Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 6 - Chapter 341 - Battle in the vicinity of

Let's turn back the clock a while back, it was when Zephyr had just left for the base.

Lana and others received a new instruction from Rina.

‹Your Highness Lana, Shizu-san, Karua-san and Ester-san, please split into two teams. From there, please use the protection period to shut off any chances of the opposing team from fleeing. Just follow the route I will points out.›

The instructions Lana and others could hear, as if someone was speaking right next to their ear, were being given by ‹Master-Planner Princess› Rina, who should have been at the base.

Rina had separated from the group right after they had snatched the ‹Central Big Castle›, returned to the base and began her preparation for the mid-game phase.

Right now, she is passing her instructions to the members scattered in the area while observing the situation with super rare item ‹Dragon's Miniature Garden›. Her instructions, receiving training from Zephyr, were precise to the point and she had already become able to use ‹Dragon's Miniature Garden›.

Lana nodded in response to the instructions, and then said to her own reliable attendants.

"I believe you have heard it, right! Ester, Shizu. Let's do it!"

"Right away! Please be assured. I will take charge of the west with Karua."

"Then I and Her Highness Lana will proceed forward to the route while taking down the surrounding squares."

"Hn, then we're off. Later, Lana."

Ester and Shizu took the helm, split the team into two and started taking action, capturing the squares in accordance to Rina's plan.

Since capturing squares puts them into a protection period, the opponent team can not invade during that time frame. And that's how, by creating a route of squares with active protection period, the opponent team was cornered into the southern area.

It was a frustrating development for Saturn team. Well, obviously they will be, as there are very few squares left for them to take down.

"Damn it, what should we do, Saturn!"

"Firstr, let's snatch the area around the Big Castle! Next, we will capture the central area as well! We are splitting into two three-man teams!"

Saturn instantly fired his instructions as Tom questioned.

The 6 members swiftly divided into three-man teams and started capturing squares while also keeping tabs on ‹Eden› members.

The main reason to split into a team of 3 was to be vigilant of PvP battles.

The side with the largest number in PvP battle will have the overwhelming advantage, so Saturn had taken precaution just in case a PvP battle sparked between two sides. And when they were driven into the southern corner with Saturn almost sure that they would be facing the opponent anytime, he saw ‹Eden› members gradually leaving for the north.

Following that, the upper hand that the opponent had gained by cornering the Saturn team in the south will be lost.

"Hmm? Are they planning to target the Central region? Do they want to block our route to their base…?"

"Saturn, what now?"

"......Then we will focus on capturing the southern area! Since ‹Eden› has finally receded to the north, let's paint all the squares in the south in red!"


As long as there is the wall of protection period, it is hard for the PvP battles to occur.

Henceforth, teams often focus on acquising areas in mid-game phase, and when it is done and it gets hard to overturn square, PvP battle option is the usual option left in late-game phase.

Then the option Saturn chose was to take the lead in snatching squares.

He quickly issued his instructions to Tom and Polish, and started dying the south in the color of red.


Let's shift to another area—— In the north, The Jilong team of four, red team, were facing a predicament.

"It's bad, Jilong! We will be trapped if we don't do anything!"

"Fufu, leave it to me. It's but a cinch if we switch the white square in the north to our side."

"We have a trouble. They are lying in ambush in the north! And there are too many!!"

"Fuf—!? Kuh, what to do..."

"Hey hey, didn't you just say to leave it to you, Jilong!?"

The place was the neighborhood of ‹Northern Big Castle›.

Regrettably, they had failed to take lead in capturing ‹Northern Big Castle›, but seeing that ‹Eden› had withdrawn towards the white base direction, they turned to capture the squares in that region to surround the Big Castle.

While their attention was preoccupied, ‹Eden› on other hand laid out their trap under their nose; the squares glowing in the pea-green light of the protection period belonging to the Team White gradually were encroaching on them, driving them to proximity of the ‹Northern Big Castle›.

The Jilong team was now driven into predicament when even the sole exit was ambushed by their opponent. They were forced to choose from two options; either to turn the table on them and confront them , or find a way to break through this area.

"We failed to exercise enough vigilance, it seems, I didn't expect ‹Eden› to cooperate so cleverly and corner us. Is this the height one can reach with practice?"

"We can only try to make a breakthrough then! This Venerable will cover your back. You all just put your mind on how to escape from here!"

