Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 6 - Chapter 301 - #Round2; The Grand Explosion by Zephyr-sensei~

I left the matter of training Saturn and others to ‹Machos› for the time being.

I am going to be busy from Friday to Sunday, and although Misato was looking after them recently, it wasn't like she can tag along with them all the time either.

I can say with my eyes closed that they will not waste any time skipping training without Misato or me watching over them. Thus, I have asked the training specialist ‹Machos› to take care of them.

I don't know why but they're approaching me on a regular basis to ask things like who sells better protein juice or let's have a match on the bunny jumping route.

They said my muscles are looking great when I finally asked them the reason why they're so suddenly coming to me just the other day. I really didn't get what they meant by that till this day.

Anyway, I spoke about the quartet when the topic naturally turned to where or what kind of training I'm doing. They expressed their desire to join by all means and I also thought it didn't sound bad given my busy schedule so I eventually ended up asking them about the quartet too.

Friday is the day I act as provisional lecturer.

It's my second class today but an unexpected situation has caused me to be slightly perplexed.

"I'm Gagief, serving as the head of National Institute for Job Research. I can't express how much I had been waiting for this day!"

"I'm Macros, the vice-leader of the royal court sorcerer! It's my honour to meet you, Brave-sama!"

"I'm Roroikroi, the Dean of branch academy ‹National Dungeon Exploration Support Academy • No.4 Branch Campus›. It's my pleasure to meet you today."

It has begun, a lot of old men with incomprehensible but amazing titles are coming in droves. They're all introducing themselves in turn, keeping it short but there are so many that my brain is no longer registering their face or name.

What happened in one week for this to happen?

Could it be due to the conversation I had with Dean last time? Wait, it was his request I think?

I reckon his request was "The number of students, lecturers and business voicing out their wish to join your class are rapidly in rise. If it's not a problem, I would like you to consider expanding the scope."

I had eventually accepted it since we received quite a huge sum of Mir and QP from his request and I also wanted to spread the training manual to a wider audience.

But that's that, I didn't recall ever consenting that they can interrupt classes.

I mean it's already the time to start the classes yet I don't see the sign of the old men holding titles of this or that or whatever state managed or business stopping their introduction.

Damn you Dean, do you want to hinder my classes!



"They're neither the students or lecturers of labyrinth academy. Do you think there's any problem in chasing them away?"

"It's just my guess but I think they may have rushed up here by following formal procedures. Getting rid of them might cause friction to occur between them and Dean in near future."

"......Dean. I will remember this debt."

I was determined to squeeze out as much profit as I could later. Maybe I should call Rina...

Anyway, I really wish they would just finish off their formalities and let me start the class if they have come here for my ‹Training Manual›.

Formalities can be left for later, other students must be getting bored waiting in for class to start! I forcefully cut off the rush of old men who show no sign of stopping.

"I'm going to start class! We're already late in it. Let's leave the introduction for later!"

I yelled so towards the ladies and gentlemen unaffiliated to the academy who had formed a neat line and were waiting for their turn to introduce, forcefully made my way to the podium and showed my eagerness to start the class right away.

I was ready to hear some people stepping out to mutter out their dissatisfaction but were made to return to their seats under the intervention of people from the academy's research institute, other lecturers and Chief Miston.

Oh, I didn't know Chief Miston is also here.

We're currently at a huge auditorium in the ‹Combat Department Building No.3›. The previous classroom was naturally out of question with the increase in participants so we were now assigned this auditorium.

In fact, I was quite nervous that I would be able to stand on the podium of this huge auditorium but even that nervousness was blown to somewhere unknowingly due to the greeting rush by old men.

I calmed myself down and once again ran my gaze over the auditorium.

"Man, what a stunning scene. I wonder how many people are here."

"I had checked and apparently there are 150 freshmen, 30 lecturers and around 72 people that aren't unaffiliated to the academy."

"So many..."

I was too shocked to muster up any other reaction.

