Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 758 758 Displacement

Chapter 758 Chapter 758 Displacement

?As the Celestial Platoon and the demonic armada clashed amidst the binary stars, an ominous silence fell over Aldred's flagship. The crew, so focused on their immediate foes, froze as a powerful vortex appeared in the heart of the battlefield. The swirling maelic energy crackled with raw, dark power, unlike anything they had witnessed before.

Aldred stood at the helm, his eyes fixed on the growing anomaly. His mind raced, piecing together the legends and reports he had encountered over the years. And then, as if birthed from the vortex itself, an ethereal form began to materialize, growing clearer and more defined with each passing second.

The figure that emerged was colossal, its presence dominating the battlefield. Lord Malgorth, a name that had haunted the corridors of the Imperium of Humanity for millennia, now stood before them, not just as a legend, but as a palpable force of destruction. This form of Malgorth, however, was unlike any Aldred had seen during the Xenos onslaught. It pulsed with a power that seemed to warp the very fabric of space around it.

Aldred's voice broke the stunned silence on the bridge. "Lord Malgorth," he acknowledged, his tone betraying no fear, only a deep-seated resolve. "Your presence here does not bode well for either side of this conflict."

But he knew this wasn't the true form of Lord Malgorth.

The ethereal form of Malgorth, towering amidst the stars, turned its gaze towards Aldred's flagship. A voice, both thunderous and chilling, resonated through the vacuum of space, a testament to the demon lord's immense power. "Half-demon. You aren't so different than us. Why do you oppose my army?"

"Lord Malgorth," Aldred began, his voice steady, "your war against humanity has brought nothing but suffering and destruction. It ends now. We will not bow to your tyranny."

"I sense a crisis within you. You are not certain of who you truly are. You are neither a human, a demon, or a vampire. Decades of traveling through the universe and yet you still fail to find yourself. You are nothing but a pathetic existence."

The accusation hung in the air, a barbed taunt meant to unsettle Aldred. Yet, the seasoned commander's expression remained impassive, his resolve unshaken. "I am what I've chosen to be, Malgorth. A defender of those who seek peace from your tyranny. My existence is defined by the choices I make, not by the blood that runs through my veins."

The ethereal Malgorth laughed, a sound that chilled the very air. "You're just like a child. You learn nothing by talking back to your elder. But words alone will not save you or your precious humanity."

Aldred's gaze hardened. "Then let our actions speak for us." Turning to his crew, he issued his commands with calm authority. "Engage all defenses. Target the energy signatures emanating from Malgorth. We may not be able to destroy him here, but we can disrupt his form."

The crew sprang into action, their earlier hesitation washed away by Aldred's confidence. Energy weapons charged, and the flagship's advanced targeting systems locked onto the fluctuating power at the heart of Malgorth's manifestation.

As the first salvo raced through the void towards Malgorth, the demon lord's form began to distort, warping the space around him as if absorbing the attacks. "Futile," he boomed, but there was a hint of effort in his voice now, a sign that the assault was not entirely without effect.

"Focus fire," Aldred commanded, his eyes never leaving the viewport. "Increase output to the energy cannons. If we can't destroy him, we'll force him to retreat."

Ships maneuvered, evading demonic assaults while returning fire, all the while the binary stars cast their volatile light upon the battlefield, adding an element of unpredictability to the fight.

Suddenly, a brilliant beam of concentrated energy erupted from Aldred's flagship, brighter and more focused than any before. It pierced through the chaos, striking at the heart of Malgorth's form.

Malgorth laughed while his form slowly vanished. "At first, I do not understand what it is that you seek. Protecting humanity? You aren't that naive. Now, I realize. It is me that you want."

Aldred frowned. There seem to be more and more entities that seemingly could read his mind. It was different than before where only he could read the information of the other party.

As Lord Malgorth's form dissipated into the ether, a charged silence enveloped Aldred's flagship. The crew members exchanged wary glances, their tension palpable in the air. Aldred remained stoic, his gaze affixed to the space where Malgorth had been moments before, contemplating the demon lord's parting words.

