Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 93: Glasses are cool too

Chapter 93: Glasses are cool too

Today it was time for another date with one of my girlfriends.

When I woke up I found no one in bed.

Not even when I went downstairs.

The receptionist handed me two notes left by the girls.

One was from Barbara who said they were still going to the festival, and the other said to go to such and such a place.

I figured today's girl wrote that.

I heeded her and did my activities before I went to get dressed.

I arrived at the place where the appointment would be.

It was a shopping mall.

I put on my best clothes and waited for her to come to this place to meet us.

It was a water fountain with the emperor's face on it.

I was a little scared to see that.

By the way, who will be today's girl?

There are many candidates to say, but I certainly can't say who would I think of on such a clichd date.


No, she's too expressionless for that.


Maybe. This is something she would do, but this mall looks too fine, she prefers simple things.

Cordelia and Barbara get rejected because this is something a teenage girl would do.

That only leaves the most likely ones.

Lily, who wants to make this day memorable.

Or Eli, who is undoubtedly a girl who wants to live with fancy things like the whimsical girl she is.

In any case, I'm ready.

"Who am I?"

A female voice called out to me from behind me and put her hands to cover my face.

Her hands were very large and soft.

Her voice was sweet but not youthful.

So, she was an older woman.

Also, this pressure of boobs on my back I know.

I turned to check who it was and I was right.


She was dressed in an unexpected way.

She looked like a schoolgirl sporting her clothes for the season.

Pink coat that matched her short yellow skirt down to her thighs.

White boots reaching down to her knees and her hair pulled back in a ponytail with a butterfly clip.

To finish her new look, she carried a handbag made of ogre skin, which is very elegant as they come in different colors and when you touch it feels like a carpet.

No doubt the look of her as if she was a delicate flower in her golden years was a strange image to me.

She always seemed to me to be very serious, now she appears dressed like this.

This left me very dismayed.

Cordelia was watching me waiting for me to say something.

"How do I look?"

She finally asked the question.

If it were the old me, I would say "I think you should dress in something in keeping with your age" only to be smacked in the most painful way possible.

But this time it's different. I have updated my thinking regarding women.

I replied.

"You look beautiful, you took my breath away."

She was taken aback and moved closer to me.

She was so close that she kissed me on the mouth.

It was a small kiss full of love.

She said with a smile.

"Gosh, you've really gotten good at giving a girl compliments, I was thinking you'd say I look bad or this outfit doesn't fit me."

"I was going to slap you hard if you said that."

I laughed since I really thought about it.

"Hahaha, I-I'm not capable of that. More importantly, is there a reason to come here?"

She stood beside me and intertwined her hand with mine.

"This is our date as an official couple, I want to have a pleasant time with you."

"In this place there are many things for tourists' entertainment, so we will visit as much as we can today."

"Noooo, get away from me!"


We take a walk around the place, it's huge, it has ten floors in total.

We're on the fifth floor, we enter something resembling a movie theater.

I say similar because it is a theater room converted into something similar to a movie theater.

A few months ago I heard that magic tools were created that allow to record movements and they are using them to make recorded theater, that is, a movie.

The method is still primitive, but it is not in black and white, which means that in a short time they will reach the latest technology.

Sometimes it scares me the advance of the empire, I think they would build a nuclear bomb if they knew how to make one.

Back to the movie, it was one of the horror genre.

It was exactly like that movie about a deformed guy killing young people with a chainsaw in a near-desert city where everyone stinks and their teeth are black.

I think it was called


Cordelia shouted as she watched the guy with the misshapen face rip a girl in half.

I feel like I've seen this before, but I didn't care as she clung to me.

It was a win-win no doubt.


"What a scare that thing gave me."

"Was it really scary? I didn't feel it was that scary."

"No, no, no, what do you mean you didn't feel scary?"

"They killed that girl by ripping her in half, even her intestines showed, then her boyfriend got his face ripped off."

"No matter how you look at it, that's too brutal!"

She was responding to me in a way that I still didn't understand.

Maybe it's because of the fact that I've once left a trail of corpses, I even ripped a guy's jaw off once.

Because I've killed so many enemies, I must have developed a natural thing like seeing dead bodies.

Fake deaths in movies don't compare to killing someone for real.

I'd better not tell her because she'll surely think I'm a psychopath.

"Y-Yeah, you're right. I was just trying to sound cool."

I would reply a little scared to make sense of my acting.

At first she looked at me weird, but she calmed down. Now she said.

"Let's go eat ice cream."

We went to the food area to buy one.

After standing in a long line to buy some special ice cream they make based on your appearance we went to sit at a table which was inside a store that was displaying a light show.

I had mixed feelings about eating an ice cream in my shape.

But it was made of my favorite flavors so I wouldn't let it go to waste.


Cordelia spoke to me as the spoon cut my arm made of ice cream, even strawberry syrup was coming out to simulate blood, very scary.

"Is something wrong?"

I asked as she looked at me very serious.

She placed her elbow on the table and her hand lifted her chin.

"There's something I'm curious to know about you, and this is a chance to find out without interruption."

"About me?... I don't think I have something interesting to say about me but go ahead."

She said something that left me frozen.

"What do you hope for the future?"

"The future?"

