Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 103 - 28 - ...the Storm (part 2)

Zoemi closed the door, smiling to himself – it really looked like there will be no problem with getting twins back into action as soon as possible, and as long as they will follow on their conviction of acting like proper attendants, they might prove to be closer and much more useful allies than what Zoemi originally considered.

After all, just one look at their self-grown vegetable garden – inside their own room – proved that they were more than familiar with survival skills.

Something very useful if, for example, worse came to worst and a need arose for Mireitte to escape and hide away for a few weeks or months until her pursuers will give up...

Not that Zoemi wanted to let his master leave the comfortable lifestyle she was living at the moment, but still – better safe than sorry.

With that thought, the black-haired boy nodded to himself and turned around to return to the classroom for the next lesson...


Just to face the very last person he wanted to see – ever.

And coincidentally it was also a person whom the scarred attendant least expected to see walking around the female section of the dormitory.

"And what are you doing here, sir Victureo?"

Managing to hold back his disgust, Zoemi forced himself to speak politely to the red-haired capture target that not only failed his expectation when they first met but also gave the black-haired boy the scars which made his job many times more difficult.

..the same scars that just so happened to start itching and pulsating the moment Zoemi faced Grazio...

"I should be asking you the same thing, Espine's attendant. What were you doing during the break inside a room of the female section of the dormitory?"

Grazio, as always in the academy, had a stoic expression and was looking at Zoemi with scorn.

To be honest, the last time they faced each other like that – with the exception of calling out to each other in the hallway – was when Grazio challenged Zoemi to a duel, and the black-haired attendant wiped the floor with him.

And honestly, the switch inside of the scarred boy's head and he wished for nothing else than for a chance to do the same thing again right there and there...

...if only he had two training swords at hand to make things seem fair...!

|No, you imbecile, think of Miriette! You can't make a scene here! Her opinion will plummet if her attendant would attack the son of a general!|

Thankfully, the black-haired boy's head wasn't just full of anger and thoughts about revenge, so he bit himself on the inside of his cheek to calm down.


And, surprisingly, that helped.

...a bit...

He had to bite himself hard enough to draw blood to get the effect that he wanted.

"I wanted to instruct my fellow attendants on how to properly do their job since they seemed a bit misguided lately – but turns out that they were just unwell. Thank you for your concern."

Zoemi straightened his back and raised his head before he responded through his teeth while the metallic taste was filling his mouth.

"I was just returning to the classroom... and speaking about feeling unwell - since you look fine, sir Victureo, as an attendant of lady Espine I am obliged to ask you to follow my example. It's such a waste to be losing your perfect attendance score without a proper reason. I just need to ask you to not use my back as target practice as you did in the past with my face."


Since the black-haired boy already rejected the physical violence option, the only thing that he wanted then and there was to be as rude as possible without sounding too obvious about it – though, being subtle in front of the person he hated with his whole heart wasn't as easy as he originally thought and he might have gone too far – especially considering how pale Grazio's face had become and how hard did he clench his teeth.

Even so...

Zoemi's scars twisted with a triumphant smile – that was the reaction he wanted to see, nothing would make him happier than ripping off the calm fa?ade of this red-haired buffoon.

|Stop acting so calm and composed, you are the bastard who almost hurt Miriette and broke the rules that you have set up yourself - you trying to act with honor now is a disgrace for every noble in the kingdom!|

Zoemi chewed on these words and swallowed them without voicing even one as even in his current state he knew that they would be too much.

But, damn... It would feel so good to be able to say them...!

Even so, he couldn't.

With the figure of his master in his mind, the black-haired attendant calmed his breath and even smiled a bit.

"I actually got called here because of you, Espine's attendant."

To Zoemi's dissatisfaction, Grazio also seemed to have regained his composure as he straightened his back and looked down at the black-haired attendant with his trademark stare of superiority.


Zoemi raised his brow confused but not intimidated.

"What do you mean by that, sir Victureo?"

He asked slowly, trying to figure out the red-haired capture target's plan.

"One of the girls here is the daughter of a close aide of my father. She came to me in tears claiming that you attempted to violate her friend."

"V-violate...?! What!? When...? Wait, what...!?"

At that moment Zoemi's brain short-circuited at the outrageous accusation he never expected to hear.

"Who?! Me? I tried to do what?"

He gasped, honestly shocked so much that he was barely able to speak – and only then he realize something that should be obvious from the start, but he missed it because he was too focused on the red-haired boy.

Grazio wasn't alone.

There were three girls standing behind him, all glaring at him with just as much enmity as Grazio was.

One with red hair, one with green hair, and one with blue hair.

...and the blue-haired one was the girl that Zoemi wanted to apologize to for scaring her the night before, Sifra Ralia.

"Miss Helterose here came to me since our fathers are close friends, she was frightened and she told me you assaulted her friend. You were caught red-handed."

Grazio spoke in a serious, stepping aside and moving his hand while introducing the red-haired girl in a polite voice, but Zoemi saw right through his lies and deceit.

|Bullshit! He just made up some lies and wants to use this ridiculous accusation to get back at me for what happened after the exam! That shameless bastard!|

It must have been because Grazio couldn't live through losing so miserably in a duel!

|Shameless brat with no honor...!|

Zoemi clenched his fists and glared at the red-haired capture target.

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