Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 7 - Chapter 363 - The color of experience point in is silver!

Chapter 363 - The color of experience point in <Dungeon Activity> is silver!


"Pamela-san, it is heading your way! <Command>!"

"Just leave it to me-desu! <Blazing Slash>!"


Raising its stout arms, a Silver Golem sprinted for where Pamela was. But with Rika's warning as she used the skill <Command>, Pamela, who was already ready, brilliantly finished the approaching golem with a single strike.

What followed was the scene of Pamela swinging down her long sword clad in burning flames. A 100/10 in visual impact!

"Please don't lose your focus, Zephyr-san! Next wave is here! <Command Fire>!"

Hearing Rina's call, I turned to look ahead and saw three silver golems appearing out of the gate from depth.

"Don't fret, just leave it to me. <Shine Lightning>."

I attacked the approaching enemies and shifted their target to me as Rina buffed me. Thanks to that, it seemed like I managed to deal quite a good amount of damage.

<Command Fire> lasts only for a short duration but as long as it's active, it buffs both the attack and magic power. It was pretty useful for instantaneous bursts and could apply to the whole party.


Just as the silver golems were approaching me, they were assailed by an ice-attribute attack, promptly halting one on its steps.

The attacker was Mert.

<Ice> was the general offensive magic in ice-attribute, and the <Blizzard> spell he just used now was a 2nd order skill tree’s magic.

On this note, <Fire> was the general offensive magic in fire-attribute while <Flare> being the 2nd order skill tree’s magic.


"Heal incoming, Zephyr-kun! <Heal>! And <Protection Barrier>!"

"Thanks! This is the last and I can’t lag behind others in appearance huh, time to be more flashy! <Brave Slash>! <Swift Strike>!"

"Gr, Graww! G-G-Grr….."

After having Misato heal and cast a barrier on me, I stepped forward to confront them.

Two of the silver golems rushed and launched their attack, a pretty common sight nowadays. I resisted their attack with the help of a barrier and <Firmament Shield>, waited for the timing they slow down on their attack and then launched my counterattack which sealed their fate.

"<Mega Blizzard>! I am done dealing with my opponent as well!"

"Great job."

Mert defeated the last remaining silver golem, which finally cleared the dungeon's gimmick.

"Finally, I can finally take a breather. I didn't think we would have to fight 100 of them."

"Truly. Monsters weren't strong but they made it up with the numbers, it would have been tough without considerable strength."

Misato and Rina shared their opinion about the gimmick.

We were currently in the midst of clearing a <Rank 4> room. It was quite a struggling battle since the monster spawning mechanism in the <Training Hall> was different from other dungeons we have ventured in.

As Misato said, we had to defeat 100 silver golems, one of <Rank 4> gimmick. The setup kinda resembles a monster house, silver golems keep spawning one after another with no regards to anything. Well, this endless wave-like trial was also the reason it was nicknamed 'minigame' by <Dungeon Activity> players. They did grant quite a huge amount of experience.

Besides, as Rina said, they were weak individually. They didn't last more than three strikes from a 2nd order skill and 1 or 2 strikes from 3rd order skill. The only challenging aspect was their numbers. There was also the fact that they came in waves instead of striking at once like a tsunami which gave us time to dispose of them one by one. The hard word was properly compensated by the amazing amount of experience points though.

"But my equipment makes it a breeze for me though!"

"You have to thank Zephyr for it, Misato."

"Geez, I know that too, Mert-sama! Zephyr-kun, thank you for lending the equipment! They really make it easier for me."

"Don't mind the formality, as long as they serve their purpose to you."

I waved back at Misato to say don't mind it in response to her gratitude.

Well yes, Misato was currently equipped with <Soaring Sakura Magic Tree Armor Set> I had bid for in the auction.

It was a peach-colored armor set designed for magicians which, as its name implies, evokes the image of sakura (cherry blossom). The set consists of a peach-colored robe adorned with sakura motifs, a one piece dress in white, green and pink color with hot pants underneath, and the gloves and over-the-knee-leggings with the sakura designs on a white base.

It was a 5-piece armor set, and I must say, the peach-colored set looked great on her.

The set’s ability were; it buffed the wearer's magic power, increased resistance against elements and granted the wearer an increase in maximum MP. The set series effects were <Plant Killer LV4>, <Plant Resistance LV4>, and <Magic Burst LV2> which boost INT by 1.1 times. There were also other effects but that's not worth mentioning here.

<Plant Killer> was as its name sounds, it grants special effects against plant type monsters, effectively increasing damage against them by 20%. Opposite of it, <Plant Resistance> reduces damage taken from plant type monsters by 20%. Last, but not least, the permanent boost in INT by 1.1 was another fantastic part about the set.