"Aldred, do you believe there's truth in what he said?" Admiral Kalen ventured, breaking the silence. His voice carried a mix of concern and curiosity, reflective of the thoughts running through the minds of everyone present.

Aldred turned, his expression thoughtful. "Malgorth is a master manipulator. His words are designed to unnerve and distract. Yet, his insight into my motives… it's unsettling."

The bridge crew listened intently, aware of the rare glimpse into their commander's thoughts. Aldred paced slowly, his steps measured.

"He's not entirely wrong. My battle against the demons… it's personal. But not for the reasons Malgorth suggests. Protecting humanity has always been my priority, but defeating Malgorth," Aldred paused, weighing his next words carefully, "it's a mission that's become intertwined with my own existence."

The crew remained silent, their respect for Aldred deepening with his candidness. Suddenly, the ship's communication system crackled to life. It was Salamander, his voice urgent.

"Aldred, we have a situation. The demonic forces are regrouping faster than anticipated. It seems Malgorth's presence, even briefly, has rallied them."

Aldred's resolve hardened. "Prepare for immediate engagement. We can't let Malgorth's words distract us from the task at hand. Our focus remains on protecting humanity and defeating their forces."

The abrupt emergence of Zelthrax from the demonic fleet was a spectacle that momentarily stilled the heart of the ongoing battle. She stood on the hull of her flagship, a figure of darkness against the backdrop of chaotic energy, her presence alone commanding attention and sowing a seed of dread among the Celestial Platoon.

Aldred, standing firm on the bridge of his flagship, watched as Zelthrax raised her arms, the space around her distorting visibly with the accumulation of her dark power. The air crackled with anticipation, the crew holding their breath as they braced for the impact of an attack that promised to be unlike any they had faced before.

Without warning, Zelthrax unleashed her fury. A surge of spatial and dimensional energy, pure and terrifying in its intensity, shot across the void towards Aldred's armada. It was a wave of power that bent the very fabric of reality, engulfing the fleet in a vortex of twisting, turning space.

The effect was immediate and disorienting. The bridge crew stumbled, gripping consoles and railings as the world around them seemed to warp and fold. The familiar constellations and navigational markers that had been their guides vanished, replaced by a dizzying expanse of unknown stars and nebulae. They were adrift, far from any charted territory, isolated in a part of the galaxy that no map had ever documented.

Aldred remained anchored, his gaze locked on the space where Zelthrax had stood, even as the views outside the viewport spiraled into alien vistas. "Status report!" he called out, his voice a bastion of calm in the midst of upheaval.

Admiral Kalen, regaining his composure, quickly assessed their predicament. "Lord Aldred, we are… I don't know where we are. Our position is uncharted, our navigational systems are recalibrating, but nothing matches our databases. Zelthrax's attack—it didn't just strike us; it relocated us."

The realization that they had been cast across the galaxy by Zelthrax's formidable magic hit the crew like a physical blow. Whispers of concern and disbelief fluttered through the bridge, a human reaction to their sudden and complete displacement.

The realization that they had been cast across the galaxy by Zelthrax's formidable magic hit the crew like a physical blow. Whispers of concern and disbelief fluttered through the bridge, a human reaction to their sudden and complete displacement.

Aldred, however, did not allow the uncertainty to unsettle him. "This is no accident," he deduced, his analytical mind piecing together Zelthrax's strategy. "She meant to displace us, to remove us from the conflict. We're not just out of position; we're out of the war."

"It will take a few weeks for us to return. However, during those valuable times, the Celestial Platoon will be fighting without you at the head."

Aldred realized the dreading situation. He had created a system where his organization had to rely on him for almost anything. This was to ensure their loyalty, however, that also cause them to have a glaring weakness—him.

If he was gone, the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization would drop almost half.

His strategy used to work very well in the past because he never had to be away for too far and too long from his army.

Still, he wasn't at a complete loss. The key figures left in his organization should be able to fill his position.

Only if they could sort out their differences.

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