerity." The voice of 'Owl' said. "She didn't summon the "Owl" me, but for 《Walpurgis》(Witch's Attendant)"


The voice of the dog in the forest was overlaid with Randolph's voice in the venue. Creating a mix of happiness and belligerent. Inside, various individuals like the 《Witch of Terrace》, the 《Platinum Breaker》, the Dragon, 《Ephemera》, the 《Blue Demon》, the 《Red Demon》, Masochist maid Katherine, the 《White Flame Empress》, and quite a few responded to the noise. But most people, even among the nobles, wouldn't recognize the sound of 《Grey Hound》 which was getting drawn out by the sound of the crowd quickly.

Those with Desmond were no ordinary individuals.

By the way, the lord did not even aware of it at all.

――Young master still has a lot to learn. ――Well, that is what it means to be strong, and it's because you're the way you are that I find it interesting.

Randolph glanced at the young master for a moment and then looked at the 《Witch》. She ignored Randolph with a composure that was beautiful and too youthful for her age. She must have known he was watching her.....


It's a group independently led by the 《Witch》, a group befitting the Shadows within the nobility. However, only a select few are aware of its actual existence, and even fewer believe it to be real.

Randolph had run into a few of them, and that, or the fact that he'd met a few, was kind of proof that he was of the "strongest". To have 《Walpurgis》, the pointed spear of the scariest《Witch》 show themselves before him, was something Randolph could take pride in.

In the hall, he remains as composed as an elder, while in the Aldora forest, he is as fearless as a resolute hound.

"Well well, I apologize. I didn't realize Miss 《Witch》 was so fond of the young master."

"HOーHO. You should know better."

"Hoho, that's right indeed. Well then, as members of the same faction, I would like to meet with the other 《Walpurgis》 as well. Kuku."

"It is rather you who should come visit us. HOーHO, However, I must inform you that we already have the 《Black Dog》on our side."

"Hoh....that's quite a nostalgic name."

The forest rustled with the sound of leaves trembling. As if the agitated Grey Hound stirred, the forest resounded.


"HOー, this is scary. I seem to have poked too much. No way I win against 《Gray Hound》! But is this a provocation to lure out the 《Black Dog》? HOーHO, scary, scary, aren't you supposed to get more sluggish as you get older?"

"The question goes both ways."

The hound said to the Attendant.


The gleeful laughter ―― or was it just a hoot? The forest chattered with a cryptic aura.

"And just like that, its gone, without a sound. Truly worthy of the title of an Owl.... Kuku."

The canine's joy permeated the forest...

In a sense, this too must have been a behind the scenes.

Amidst the smoothly progressing social gathering ―― it could be said that the absence of any disturbances so far was rather abnormal. But given the incredibly prosperous state of Aldora, to take action in the presence of the 《Gray Hound》, 《Platinum Breaker》, 《White Flame Empress》 (tennative title), and even 《Witch of Terrace》 in this place would require quite a formidable individual or group...

"Desmond-sama, why don't you impregnate my daughter? I'd love to see your expertise."


A commotion rippled through the venue.

An offer for procreation.

One of the new nobles offered his daughter to Desmond.

Of course, he wasn't asking to see it. However, in this world without eros, men usually take several days for a full recharge after a single shot. Moreover, even if they were nobles, children are still considered a gift from God, so it could be considered a kind of jest that left room for Desmond to decline.

In the aristocratic society, women were tools for giving birth.

That's why this could be considered a "joke" and words to amuse Desmond.

However, judging from his demeanor, it's clear that his heart is somewhat transparent in his attitude, which is rather unrefined. Even though he hasn't officially assumed the title of Aldora March, he doesn't engage in the flattery one might expect from a nobleman, and instead, he promptly refers to him as Lord Damwead and offer his daughter as if offer drinks.

"He's quite good for a lapdog, don't you think?"



The one shivering, of course, was Desmond. But he didn't show it on the surface. That alone put him above the other nobles.

Even those with lower status as nobles were invited to this social gathering.

Although he was the first to act, it could have been someone else.