Well, Misato was a healer first and didn't have much attack skills so it was kind of like pearl before swine but leaving that aside, it's exceptional ability and status make it a solid option to use till Int-high.

According to her, she did find her armor lacking for quite a while but because she had joined <Best of the Best, the Great Star> --- who were still in beginner level --- until just a while ago, she didn't find the time to change her equipment.

So after a discussion, we decided <Eden> would lend her the armor until she could save enough Mir to buy her own equipment.

As for weapons, she is using a small wooden wand. This was one of the drops <Eden> had gotten from <Gold Chest> which she bought.

"I didn't know Mert-sama's equipment could work in an intermediate dungeon as well."

"Did you forget I used to be in the B-rank guild? I got them for quite cheap from <Golden Beast>."

Mert at the time of joining was at <Wiseman> LV18, but his equipment at least was good enough to handle an intermediate dungeon. Apparently, the reason was simple---since they were B-rank guild, it was necessary purchase.

It was a fairly neat setup, consisting of normal drops obtained from the intermediate dungeons, except it was a non-series equipment. Though the individual equipment pieces were readjusted by <Design & Paint Modification Shop>, which gave them a cool touch.

According to Mert, a visit to the <Design & Paint Modification Shop> was a must one way or another each time he purchased any equipment since they didn't quite fit him. Mert, so you also have your own fair share of problems huh.

In his equipment, he was like the splitting image of a wiseman, wearing an indigo-blue robe over a garment with black undertones. Like Misato, he was using a wooden wand as his weapon which was as large as Mert himself. If Mert just grew the beard, no one would hesitate before calling him 'Elder Mert'.

Anyway, jokes aside, it's time to check the changes now that the first wave is over. I wonder how many times they have leveled up.

"Great job, everyone. Now check your status."

"Okay~! ------Woah, I leveled by 4 at once!"

"I too."

Misato exclaimed in surprise, and while Rina didn't show it in her voice, her wide-open eyes gave away how astonished she was. Well, they have defeated 100 monsters, so it was bound to raise their level by that much.

"Surprised, right? Well this is the grace of <Training Hall>. The efficiency of leveling up is many times higher here than in a regular dungeon."

The key to this quick leveling --- just my headcanon, not that I actually know how it works --- lies in the silver monsters we defeated.

If gold colored monsters were synonyms to rare drops, then silver colored monsters meant loads of experience points.

Hmm, what about money? Sorry, but monsters in <Dungeon Activity> don't drop Mir. So there weren't any 'Mir-colored' monsters.

Anyway, <Training Hall> only spawns silver monsters.

In a regular dungeon, even if you take a day to clear it properly, you might only gain one level if it's the right dungeon for your level. Even by bringing <Official Hidden Tactic - Boss Farming> in this equation, it was only possible to level up by 4, or by 5 levels in a day if you worked hard but that was the hard limit.

On the other hand, as long as one use <Training Hall>, it is entirely feasible to hit the level cap from the bottom of the barrel LV0, all in just 5 days as long as QP is paid. Incredible, right? Well, its price is just that incredible as well though.

Let's see, clearing this wave took us one hour only. At this rate, we just need to repeat this for 2 or 3 times more and we would hit the level limit.

A magnificent place to level up with equally ludicrous prices to enjoy huh.

With the current pace, I should be able to meet my goal of having Rina, MIsato and Mert at Lv40 --- the limit to level up in <Rank 4> room --- within today.

Alas, Pamela and I were already over LV40 so experience points from monsters doesn't make any difference for us. We would be stopping as soon as we hit the quota before calling it a day. I think it should take two more rounds only.

Also, even after this current wave of 100 monsters ends, another wave will start shortly, so there's no need to re-enter the teleportation gate. We'll be staying in this room for a while, all thanks to 10,000 QP.

This room was designed like a martial art's training hall, with a stone material that resembles tatami adorning the floor. Rooms here have a limit of one party at a time, so any other visitors would be transferred to another room according to what I have heard. This way, we won't encounter other parties and there is no need to vie for experience points with others. All hail the QP.

When I mentioned the same to Misato and RIna, their eyes gleamed in excitement. Mert seemed to have his expression eased up a bit too.

Well, who wouldn't be happy if they were told they could reach LV40 within the day?

The only ones to reach LV40 in the first years were just <Eden>, <Machos>, and <Best of the Best, the Great Star>.

"Alright, everyone. Second wave is just upon us, so get ready! It's time to level up!"

" " "Understood (-desu)!" " "

In response to my call, Rina, Misato, and Pamela raised their hands enthusiastically. Mert just nodded, though the visible eagerness oozing out of his body betrayed him.

And thus, we resumed thrashing all the silver monsters that came out of the gate.

I missed it but the type of silver monsters change with each wave. So our current opponent were silver wolves.

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