"Yes. And we know you'll become a duke when you marry Miss Elize, but, even dukes don't spend in their offices doing duke jobs."

It's like she says, from what little I've found out about the dukes I know, they all have a job.

Jake's father works at the Ministry of Magic.

While Duke Wimlet is an admiral of a fleet.

And Duke Luinberg is a diplomat with bordering countries.

All of them have a job.

Even Barbara, she is in charge of making the territory's magic stone collecting industry run smoothly.

One day I will inherit that, however, will that be my job?

In my past life it was the same, what will I do as an adult?

That's something I never gave a thought to, seeing the university students what they suffered made me think that I really didn't want to go there.

I was content to work in McRonalds if possible.

I didn't want to end up writing a letter of apology for not passing and then leave this world.

Even though I ended up dying anyway.

In this world there are more opportunities to get fancy jobs, but they are still serious jobs.

I replied with all my honesty.

"I wouldn't know. My grades at the academy don't border on 'excellent' or 'good score' so I'd know what I'd like to work on."

She moved her hand to her ice cream before answering me.

"How about working at the palace as a civil servant?"

"I'm sure a man like you who goes around making his mark in this generation can get an important position. Even being a minister, I'm sure, if you were a soldier, you'd be one of the strongest, even if you don't use a sword yourself."

I looked at the ceiling when she recommended working for the palace.

"Be a palace official, huh?"

As Razel thought about the recommendation. Cordelia remembered why she told her.

She was having her monthly meeting with the prime minister.

There he said something to her that shocked her.

"Cordelia-kun, I'd like to ask you a favor."

"A favor? I find it very strange to hear that from you prime minister."

"That may be so, but this favor is something that cannot be taken as an order."

"In that case, please tell me."

Placing her hand on her heart she asked him to hear that favor, he said.

"I would like you to get the future Duke of Rosenberg Household to join the palace."

"Join, you said?"

This was something everyone knew, but he reminded her anyway.

"It's no secret this, but from the time of the empire's founding, the relationship between the dukes and the imperial family has always been the worst."

"We have never gone to war before because of the oath."

The oath spoken by the prime minister is in the historical records.

It is called the Oath of Love. It existed in the game, this oath was written as a means of ever avoiding disputes that would end in wars.

They named it love to show how united they were, even though deep down they hated each other.

"Even if there was a problem between some duke and a prince, it always ended without war."

The prime minister's expression darkened with the next thing he said.

"But last year many problems occurred that we could not control."

"First was the business of the duel where Lux-kun lost his position as the third prince, the destruction of Duke Granville, this was undoubtedly a huge loss, His Majesty said that traitors are executed without exception, we found out later that our enemies were preparing for a war."

"The worst is the trouble between the Rosenbergs and Blake-kun."

The prime minister covered his face with his hands.

"No matter how much I think about it, I had to have done everything I could to make that happen."

From the moment a member of the imperial family fought and was defeated by one of the dukes, rumors that the palace has been weakened.

Each of the dukes has blood from the imperial family of the first generation, all of them have the right to the throne.

The prime minister went on to list the problems.

"Luinberg is a person who can be dialogued with, Wimlet is strange, but he is not hostile."

"Rosenberg has proven to be passive, but like Carlyle we can't say they wouldn't show us their fangs."

"That only leaves it to those most likely to commit rebellion, Mercury and Fitzclarence."

Cordelia asked curiously.

"I understand that the Fitzclarence house have always shown their displeasure with the imperial family to the point of calling their territory a principality just to show their power."

"But what does Duke Mercury have to do with any of this?"

"... Have you ever eaten a sand apple? It's a fruit that grows in the desert of one of the territories within the empire."

"No, I'm afraid I haven't tried it."

"It's such a sweet fruit, you can't stop eating it."

The prime minister's face showed joy at the mention of the fruit, then darkened as he revealed its secret.

"You can't stop eating it because it kills you with a strong poison which makes you addicted, this is something that several centuries ago was kept in the records, this fruit makes you crave its flesh more, but it kills you during the process."

"The Mercury are the same, they may smile on the outside, but on the inside they are very poisonous, many cases of murders have been said that they have been involved."

"So if we can get at least one of the dukes to change or show that the palace is not their enemy, I would appreciate it."

Cordelia nodded those words.

The show ended and Razel's ice cream melted.

"Ahh, my ice cream."

Cordelia burst out laughing.

"Mine melted too."

She flashed a charming smile.

She put some ice cream in her mouth and kissed Razel.

It was a very sweet kiss in every way.

Cordelia thought after that kiss.

(It may be a "favor" from the prime minister. But what is certain is that he is now my man and I want to support him, therefore, I will use this opportunity to support him and thus show my loyalty to the Rosenberg duchy.)

She stood up and took Razel's hand.

"Let's go get another one."

"Huh, but is it still digestible?"

"Then let's go for a walk."

They went for a walk until it got dark.

Cordelia thought as Razel put on glasses just like hers.

(As the head maid and his woman, I will make sure that Razel-sama's future, mine and the others' will be prosperous.)

(Therefore, I will play with fire if necessary.)

The day ended smoothly, Razel was ready for his next appointment.

Enjoy Cordelia's craving, don't worry, in the spin-off Razel will have a threesome with her and Barbara: /es/post/show/30843194

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