Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 55: The Iron Wall Defense

Chapter 55: The Iron Wall Defense

Caligula couldn't understand what happened.

Razel had sent him flying several meters backwards.

It was the first time he had seen this.

It was the first time he had experienced something like this,

He didn't like it.

Caligula was so furious that an inferior being like Razel hit him.

He didn't even smell like an animal worth facing.


With his roar, the monsters at his back seemed to abide by one order, and that was...

"Kill him!"

The first to run straight at Razel were the prairie hyenas, five of them rushing at him.

But to Razel they were slow.

He only backed up a little and the hyenas crashed to the ground.

The hyenas themselves did not understand what happened.

Then Razel thundered his neck and then...

"They're really irritating."

He waved his hand as if shooing away a fly. The hyenas' heads rolled quickly.

Razel sent some electricity to his hands.

The electrical energy in his fingernails turned his fingers into sharp little blades.

Razel walked over the corpse of the hyenas watching as the champion goblins came at him with their swords out.

They attacked him from different sides so that he had no escape.

Just a few seconds after coming in contact with him.

A blue light shone brightly and the dozen champion goblins that attacked him were instantly repelled.

Purple blood poured from their mouths, eyes, skulls and noses.

They had been hit at great speed.

Razel walked calmly and little by little his speed increased.

The monsters screamed as they ran straight at him.

Giant rats, hell boars, red bears, orcs, all the monsters were approaching.

The fastest of all was a Hecatonchyr who ran with various long and heavy swords.

It approached Razel, he disappeared.

Despite having 50 heads, it didn't know where he was.

But then Razel fell from the sky and used his foot as a missile. He looked like those super heroes similar to the masked ones on TV.

As he fell, he crashed so hard into the center of the monster that he split it in half.

The other monsters were astonished.

The goblin shamans, seeing him shake off the green blood that fell on his body, tried to form a super magic circle.

But Razel did not allow them to do so.

In a brief moment, Razel used his hands and dislocated the necks of all the shamans in the blink of an eye.

He moved so fast that they didn't even realize they were killed.

But it didn't end there.

Razel ran straight at the monsters and tore them apart.

One red bear he jumped on top of and threw it after grabbing it by its jaw.

It landed near a giant rat crushing it.

Then he thrust his hand into the mouth of a troll and electrocuted it from the inside.

A pair of orcs were approaching, Razel used his shoes to parry their blades.

The shoes were cut off and his toes were intact.

Wasting no time.

Razel began to walk on his two hands.

He did this to send magical power to his toes.

Since he had long nails due to not being able to cut them, they were the perfect weapon for his next move.

"Lightning cut!"

His feet moved in different directions as he appeared to break dance.

The crescent-shaped electric attacks cut the monsters mercilessly.

They had no chance to defend themselves let alone counterattack.

Razel was stronger than them.

Then a real threat arrived.

Earth and fire dragons were approaching. But they were not the only ones.

The ground was shaking.

Several man-eating worms came out.

One of them approached Razel. But Razel hit the ground hard and flew straight into the giant worm's mouth.

On the side of his mouth with hundreds of teeth, he threw a fist imbued only with magical power, it could be seen that signs of Blut were on his body.

The moment it came in contact with the worm, its teeth were destroyed and it fell to the ground after spitting out pink blood.

The other worms approached Razel, but he again went on the attack.

When he was close to one, he used a lightning palm which pierced the worm's skull.

As he was about to fall, he put his feet on the worm and launched himself straight into the mouth of another.

He was devoured without a doubt, but the next moment he pierced the monster's skull.

Not stopping, Razel continued to fight the monsters.


Said not only Emily, but also the other knights and adventurers who watched as Razel single-handedly finished off the monsters.

A-ranked monsters not only, but S-ranked monsters as well.

The dragons were attacked by lightning spears which pierced their scales.

Jerome was conscious after being attended by Yukihime.

He was speechless when he saw a human being fighting unimaginably against the monsters.

"Who is he?"

He asked intrigued, but it was Yukihime who answered him.

"It's knight-sama... err, it was Razel-sama his name."

Jerome reacted to that name.

"Razel?... If I'm not mistaken, in the record I was given it said that someone with that name had been sent to the battlefield, but because there wasn't his record I thought he would be dead before he arrived. How did he avoid the record if it's the same person?"

Without meaning to, Yukihime revealed what Razel did.

Emily watched in amazement as Razel in less than ten minutes had wiped out half of the monsters.

"Perhaps this is the power of a true knight."

Emily stared in awe with her cheeks red as a maiden in love at the gallant silhouette of Razel finishing off the enemies.

But someone was not happy.

It was Caligula who was glaring angrily at Razel as he had annihilated his army.

After letting out a war cry, the monsters stopped.

They moved away from the battlefield.

Razel stood watching until he heard footsteps.

Caligula was approaching behind him very annoyed.

He was taking off his armor, only remaining in his pants made of bones and skin.

As he was close to Razel, he disappeared.

Razel never noticed until he noticed him.

Caligula had moved up behind him at high speed.

If we were talking about stats, Caligula would be in the fastest in the game, with 100% speed.

Razel tried to take cover, but it was useless.

Even with the Blut, the power of the impact affected him.

That was because the Blut had disappeared and then reappeared at a slow interval.

After being thrown several meters straight into a rock, Razel regained his composure and pirouetted in the air.

Before reaching the rock, he put his feet on it to propel himself.

But to no avail.

