Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 8 - Chapter 399 - Sub-guild Established! Let the party roll on!

D-rank promotion exam was of utmost importance for guild <Eden>, but on par of it, we had another matter to focus on. Yes, it was a sub-guild!

To put it in a few words, the negotiation and transfer procedure of the members I had selected over the previous interview was completed. No, seriously, my gratitude for Celestine and Rina was like a relentless stream of a river. Their hard work had basically sorted all the side stuff that needed to be done. And that was why, I was now visiting the <Guild Application Reception> along with sub-guild members to apply for new sub-guild creation.

"This completes the procedure. Now you all are officially on board of <Eden> sub-guild. Let's rumble the dungeon, eh?"

" " " "Yes!" " " "

" " " "Please guide us from here on!" " " "

Our new members---sub-members to be precise---answered to my response. Each and every one of them was a special one to rise from that mass interview, and now they were officially added to the cause of <Eden>. We had 9 girls and one boy. Nothing to complain about though. Because girls were stronger and more passionate!

On the side note, I paid 20,000 QP for the creation of the sub-guild and 1000 QP for the operating cost. But man, the single yikes part about all is we gotta pay the operation cost every month. And that was when it was just the minimum amount since the guild was still F-rank. It's almost equivalent to the reward from one quest, or one million Mir. This means the management cost would continue to rise up with each rank. E-rank operation cost was 3000 QP (3 million Mir) and 5000 QP (5 million Mir) for D-rank. Of course, it was monthly on top. Ah, of course, it was definitely not a cinch if you think about it as a price for recruitment. Who wouldn't want capable individuals, no? If not us, many guilds would kill to pay to recruit them.

Besides, they would also need the approval of the parent guild if any of the sub-member wanted to switch or leave the guild, much like our current situation. Who would spend their resources and time if that couldn't be done, right? The repayment was usually counted in terms of a considerate sum of Mir or item to the parent guild.

Anyway, we left the <Guild Application Reception> and came to check out the guild room given to the sub-members. They were given the guild room in the same Guild House A that I fondly remembered. ...Well, that nostalgia was just two months old though, haha.

"What a bleak space."

"But this feels just right to write our new beginning."

<Songstress Princess> Noel and <Racc-Shell> Lacritta muttered their impression as they entered what-was-now-their guild room. Both of them were the first one to finish the procedure of leaving their affiliated guild, and have been basically participating in <Eden> organized activities since then. Well, this makes them a cut above rest compared to other members.

"Pardon me for interruption, how does the idea of some sort of recreational activities to deepen the friendship sound? Many of the members are basically strangers to each other right now."

So suggested Aegis-senpai politely. She had transferred from <White Saber>, the sub-guild of <Temple Saber>. She had one of the standard <Knight> jobs earlier, though that has changed to <Princess Knight> after completing the requirement I passed to her. The <Job Transfer> has reset her level, so it now rests at LV10, but that's hardly mentioned if we use <Training Hall>.

What? You ask when did I help her in changing job? That’s of course, during the festival of light...I mean dungeon week. For the whole dungeon week, I was busy diving into the dungeon during the daytime while visiting the sub-members at night time. It was during one such visit I assisted Aegis-senpai in completing the condition.

Tears had welled up in her eyes when she changed her job to <Princess Knight>, along with a stumped expression on her face. But overall, she was definitely delighted. The rest was easie-peasie, first was our customary sli-po marathon that brought her to level 6, and then a round of tutorial dungeons pushed her to LV10. Only rookies would pay a premium for <Training Hall> when we have our homemade method for simple level up.

The ban on the usage of <Dragon Statue>---the must have item for <Job Transfer>--- was still ongoing all over the kingdom, however the condition to use has been loosened recently.

In a place that basically revolved around jobs, the ban of <Dragon Statue> in the educational institutes was already becoming a headache. Not even counting the hindrance it was causing, there were so many of <Dragon Statue> in the academy that it was almost impossible to control all. Just like how a moth would still fly toward the fire, a complete ban may give rise to rebellious spirit and prompt others to resort to <Sec-Tra>. Then, it would be a deadend for them.

On the off-topic, <Sec-Tra> was the coined term for <Secretly Transferring Job>. Prolly, something close-up to smuggling or illegal trade maybe? Ah, well. To sum it up, the kingdom accepted the drawback and allowed only those with special rights in organization to use <Job Transfer>. Want to gain that special right? Be my guest and consult Dean.

He did say he would help me out if I ever find myself in need of his help during the entrance ceremony. So, I decided to visit him and well, it wasn't even a discussion when he easily gave me the permission. People in power really do things differently, eh? Well, I was grateful for that, though. Hmm, maybe I should do something to show my gratitude next time.

And---...uh-oh, I digress again. I was talking with Aegis-senpai, right.

"Help yourself or so I would have said, but I have already taken care of it. Let's go to the <Edeb> guild room, they should be setting things up for a welcome party."

"Wha---? You did... But are you sure? I was sure guild members usually don't like sub-members."

Hmm, that was simply a phenomenon peculiar to reality. Sub-members were like rivals for members of the main force. You could never know when you become a stepping stone for others.

It was a matter of perspective. Sub-guild was a strategic move to gather human resources for a guild to climb their way to top, but the same was completely in contrast from the viewpoint of said guild member. A guild welcoming sub-guild members with open arms and throwing a party? Yeah, you may as well have a consecutive <Gold Chest> lottery than it happening. So, I could see where she was coming from, and maybe that's how unfriendly reception was from <Temple Saber>, huh?

Of course, <Eden> was the outlier. I believe in the members, and members believe in themselves. After all, you have to look at who guided them. The one and only <Brave>. Fuhahaha!

Ahem, such consideration was necessary at least in front of <Eden>.

"Believe in <Eden>. They will welcome you with open arms."

"It's a bit hard to imagine, but very well. I will take upon your offer. I guess others should be alright as well?"

"Sounds nice."

"Yes, I would like to. People in <Eden> are so nice."

Noel and Lacritta replied in affirmation to Aegis-senpai. The two have already worked with us so they looked delighted. With that set, we turned on our heels to <Eden> guild house.

Now that I remember about it, it's going to be their first proper introduction with <Eden>.

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