So a total of 252 people, the number is like five times more than previous class. That's a crazy amount to gather.

No wait, how did you even know that Celestine? He couldn't have counted one by one right? I was curious but stopped from making a comment and started the class since we don't have much time to waste.

"To people we have already met, hello and to people we're meeting for first time, nice to meet you. I'm ‹Brave› Zephyr. It's my pleasure to have so many people attending my class. Unfortunately we're short on time so I would be beginning with class right away. Let's review the last class's lesson first."

My voice echoed Inside the venue when I spoke facing a small mike like item that Celestine had prepared who knows when. It really saved me from wasting my energy on shouting loudly.

It might be slightly boring for the students from last class but I decided to spend the first and second class reviewing lessons from last week. It was an important step since many are participating for the first time.

I know I'm going to do it so I had already notified the students who wish to continue to attend from 3rd class but it didn't seem to have affected them as they're joining right from the first class.

Especially the strange behaviour of girls who were moving like a one body of an organism and securing all the seats nearby me, so incomprehensible. Though it did make it easier for me to differentiate which students were here for the first time and which not as the students who came from second class onwards were isolated on back seats.

I continued with my class and soon the second class was also over. I also kept questioning time to 5 minutes this time.

Five minutes of questioning time for an hour class. The day would be long gone if I just spent my time answering everyone's question. And of course, I ignored the question from people outside of the academy.

Though it turned the situation into them persuading lecturers to ask some questions, I really wish they would stop doing it. I mean, it's students first.

You can only scout students in the game ‹Dungeon Activity›.

With the break in between, it was finally time to continue from last week's lesson, I start 3rd class. For the second lesson, I was thinking about diving a bit more deeper into the ‹Training Manual› and explaining about it but dropped the idea. Change of plan.

There's this rare chance of ladies and gentlemen of different institutes or organisations from all over the kingdom gathering here, there might not be a better chance than this to clear out the misunderstanding that the world is doing.

Let's explain about the ‹Job Transfer›, one of the topics that had always been bugging me.

"I believe everyone already know about the remarkable achievement of academy's research institute discovering one of the condition for a job, ‹Defeat A Monster›, I would like to add that the original way was to first get a mid-ranking job using that condition, defeat a monster and then acquire high-ranking job using ‹Job Transfer› after that. So, what I'm saying is ‹Job Transfer› should be endorsed more even if you acquire a job."

The venue was filled with the buzzing sound the moment I talked about the ‹Job Transfer›.

‹Job Transfer› is almost treated as a taboo thing in this world. It's not a surprise researchers would be astonished if It were to be told that ‹Job Transfer› is the right way to go.

However common sense is something that changes constantly in respect to the era.

Today, this tip of the iceberg I revealed was to change this common sense of the world. My plan is to make them ride on this bandwagon and correct their ideology regarding the ‹Job Transfer›.

"Your level will be reset. It would be too hard to swallow your hard work, your training up to now w all be naught for nothing. But think about the opposite, ‹Job Transfer› is also a chance to re-do your life. You will reach a height even more than what you could imagine the lower your level are with the ‹Training Manual› I'm teaching."

I spoke about the benefit of ‹Job Transfer›.

Your character would start at Lv0 no matter what when creating a character in game. Irrespective of your fateful day, Lv0 means said person has gone through ‹Job Transfer›.

No way should you do ‹Job Transfer›?

Don't be silly, it should be in fact encouraged.

There are not just a few things that the world is currently doing completely wrong.

It's about time for me to reform their common sense gradually while explaining about the ‹Training Manual›. I hold no doubt that the ‹Job Transfer› is just going to bring in more and more high-ranking jobs individuals.

Rather, Lv0 is just the ideal target for my ‹Training Manual›. Come on, hold no doubt and roll in with the ‹Job Transfer›, everyone.

Oh the dear World, thy be known, the spectacular thing the ‹Job Transfer› is.

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