Caligula had reached the same direction Razel would fall and kicked him hard sending him straight into some monsters.

After crashing and rolling, he got to his feet.

But again it was useless.

Caligula was behind him.

Using the back of his hand, he hit Razel so hard that he was again sent flying through the air straight into a tree, splitting it in two by the speed he was going.

But it didn't stay that way.

The monster ran with great strides until its head was in range of his foot and kicked him so hard that this time he was propelled skyward.

It could be seen that his clothes were tattered and his mouth was full of blood.

Caligula had jumped until he was in the right direction where Razel would fall.

Using both hands, he sent him to the ground generating a small deep crater.

Caligula fell to the ground generating another crater.

He climbed out of that hole and walked over to where Razel was.

He picked him up and then threw him roughly in the direction of the knights and adventurers.

They all watched in horror as their hope was easily defeated.

Caligula flashed a devilish grin.

But then.



Razel's body began to react.

Each time that heartbeat grew stronger.




Suddenly, Razel jumped in the air while he was on the ground.

He used his back muscles for it.

Then... "it" started.

Without any explanation, Razel's body started to grow.

His shirt was ripping.

His pants were slowly opening.

His muscles were growing as his height was growing.

His original height was 1.58 cm. But now he was 1, 88 cm.

Razel grew for some reason 30 centimeters.

Seeing what happened.

Everyone made the same expression.


It looked like their eyes were popping out.

Razel's shirt was destroyed in its entirety.

Razel himself didn't understand what was happening.

But if he could explain it, it would be that the "muscle growth" fell off him all at once.

His father was tall and stocky, Razel wondered if he would end up like that.

It seems he wasn't wrong.

After brushing the dust out of his hair, he moved into an attack stance.

He didn't even notice the changes in his body.

His hands looked like that of a praying mantis about to attack.

Caligula only got angrier and marched right at him.

His right fist was flying at high speed towards Razel's face.

But as he was now faster because of his long legs.

He ducked and thus dodged the blow.

As now his arms were longer and his back wider.

Razel activated the Blut more easily.

Part of what happened to his body was the effect of the acceleration of using the Blut.

A hook to the stomach came straight at Caligula.

After showing an expression of pain, he became annoyed and threw a low blow.

Again Razel dodged it, and a kick to the chin came for the monster.

But that was not enough.

Caligula lowered his head so the pain was less.

His right foot struck Razel in the belly.

He spat blood.

But even with that pain, neither of them gave up.

Razel and Caligula screamed from the bottom of their hearts as they gave and took a brutal exchange of blows.

Right blows, lefts, hooks to the liver, face, belly, everywhere the arms of both were moving at great speed to hit each other like savages.

Caligula in the middle of that pool of blood in his mouth.

He was smiling.

It was the first time he had an opponent who made him sweat, who gave him a chance to receive a defeat.

He stepped firmly on the ground and increased the intensity of his blows increased the more force he put into them.

Little by little he walked, pushing Razel back.

His blows now led to the face.

Mutually they both drove their right fists into each other's faces.

It was a voracious sight.

But he wasn't the only one like this.

Razel was beginning to resist the blows.

The Blut in his blood was intensifying so much that it was visible.

Caligula's blows were slowly starting to hurt.

It was because Razel's body was stronger than steel.

Caligula was slowly starting to retreat.

What he had an advantage became his disadvantage.

The blows that hit him hurt him so much that he began to protect himself while striking.

Razel took large strides as Caligula retreated.

If he had a human voice, he would undoubtedly say.

(Why is this happening?)

(I am the strongest among my race. The strongest among the ogres.)

(Then... why am I losing to this whippersnapper?)

(I will not allow it! I will not be defeated by someone inferior!)

In a desperate attack, Caligula roared to order the monsters to move to attack Razel.

But as he quickly turned to flee.

He ran out of breath.

I couldn't react either.

That was because...


The other monsters were afraid.

When a monster is afraid it means only one thing.


In the animal kingdom, the alpha is the one who imposes fear. Fear brings respect and authority.

It is a tyranny where the strongest enslave the weak.

Caligula was the alpha of the monsters present.

But if none of them moved because of his roar, it meant one thing.

As he turned around, he noticed Razel's right fist filled with magical power, his fist was glowing.

Seeing his eyes, Caligula understood everything.

(I see, that's how it is.)

The moment Razel directed his hook at Caligula's jaw, a new event was born that no one knew would mark history forever.

And that was...

(An alpha need not necessarily be a monster.)

Those were Caligula's last thoughts as Razel's fist struck his jaw and ripped his head off, sending it flying several meters into the air.

Everyone watched this event as if it was the first time in their lives that a human being had defeated a monster.

Caligula slowly began to turn to ash and released a red diamond from his entrails.

At that moment, the war ended.

Razel sighed and sat down.

It was only at the moment when his arms touched his back that he realized what happened to his body.

"Uwaah, what the hell happened to me, why do I look like my dad when he was younger!"

As he wondered that, the adventurers and knights ran towards him.

They all hugged him and then shouted cheers in his name as they tossed him in the air.

But the happiness was short-lived as at that moment... an earthquake occurred.

The earth moved as if it were an unstable building.

But what caused it was something.

In the distance, you could see how something was growing out of the ground.

It grew so much, but so much, that it would not be an exaggeration to call it a skyscraper.

A skyscraper made of diamond covered the entire territory, hiding the sun.

What was going on in this place?

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