"Update, Northern route has been sealed off by the protection period!"

"What!? The situation is the same behind us! W, we are trapped!!"

"W, What!?"

In the meanwhile they took their sweet time to decide, ‹Eden›, receiving the instruction from Rina, advanced on their encirclement and completely surrounded them.

With their sole escape route being bathed in the light of protection, Jilong team was standing on the precipice of desperation.

No doubt they will be beaten black and blue at this rate. However, not all doors to salvation had closed to them yet.

The protection period for a square had just ended, so they could escape from there.

"Fufu!? T,To there! We are going to make a breakthrough from there!"

" " "O, Ohhhhhhhh—!!" " "

Facing the miracle that occurred just when they were about to lose all hope after being caught like a rat in a trap, Jilong and team wasted not even a second in grasping it.

......Yes, without knowing it was a deliberate move from the opponent.

As soon as Jilong and team raced toward the miraculous square and entered, they heard a voice.

"‹Shining Sabre of the Sacred Light›!"

"‹Elemental Lance›!"


"Fu? Whaaaaaaaaahhhhh!?"

" " "Jilong!?" " "

Helck and the third years inadvertently stopped on their tracks seeing Jilon, who was in the lead, being blown away with a thud sound.

What in the seven worlds happened!?

With that thought crossing their mind, Helck and others turned around to ascertain the situation, however unaware they were, that this action was akin to serving themselves on a silver platter to ‹Eden›.

The first to fall victim was third year ‹Hunter›.

"‹Shield Bash›!"


"Be down."


He received shield tackle from Sierra.

‹Hunter› who received the attack directly fell into down status showing a unsightly appearance, and then Thwack, Sierra bashed his head with a mace.

The third year student, ‹Hunter›, received a critical hit due to being in down status from normal mace attack, and fell victim to the abnormal state ‹Stun›.

With this, one of them was down.

Following that, the next sacrificial lamb was the third year ‹Dual Swordsman›.

"Face the power of a hero! ‹Lolita Tackle›!"


Though it nowhere represents the sight of a hero's power. It was just a third year‹Dual Swordsman› receiving a headbutt from a powerful loli.

That third year didn't feel any pain under the blessing of HP, but his knees gave in as he plopped down on the floor. ‹Lolita Tackle› has the additional effect of putting the target into ‹Stunned› condition when it is a critical hit. A fearful technique it is.

"I, Impossible!?"

Helck shouted in fear seeing three out of four members being taken down in an instant.

It was an unexpected climax none of them ever imagined. They couldn't even put 'B' of the battle before they were mowed like a helpless lamb.

Helck, who witnessed it, was shaken to the very depth of his core. And if that wasn't enough, the word that came out from Lana's mouth next almost caused his soul to slip out of his mouth.

"Hold on guys, you forget that bulkish man! ‹Rise of the Sacred Tree›!"


After realizing why he was still left unharmed, Helck broke into a run while shouting. Most likely his trembling had been transmitting to his legs well, so he shouted in order to move his legs. There often are scenes like this, no, a scene where a man abruptly runs away to hide his tears.

Instantly, a holy tree sprouted in the spot he had been just a moment ago. He would have been down if he had stayed here. it was the silver lining amidst misfortune.

Helck, who was almost scared to death seeing that, suddenly recalled the situation he was in.

"Crap, Holy crap! Jilong, are you still alive!?"

Correcting his running trajectory, Jilong headed towards the place Jilong had been blown away to, however there were already two of the ‹Eden› members present there.

"A moth flying into the flame-desu! ‹Secret Ninja Technique - Clone Art›!"

"Her Highness Lana expressly stated to smash everyone's head, so be prepared."

Those were Pamela, and Celestine.

Jilong had fortunately survived the impact earlier with some HP still left, and just healed himself using ‹Hi-Potion› when he was forced to fight under the pincer attack of Pamlea displaying her acrobatic movement and a butler with scary footwork.

"Fufu!? T, This Vulnerable isn't someone anyone can take out! Activating unique skill ‹Secret Technique - Great Beheading Sword›!"

"‹Ninja Technique - Substitute|›! You are tricked-desu. It was my substitute-desu."

"Fufu!? What did you say!?"

"Let's end this. ‹Hand-chop›!"

