Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 105: Olgren, the invincible monster.

Chapter 105: Olgren, the invincible monster.

My situation was bad.

In front of me was something unimaginable.

Olgren, the traitor who had murdered Prince Blake and was wanted by the empire, stood before me.

The terrifying thing was not that, rather it was his appearance.

He became a monster, a hideous, muscular version of himself nearly three meters tall.

His gray skin and throbbing veins reminded me a lot of a horse's neck.

The only good thing was that he kept his pants on.

Olgren spoke to me in an angry tone.

"All the wretches of this nation shall suffer my wrath!"

"No one will go free. Not even children or old people."

"I will make sure that the last thing they say in their final moments is to beg for forgiveness as they bow before me begging me."

Since this guy was talking trash, I walked up to him and punched him in the stomach.

Since I activated the Blut, it should be easier for it to hurt. But for some reason I watched as my fist sank into his belly.

"What the hell is this?"

The contact with Olgren's skin was just like touching a tire. A soft, hard and above all very supple feeling.

He stopped talking and noticed my fist buried in his belly.

"What are you doing...?"

He moved his hand, I couldn't remove my arm.

Seeing how he didn't feel pain, that means I won't feel pain either

"Damn insect!"

I was wrong.

Olgren's fist felt the same as carrying a bag of cement.

I could feel my bone breaking, but because of the vampire's healing properties.

I was regenerating.

Come to think of it, isn't Blut's defense supposed to be the same as steel?

For this blow to hurt, it means Olgren's fist is somewhat stronger than steel?

Maybe it's made of tungsten!

These questions were going around in my head as I flew straight into the wall.

Due to the blow I broke the wall and the debris fell on me.

Olgren's skin is just as hard as tungsten, that makes him someone with superior defense to me!

Olgren couldn't believe what he did.

"I... did I do it?"

He looked at his hands, his body and again at Razel who was rising from the rubble.

Then he looked at a mirror that had fallen.

His appearance was no longer human.

The human being known as Garrett von Olgren ceased to exist.

There was no longer any possibility of returning to his life as a minister and marquis.

But that...


He didn't really care.

"I am the ultimate living being!"

"I will make sure to conquer this country and be the new emperor! Gorororororo!"

With his energetic smile, Olgren declared his new wish.

On his chest he had a black gem, it was the dark crystal implanted in him by Linhard.

But unlike the dark knights of the Ideal Empire, this was a failed one.

Razel rising up threw a lightning spear at him.

Olgren did not react in time.

The spear hit his body... but nothing happened.

The electricity simply ran through his body and disappeared.

Olgren as well as Razel made the same face of not understanding what happened.

That's because his body was just like rubber. Which is a dielectric material, therefore, it is resistant to his attacks.

Olgren was Razel's natural rival. Razel had no chance of defeating someone whose body is equal to rubber and also superior to steel.

It was a losing battle by any possible means.

I was shocked.

My lightning spear missed as Olgren's body absorbed the attack and nothing happened.

Don't fuck with me!

Now he can repel my electric attacks!

He means I'm useless against him.

But I can't give up.

If I escape, this guy will go after me or Amy.

Maybe she can beat him, but I don't know where she is now.

I must buy time and wait for her to arrive to defeat him.

"Heavy Kong!"


Shouted those words Olgren as he came approaching at high speed.

His right arm grew to be bigger than his fist.

I took cover, but his fist hit me.

I could feel pain when normally I should not.

I didn't last long covering myself and was sent flying into another room.

I quickly stood up and activated my two skills.

"Raijin phase 1 and Hawkeye!"

My body was covered in electricity and my eyes could now better take in what was going on around me.

He came rushing over like a wrecking ball at me.

I jumped onto a bookcase and then a table and hit him with a combo of punches.

My fists buried themselves in his body. Because of the speed, it felt like hitting a water balloon.

He turned and threw a punch at me.

I stopped him and placed my foot on his rib.

I was trying to rip his arm off.

It was very tough, it reminded me of when my father made me carry a log bigger than my body when I was a kid.

It wouldn't budge... suddenly I felt something strange.

As if something was moving, I looked to see and noticed how from his body something similar to tumors were coming out of his body.

It was repulsive, but they were not tumors.

His body was molding and holes were opening up.

"What the hell are you doing now?"

Just like a propellant, flames shot out and his arm propelled me straight upstairs.

I took off so fast I crashed into the ceiling.

I fell to the ground and spat blood.

From the reflection of my blood I saw how badly I was hurt.