The women he impregnated might be of the finest quality, but that didn't necessarily extend to their families. After all, in the <Platinum Knight Order> there were quite a few girls who had been rescued from such parents and families. That is why it is essential to tighten the leash here.....

""Desmond-sama, please impregnate her!""

An order from my wife and mother-in-law.

"Fine. I'll impregnate this girl."

That's all Desmond could say.

"Ooh," the audience murmured in hushed tones.

"But please, expedite the process. We can't afford to take too long, especially since this is a political issue. I truly want you to fully enjoy it, but she'll eventually come back later after they join our faction."

Scary, nobility, scary. It's even scarier to be reminded that my wife is a part of it.

"Even if time is short, I believe that Desmond-sama will make her truly his woman."

Desmond, who was still horrified, did not hear his wife's muttering.

However, this would surely make him prove the title 《Impregnation Lord》.

"Needless to say, but I am, of course, a virgin."

The young lady, who had been brought into the guest room, said this in a somewhat authoritative manner. Her attitude had changed. Despite being rumored to become an Earl, he was currently nothing more than the third son of a Viscount's family. ――This was also meant to anger him. To provoke him, make him lose his composure, and reveal his secret. That's what her father had instructed her. But the way she did it was very, very tugging at his heartstrings.

――I want to tease this tsundere.

With her golden drill-like hair, fair skin, and blue eyes, she was like a French doll from Desmond's original world, charming and aristocratic. Despite still being in her mid-teens, she had a generously filled, white dumpling-like bosom that seemed ready to burst out of her low-cut dress.

"So, are we starting?《Impregnation Lord》"

Was it a provocation she was coerced into by her father, or was it because she, like her father, was ignorant?

Then, she rolled up the skirt of her luxurious dress, inserted her hand into the hem, and, as if determined to do so, "...Hn."

She snorted and took off her panties.

This is a world without eros. Of course, she doesn't feel it. But she would never be indecent enough to take off her underwear in public. Moreover, the other attendees knew that she had left the venue to be impregnated by him is enough.

Even if there's no eroticism, shame still exists.

The noblewoman's cheeks were tinged with a light pink.

――D-Don't back down now Jacqueline. You already knew that being born as a noble's daughter might involve bearing the child of an unwanted partner. A political marriage is nothing, absolutely nothing at all. This doesn't change anything, wherever it's the men, or whatever I'll be sent to this remote land.

――And besides, in the first place, I...

"Come on, let's get it over with."

A certain resignation filled her eyes.

――Fufu, I was brought here today precisely because I can't even become a mere "tool" after all.

Her arrogant behavior, so unsuitable for a woman who should only be considered a means to bear children in aristocratic society, was mixed with a sense of desperation.

She took off her high heels and climbed onto the bed, kneeling with her intimate place hidden under her skirt.

"They call you the 《Impregnation Lord》 right? You can do it without even watching right? Get it up with lube, insert, and ejaculate. Impregnate me and raise your reputation."

――Well, I don't see how that's possible.

Yes, she was a noblewoman waiting for Desmond in a somewhat dead fish state, but Desmond...

"I won't do that."


"What I will do with you is the sexual art."


She muttered. But he paid no attention to her, and the bed creaked.

Desmond loomed over her like that and put a gentle smile on his sweet mask. For a moment, she was captivated because it had been a long time since anyone had smiled at her like that.

His face drew closer.

And then their lips met.


She didn't understand what had just happened, her eyes wide open, and she felt the sensation of her own lips being touched.

――Just now, lips... on lips? Why?

As if to find the meaning, she licked her lips a little. It felt sweet.

"What's your name?"

"Uh? Um, Jacqueline."

"I see, that's a nice name." His eyes narrowed, and she was drawn in.

What is this man?

There's something about him that attracts her.

Jacqueline, who still doesn't understand eroticism, couldn't grasp it, but it was something like the magnetic allure. Desmond had developed it through bedding countless women, truly caring for them, and being genuinely loved in return.

He smiled and said to her, "Jacqueline, I will impregnate you and make you beautiful."


That was all she could say.

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