Jilong used his unique skill and hacked at Pamela with the materialized gigantic light sword. Pamela, facing it swiftly used ‹Ninja Technique - Substitute›, and switched the position between herself and substitute.

Promptly, Celestine also slides in and strikes down at the medulla oblongata section—... or so it seemed like but it seemed to strike at Jilong's head with ‹Hand-chop›.



Uttering a painful groan, Jilong lost his consciousness and collapsed on the ground. He had fallen into ‹Stun› state.

It was used to be a skill that struck the oblongata section part, causing the receiver to enter ‹Stun› state. It seemed like it was effective even when aimed at the crown of the head.

By the time Helck arrived, Jilong had just delivered the final blow.

"Now then, next is you."

"Kuh, damn you butler! How dare you do this to Jilong! activate unique skill ‹Great Majesty - Revenge Strike›! Uooooooo!"

Helck's unique skill increased his attack power when his allies were defeated. Though, all of them were in ‹Stun› state and neither was defeated in the truest sense, so the buff from this wasn't that strong.

Against this attack in which dwelled the completed might of Helck, Celestine swiftly struck his fist.

"Your left side is full of openings, you know. ‹Blitz Strike›!"


The charged fist of the ‹Blitz Strike› slipped past the Helck's large shield and stuck liver.

However Helck's job was ‹Knight›, specialised in VIT as well, so he didn't receive that much damage. If anything though, the attack just now forcefully canceled his unique skill.

"Damn, you are strong! ‹Sword Aura›!"

"‹Spin Counter›!"

In desperation, Helck attacked with his sword clad in aura, however Celestine dodged it by slipping into his guard, and did a counterattack.

A spinning hook strike landed on Helck's side, causing him to stagger backward.


"You sure are tanky, let me send you off with my hidden move. ‹Knocking›!"


A dull Thud sound echoed. Celestine had driven his ‹Knocking› attack on Helck's abdomen, immobilising him. He was temporarily pushed into ‹Paralyzed› state.

Then Celestine took a step backward and pulled his fist backward as if to gather strength.

"I apologise. I am going to hit your face now. So please brace yourself."

The scene Helck, who could hardly maintain his posture, saw was the butler throwing in a karate-like straight fist.

"‹Butler of Fist›!"

With this conclusion, the Jilong team of 4 were sent to ‹Loser's Room›.

What happened after they were made to faint was purposely not mentioned.

There were now 11 members left in the ‹Best of the Best, the Great Star›. The Guild Battle was also heading into its late stage.

*About the Map, colors are explained already. In the bottom left are members of eden. Yellow dialogue box is basically the sfx for 'Thwack'.

The pale cream coloured square in the middle of white and pink square (after the sfx box) read 'This part doesn't come under protection period so entering here is possible'.

The big arrow represents the gap Jilong was blown backward to.


This time update is about PvP battle. I hope you enjoyed it.

Starting with third years, they are mobs.

Though it seemed like they were a bit unfortunate to be pitied against Saint or Shield Princess or Hero.

Moving onward, map explanation time.

Today’s map is the enlarged map of the area in the proximity of ‹Northern Big Castle›.

*Skipping to the details since it is basically the same thing I mentioned above the map.

1.Squares have quite the free space.

2.Author wanted to make the Big Castle occupy the whole square, just leaving a bit of space, but that map drawing size was going past the upload image size, so this is the best result. (Just Imagine that attacks from adjacent Squares can easily reach the Big Castle).

Regarding the Small Castle spaces, there are actually small areas at each corner.

These are referred to as the "Relief Spaces."

These are the places where players are tossed into when the protection period begins. (I think it is something like if Eden snatched the small castle, then that castle would only allow them to stay here while members of the opposing team would be tossed out there.)

Also, as shown in the bottom left of the map, even if the left and bottom squares are inaccessible due to the protection period, it is possible to move to the adjacent square in the bottom left. (white one, where five silhouettes can be seen).

Incidentally, the adjacent of a square refers to its eight spots (up, down, left, right and diagonal direction).

That's how ‹Eden› successfully surrounded the Jilong team in a PvP battle, using the bottom left square that was released from the protection period as bait.

Though what awaited the Jilong team there was a warm whacking welcome.

As for what happened after they fainted, I will leave it to your imagination.

Well then, please look forward to tomorrow!

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