This is horrible.

I went straight to Amy to help me defeat this guy.

I shouted her name.

"Amy! Where are you? Leila!"

I called out to them for help.


After crossing the hallway, it was shattered from below.

I turned around and saw the hole that opened up.

Olgren came flying out of there with his back flying out of it with rockets shooting out of it.

How repulsive to see it.

He said to me.

"You're not going anywhere. You'll die at my hands!"

I sped up the pass and ran away from him.

Olgren followed me.

I was running at high speed looking for them, but I couldn't find them.

Olgren kept up with me.

This place was huge, but still Olgren wouldn't leave me alone.

I thought I lost him in a corridor with two directions.

But I heard his voice coming from the wall.

"Heavy Weight Champion."

The wall collapsed and a giant arm slammed into me.

I was hit, my nose was fractured as were some of my bones.

I went outside due to the huge punch he threw at me.


I spat blood as I fell to the ground.

I spun around and hit a tree hard.

"Damn, Olgren is fucking strong."

Olgren felt like the most powerful human being on the planet.

It was because of his body.

The strange protrusions on his body was proof of the power of Linhard's science.

Olgren descended to the ground and walked in Razel's direction.

He was smiling.

"You see it brat. I am the strongest being in the world."

"I have transcended humanity and now... a god!"

"The god Olgren is born! I'll be sure to wipe them all out!"

"Not even the twilight saint will be a match for me."

"I will kill even those despicable crows."

"The era of my reign of chaos and tyranny is here."

"Once I kill you, I will enslave the Rosenberg women."

"I will sow my seed in their worthless wombs. Every woman in this country is nothing more than a vessel for my supremacy to increase!"

A lightning spear struck his face.

Olgren's eye glanced at Razel.

Razel with blood on his body said to him.

"Who the fuck do you think you are to say that?"


"The new emperor?"

"You're just a piece of shit who got strong out of nowhere."

"If it wasn't for what happened to you. You'd be pissing your pants begging to be allowed to live."

"Since you are..."


"A miserable cockroach."

Many veins scored on the face of the enraged Olgren.

"I'll kill you in the most painful way possible. Don't think you'll get out of here alive."

Razel smiled.

"Don't worry, Astraea, I'll win without your help."

Olgren didn't understand those words, but still he didn't care and marched against him.

I opened my eyes and I was in a white room.

I had been here before.

It was the inside of my head.

That meant she was here.


I looked around and she was next to me lying on my bed.

I always wanted a girl to be lying on my bed, but not like this.

I stood up and sat down on a chair.

She was watching an anime about pirates going on an adventure with their weird captain who stretches... just like Olgren.


"You always seem to end up getting beaten up kid."

"Aren't you ashamed?"

"Now you want me to save your ass again?"

"You're off to a bad start this year you know."

I remembered the times where my defeat was assured.

Starting with the guy who kidnapped Lily, I defeated him, but after losing my sensitivity to pain.

Then came Xerxes on the day of the duel, I lost my Pegasus, despite being a machine, I felt a pang in my chest.

Immediately after that came the demon king who holds us hostage... in a way where we can walk freely.

After that came Astraea, she said she let herself win.

My battle against the dark knight and Zoro.

All those times I always lost something.

Whether it was a part of me or needing help.

Even my battle against Lambert I needed help from the earth splitting to get the upper hand and beat a sword prodigy.

Astraea looked at me with disinterest.

"Hurry up and switch with me. It got good this anime after 400 chapters."

I replied.


"Excuse me?"

"I said no."

"I appreciate that you want to help me. But if I can't beat this guy myself, it's no use then my promises."

"I won't be able to make any of them happy, if I need someone else to help me in my own fights it won't mean anything."

She smiled.

"If you want to be a man worthy of them. Use all your power, the Blut isn't just for defense remember."

"I'll be watching you become a man."

"Good luck, partner."

She said I was her partner, it felt weird that.

I extended my fist to her and she extended hers, they both made contact.

"I'll win."

I said those words and regained consciousness.

In front of me was Olgren talking shit.

I threw a lightning spear at him.

This guy is unbearable.

But I won't let him beat me.

I'll go all out to beat him.

After all, Astraea's words echo in my head.

"Blut is not just defense."

Meaning that the attack method I've been using so far hasn't been for attacks.

I've been using defense as an attack, but not Blut-driven attacks.

I smiled and said to him.

"I'm going to defeat you and end your repulsive existence."

The battle between the two resumed again.

Olgren walked in Razel's direction.

