Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 763 763 Ancient Tech

Chapter 763 763 Ancient Tech

The sudden entrance of the soldier and his dire report cut through the electrified air of discovery like a cold blade, grounding everyone in the harsh reality of their situation. The room, once abuzz with the potential of ancient technologies and Aldred's cryptic message, shifted to a tense silence.

Shinari's expression hardened as she processed the information. "Thank you, soldier. Dismissed," she said, her voice steady despite the swirling storm of concern within her. As the soldier exited, she turned to face Salamander and Shuzib, her resolve clear in her gaze.

"We stand at the brink of a discovery that could change the tide of this war. Yet, we're reminded that the battle rages on, demanding our immediate attention," Shinari stated, a strategic calmness to her tone. "We cannot afford to be complacent, not when our forces are facing such a dire threat."

Salamander nodded in agreement, his earlier excitement giving way to the gravity of their situation. "You're right, Shinari. The potential of what Aldred has found is immense, but we must ensure there's still a Platoon left for him to return to."

Vortimer projection suddenly appeared. "I have decimated the front line for you. All you need to do is advance, however, this won't be the only demon army you need to fight. Lord Malgorth's army is more vast than mine, but he only has numbers while I have strength. You can say that his army are mass produced cheap products while mine is high quality and expensive masterpiece. Still, he won't be that easy to take down."

As Vortimer's holographic projection filled the room with its imposing presence, Shinari and her team couldn't help but exchange knowing glances, a mix of amusement and exasperation passing between them. Vortimer's penchant for self-aggrandizement was well-known, yet they couldn't deny the undeniable truth in his words.

"Thank you, Vortimer, for your… uniquely phrased update," Shinari responded, a hint of a smile playing at the edges of her lips despite the gravity of their situation. "Your assistance has been invaluable. We're indeed fortunate to have the Celestial Schemata on our side."

Salamander, leaning against a console, chuckled softly. "I'll never get used to his way of putting things, but there's no arguing with the results. Vortimer, your forces have given us the breathing room we desperately needed."

Shuzib, ever the scholar, added thoughtfully, "It's fascinating, really. Aldred's ability to forge alliances across such diverse entities and timelines is remarkable. Vortimer, your ancient wisdom and technological might have proven to be a cornerstone of our defense strategy."

Vortimer's projection seemed to glow slightly brighter, a sign of his satisfaction. "Of course. It is only natural for a being of my caliber to be at the forefront of such endeavors. Remember, while Lord Malgorth's forces are numerous, they lack the finesse and power of the Schemata. With strategic planning and the right application of force, we can overcome them."

Shinari nodded, appreciating Vortimer's confidence. "Your point is well taken, Vortimer. We'll continue to rely on your strength and insights as we prepare for the next phase of our campaign against Lord Malgorth."

Aldred stood alone in the dimly lit command room of his flagship, his gaze fixed on the holographic projection of a planet that spun slowly before him. The image flickered with the details of topography and atmospheric conditions, yet it was the unknown that held Aldred's attention. The planet, with its swirling clouds and vast deserts, harbored secrets that piqued his curiosity and fueled his resolve.

As he contemplated the potential of the planet and the ancient technology it might conceal, a sense of responsibility for the Celestial Platoon weighed heavily on his mind. The war against Lord Malgorth's forces was intensifying, and every decision Aldred made from this uncharted region of space could tip the balance.

His train of thought was interrupted by an incoming communication from the scouting team assigned to investigate the planet. "Commander Aldred," came the crisp, focused voice of the team leader, "we've completed our initial survey of the planet. There's something here you need to see."

Aldred activated the communication console, bringing the scout's report into focus. "Go ahead," he prompted, his tone firm yet infused with an anticipation he couldn't entirely suppress.

"We've detected an energy signature emanating from the planet's surface. It's unlike anything we've encountered before," the scout reported, her voice tinged with excitement and caution. "The patterns are complex, suggesting an artificial origin. It's not natural, sir. It appears to be of a design, possibly a beacon or a power source of immense capability."

The revelation sent a shiver of anticipation through Aldred. The mysteries of the galaxy were vast, but the prospect of discovering a technology that could shift the power dynamics of the war was too significant to ignore.

"Understood. Prepare for a closer investigation. We need to understand the nature of this energy signature and its potential applications," Aldred commanded, his mind already racing with the possibilities. "Exercise caution, but do not hesitate to gather all the data you can. This could be the breakthrough we've been searching for."

As the communication ended, Aldred's gaze returned to the projection of the planet. The stakes were high, not just for the immediate battle, but for the future of the Celestial Platoon and all who relied on its protection. The discovery of an ancient, powerful technology could be the key to their survival or a beacon that led them into further danger.

In the solitude of the command room, Aldred allowed himself a moment to reflect on the paths that had led him here, to the edge of known space, chasing the echoes of a long-lost technology.

As Aldred stood absorbed in his contemplation of the planet's secrets, the stark blare of the emergency alarm jolted him back to the immediate dangers of exploration. The console before him flickered aggressively, indicating a transmission from the scout team, now overlaid with bursts of static that fractured their message into barely intelligible fragments.

Straining to make sense of the broken communication, Aldred caught snippets of a report far more alarming than any he had anticipated. "—massive… robots… crater… lava…" Each word that broke through the static painted a picture of an unforeseen threat emerging from the depths of the planet.

Aldred's voice was calm yet urgent as he responded, "Report status, team. What is your situation?" The static-filled reply spoke of chaos: "Engaging… overwhelming force… unknown… origins… metal giants… emerge from lava…"

A projection appeared, revealing the scene from the scout team's camera. On the screen, the imagery was almost mythic

—creatures of metal striding forth from molten earth, their forms impervious to the scorching rivers of lava cascading off their frames.

It was a scene of apocalyptic fantasy, yet here it unfolded as a stark reality on this remote planet.

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