Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 7 - Chapter 348 - Auction and A troubled Zephyr

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to today's auction! The long wait is over! I commence the starting of this single auction!"

Arriving at the stage, the auctioneer announced the beginning in a booming voice. I am not sure who exactly that person was with a mask covering his face, but most likely, it should be a male student.

The first words were quite impressive. Does he also speak like that in reality?

His charismatic voice makes me strangely excited, as if I am being tossed into a whole new world!

Incidentally, this scene was voiceless in the game <Dungeon Activity> so it was naturally a skip.

"He is quite good with his speech."

"That's a bit exciting to be honest."

Sierra and Lana seemed to be equally impressed by the auctioneer's opening speech. And I understand Lana, I am also excited!

"Before starting let me explain the rules first, as it seems like we have guests visiting for the first time!"

Auctioneer further fanned the excitement with his eloquence as he explained the rules of auction.

Barring the other unnecessary details, the main point is just to be careful about not raising the trouble and to refrain after initiating <Duel Battle> over the successful bid.

Aside from that, when he explained to not bid for items then what they can afford, there was no end to surprise. Like are there people who go bankrupt!? So scary. I mentally noted down to be careful and not swept away into the heat of auction.

Furthermore, the way the tickets are raised, and the number of them, determines the amount of the bid increase.

For example, if the starting minimum bid price is 10 million Mir, raising one ticket adds an additional 1 million Mir, which is equivalent to one-tenth of the starting price. Each person is given five of these tickets. So, if you want to increase the bid by 5 million Mir, you simply need to raise all five tickets.

Also QP to Mir conversion rate is 1:1000 if the buyer is going to purchase in QP.

Eden will be paying everything in QP this time.

"And this concludes all the rules! If there is anyone who doesn't agree with the rules, the exit is this way! So, is there any? There's not right? Well then, let's start with the auction already! Bring our first item!"

The auctioneer's grip on the rhythm of the situation is quite exceptional, as he quickly finished speaking and signaled to bring the first article.

"Here comes what everyone's waiting for! Time to life the veil on our surprise item!! Would you be surprised at the identity of it, for it is something that is hard to secured by even the people of royal place, the rarest of the rarest item! Have you guessed already!? If not here is the answer, it is the rare drop from the rare monster <Golden Appleple> from Intermediate-high grade dungeon <The Superior Apple Tree Dungeon>! It is <100% Superior Apple Juice>!!"

"What in tarnation!? I am going to buy it, Zephyr! I will absolutely get it! And at any cost!"

The first surprise item was surprisingly Lana's beloved drink. And unsurprisingly, her face was dyed with a fanatic look as she instantly clutched all the tickets in her hand.

I hurriedly utilized all my STR and quickly snatched them back. That was so close!

"Ahh!? Wait, what are you doing,Zephyr!?"

Good grief, Lana and her love for apple juice is seriously troubling.

"The starting price for the <100% Superior Apple Juice> starts at minimum 1 million Mir! Please raise your bid everyone!"

The starting price is 1 million Mir. Game worlds and its crazy item prices. Like, can you imagine? It is just the price for one juice bottle.

"No.35 just bid 3.5 million Mir! Oh, No.21 has just bid 370 Mir! And woah, No.98 snatched the lead with 4.2 million Mir!!!"

"What the hell are you doing, Zephyr! Hurry up and raise the ticket! Or it will be taken away by others at this rate!?"

Holy Crap. The price of juice is shooting up like crazy. As if the price wasn't enough, Lana grasped me by my shoulder as she frantically shook, further making me dizzy.

No, aren't you putting your preference at the wrong place, Lana? Didn't we come here for buying equipments? We are poor blokes who can’t afford to splurge that much on juice!

"Zephyr-sama, I have a separate budget for this. So it would be of no trouble to our finance for bid for it."

"That's our great Celestine! Come now, Zephyr, hurry up and raise the ticket! We must absolutely grasp this victory!"

Woah, from where the wind is blowing today, Celestine gave his permission!? Where the heck did he get that budget from?

Haa, who am I to meddle on other financial matters? But letting Lana do it will be a disaster! So I raised the ticket.

"No.2 has raised the bid to 5.1 million Mir!! The price has finally crossed the mark by 5 million! Now is there any daring person to bid!?"

No.2 huh. It seems like my number. Seat arrangement wise, I am sitting in the central position, how do they decide the order?

"No.98 has just bid 5.3 million Mir! No.2 has bid 5.5 million Mir! No.98 again with 5.6 million Mir! Oh, No.2 has bid 5.8 million!"

It seems like everyone has given up on bidding except No.98, and of course, me. However it seems like No.98 is gradually approaching their limit as price increment gradually lowers down.

"No.2 has bud 6.1 million Mir! Is there anyone else? No one? Then this settles the bid! No.2 has successfully bid 6.1 million Mir for <100% Superior Apple Juice>!"

A bottle of juice for 6.1 million Mir...... What a crazy world.

"Yahoo, you did it, Zephyr! Today is going to be another celebration!"

But seeing Lana bursting in boy, I guess all well that ends well? Well not that it is my money to begin with...

'However whether we are going to have a celebration or not is something to decide after consulting with Ester and Shizu', it took no longer than a second for that beaming smile to freeze when I said it to her.

Ester, might for once give up if Lana nudged her cutely, but Shizu is quite a hard nut to crack when it comes to thing like this. She should be going to confusticate it and save it for any celebration given how pricey it is.

Though, Lana is also not the one to give up easily. She closed her one eyes and sent me a flirtatious glance at me.

"Just a sip, it shouldn't be a problem, right, Zephyr~?"

"Uhh, well, maybe. If it's just a sip......"

Before my mind could make any rational decision, my mouth spilled yes first receiving the charming look from her. Ugh, Where the heck did she learn that trick!?


Lana, who got her approval, giggled in joy.

......Haa, whatever. As long as she is happy, I guess?

Incidentally, Celestine paid for it from another source that was not connected to the guild. As for whose money is that, and where did he get that, I didn't know.

The auction proceeded with further items as I continued to banter with Lana and soon, the item we came looking for was finally up to bid.

It was a 6 piece set --- including the added accessory --- and its performance was truly exceptional. In the right hand, it is enough to cheese through the intermediate dungeons.

The maker guild is <Emblem Seal Sticker>, and the set is called <Fairy Mercenary Armour Set (Female use)>.

Just the perfect thing for Karua.

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