He was coming closer as well.

The two ran in a straight line.

Olgren threw a fist

From his elbow to the back of his hand holes manifested equal to thrusters.

Razel concentrated his magical power in his fist.

It was equal to a small electrical storm in his fists.

Razel's electric fist and Olgren's super punch collided.

"Electric Bomb."

"Heavy World Champion."

Was what they both said as a loud crash coursed.

The impact was so great that they were both repelled.

But that didn't matter to them.

They went straight at each other again to finish this.

It was an exchange of blows.

Razel's electrified fists against Olgren's hardened rubber fists.

Both fists were moving at a great speed.



The speed with which the blows were thrown could not be followed with the eye.

Despite this, Razel was receiving more blows than any other.


(Never mind that my fists are imbued with Blut. This bastard takes no damage).

Olgren laughed as Razel's face distorted from the damage.

"Gorororo. this is all you can do after saying that crap?"

"How pathetic you are. You really are very pitiful gorororo."

"I'm going to end this now. I've had enough of you."

Olgren's fist assimilated a huge spiked ball-like shape.

Propelled by his rocket-like elbow.

This one was going to hit Razel.


Razel said as he noticed that fist, not realizing that his punch was going straight for the center of Olgren's chest.

The moment he made contact.

Olgren's breath was cut off.

He backed up several steps and began to gasp.

"What... was that?"

In the center of Olgren's chest was located the dark crystal, which had a crack in it.

Olgren knelt down, his breathing seemed to be ragged.


"I feel my heart being squeezed."

Razel looking at him thought.

(It can't be.)

(He fell to the ground just because of that little bump...)

(Then that's his weakness.)

Olgren looked at Razel who was rushing over.

"Now that I know what your weakness is. You're finished."

He would not allow his dream to be taken away from him again.

"Don't think you'll get away with this, you impertinent brat!"

Olgren turned part of his body into cannons aimed straight at Razel.

"Die with my ultimate attack!"

"Heavy Damage Endless!"

Magical power was shot out of those holes which were aimed straight at Razel.

He dodged them by jumping back and forth.

He couldn't get close to Olgren, but that didn't matter to him.

He moved several meters away and circled him.

Olgren wondered what he was up to as he fired nonstop.

Being at a far distance, Razel said.

"I thank you."

Olgren didn't understand why Razel was thanking him.

Razel smiled as he sent magic power into his hands.

"Thanks to you, I found out how I can join my magic power with Blut."


"I just have to let it flow like current."

"When I used the Blut, I always used it thinking it was to defend myself. But looking at you, you use your power as you please."

"You bring your power to life. Which I didn't."

"Because of that, I know not to hold back with my magic. Lightning I always saw it as something that goes straight, but it can also be shaped like rubber."

"That's why I..."

Olgren was angry.

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about!"

He pointed his cannons at Razel.

He placed both his hands as if he was pushing something.

"Try the combination of mine and her magic power. The combination of electricity with Blut."

Red vein marks appeared on Razel's hands, the Blut was combining with his prana.

It was a fusion of magical elements.

Resulting in a crossover.

"Vampiric Lightning Magic..."

He pointed his hands at Olgren's gem which was distracted by walking around shouting its supremacy.

Olgren glared at Razel.

"Don't think something like this will be able to defeat me! I am Olgren, a marquis, a high ranking noble and the right hand of the black crows!"

"I am!"

"A total loser."

After saying those words Razel revealed his new attack.

"Thors Cannon."

A blue and red light merged together giving a beautiful violet glow.

The violet light hit Olgren's body, the dark crystal in its center was hit as well.

Only a few seconds passed and it began to crack.

Olgren's body began to deform each time the gem cracked.

After a brief moment, it shattered.

His body began to turn to ash.

"That can't be!"

"I! I! Someone like me would never!"


They were his last words before his existence was erased forever.

Razel looked up at the sky and watched as Olgren's remains turned into beautiful glowing dust.

"It's over at last it seems."


Someone shouted, Razel turned around and saw Amy flying with Livie and Leila asleep.

She hugged him.

"I was worried when I noticed she was on the ground!"

"I'm sorry I didn't come to help you!"

Razel hugged her back and gave her warm words.

"It's okay. Thanks to having an important conversation and this, I'm more confident in myself now. In my power and, most of all, my desire to protect all of you."

Amy was crying like a little girl, Razel touched her cheeks to wipe away her tears.

That day started out quiet only to turn crazy.

Livie's rescue was successful, so it was all over.

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