Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 89 Madbrawlers

Aldred, Mareona, Sophia, Mary, and Mira entered the bath. With the tent covering them from the chilling wind and keeping the heat inside, the bath became much more comfortable. He pulled the straps that covered some little holes so the steam could come out, and not suffocate them.

Aldred walked his way onto the water and hugged Mary. Placing his head on her chest.

“I am hungry,” Aldred said.

“Do you want to drink?” Mary asked.

He nodded.

Mary smiled and lifted her breast. “There you go.”

Aldred pounced and sucked on her pink beautiful nipple. Quickly, the warm sweet liquid rushed into his mouth. It tasted much sweeter than before but not too much, just the right amount with soft and smooth texture streaming in his tongue. Mary closed her eyes and caressed the back of his head.

“I am sorry, Aldred,” she started. “This burden shouldn’t be placed on top of your shoulder.”-.

Aldred did not reply and kept sucking her breast. His left hands grabbed on her right breast and fondled it.

“The fate of an empire, and the fate of its people will lay in your hand. Such a heavy burden. I cannot believe you have to bear it. And I never see you whine about it.”

Mira approached from the side with a smile. “Aldred’s a good boy. He helped with a true and sincere heart. When you do things wholeheartedly, you have nothing to complain about.” She caressed his head.

“Let’s go to sleep.” Mary hugged him and caressed his head. She kissed his lips. “Good night, Aldred.”

“Good night, Mary.” He looked to the side. Mareona was approaching him before giving him a kiss.

“Good night, everyone.” Everyone came up to him and kissed him one by one. Aldred smiled. They all cared so much about him. He had to protect them and let no harm be done to even an inch of their skin. He could take insults to himself, but if others violated them, there could only be one result—death.

Sophia sat beside him and looked at him adoringly. He wore a heavy burden on his shoulder. She wanted to lift that burden and helped him in his journey. After all, he was her home. She could be herself as long as she was with him.

“Is something wrong?” Aldred asked.

Sophia smiled and shook her head. “Nothing.” She kissed his lips. “Good night.”

They went to sleep.

A coalition of adventurers called Madbrawlers sat inside a cramped snow cave they made under the ground. A bunch of flimsy sticks with a shield on top held the roof above their head. Their leader, called by the name of Scar, looked down at the snow in resentment. A large scar ran from his right eye to his lips.

He trembled in the cold. The snow cave wasn’t enough to fight off against the bone-stabbing temperature. His group also trembled because of this environment. They needed treasures to prevent themselves from dying.

“How can they have everything?” Scar asked. “They sleep in warm bath and comfortable tents while we hid in this stupid snow cave.”

The group nodded in agreement.

“They have so many tents, but they won’t share them with us.”

“And did you see that pile of treasures? They have more than enough to arm an army.”

“Yeah. Now they have too many so they started wearing them as decorations.”

“We can’t have this,” Scar said. “I say we ambush them and take everything they have.”

“But, Scar. That boy. He can turn into a Phantom Claw.”

“And he has Phantom Claw as an undead.”

“Don’t forget that giant Velobra as well. That thing can melt us to our bone.”

Scar’s eyes gleamed. “I hate that boy the most. Having all the girls, all the powers, treasures, and connections.” He recalled the boy making friends with Maverick. “Even if he leaves this place empty-handed, I bet Maverick will invite him to his county.”

His heart felt burning when he recalled the face of that boy. Especially when he hugs the girls, and rubs his face to their breast. Why did everyone care about him? He was just an arrogant boy like many others.

“Look,” Scar said. “We won’t survive without any treasures, and the only way we can get some is if we kill that boy and his group. The other group is too poor, and do not have enough loot for us to share. Besides, we all saw what those treasures are. They are all useful for us.”

The group looked at each other and hesitated. They had seen the power of that boy. Fighting against him did not seem to be a wise choice.

Scar noticed their expression. “We kill the boy first. He’s the only one that can stop us. We have more than 300 members, and all of us are experienced adventurers.

“What about Maverick? He won’t let us kill the boy.”

“If the boy died, he won’t do anything to us. His business is only with the boy. No one else matters in that group. They are weak compared to him.”

The majority of them did not think that way. The boy and his friends killed the Phantom Claw together. And they had seen how the boy was almost killed by the beast if not for his friends saving him.

“We kill the boy first. He’s the only one that can stop us. We kill the rest and take the treasures. It’s that simple,” Scar said. “Why are you all hesitating? We’re adventurers. We jumped to the pit hole where no one would go. We’re thrill seekers, aren’t we? Now all of you are scared because of a red cheeks boy?”

‘That red cheeks boy can turn into a Phantom Claw!’ they thought.

“I say we move and kill the boy.” A man stood up. “Just like Scar said. We cannot go further from here without any treasure. Our equipment is not enough. So we either take our chance or die there.”

They all smiled. The last line could be said what being an adventurer was about.

“We take our chance or die there!”

“Yeah, let’s kill the boy.”

“Take his treasure!”

They all laughed and prepared their weapons.

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