Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 755 755 Discussion

Chapter 755 755 Discussion

A holographic projection flickered to life, showcasing a middle-aged woman, Governor Tessa.

Her image was sharp and her voice crisp as she spoke. "We've all seen the reports. The stronghold they're establishing deep in demon territory is not just a military base; it's a symbol of their reach and capability. Aldred is proving to be a strategic and powerful leader. Perhaps it's time we adjust our stance."

The room fell silent, considering her words. General Elara surveyed the gathered leaders, her gaze lingering on each face. "It's true that Aldred and his forces have exceeded our expectations. The question now is, how far are we willing to support their efforts? Are we prepared to fully back the Celestial Platoon?"

Admiral Varson leaned forward, his hands clasped. "I propose a conditional increase in support. Let's monitor their progress closely, particularly with this new stronghold. If they can hold it and continue to push back the demons, then we should consider more substantial backing."

A murmur of agreement rippled around the table. The leaders recognized the potential of the Celestial Platoon but remained cautious, aware of the delicate balance of power in the galaxy and the risks of aligning too closely with a young, albeit powerful, organization.

General Elara nodded. "Very well. We'll proceed with a measured approach. But let's not forget the bigger picture - our alliance with the Celestial Platoon isn't just about defeating demons. It's about securing a future for humanity in a galaxy where we are surrounded by enemies."

As General Elara finished her measured proposition, a sudden eruption of dissent broke the previously contemplative atmosphere. Two of the planet leaders, known for their conservative views, stood up, their faces contorted in anger.

"This is preposterous!" bellowed Governor Haskel, his voice echoing in the chamber. "We're placing our faith in a group that's barely out of its infancy. There are older, more established organizations that deserve our support."

Next to him, Ambassador Yurin, a woman known for her sharp tongue, joined in. "Why gamble our resources on the Celestial Platoon when we have the option to align with the nobility of the empire? They have the experience and the resources."

At the mention of the empire's nobility, a collective grimace spread across the faces of many in the room. It was no secret that the empire's noble class was riddled with corruption and self-interest, making any alliance with them a risky proposition.

General Elara, maintaining her composure, addressed the dissenters. "Governor Haskel, Ambassador Yurin, I understand your concerns. However, aligning with the empire's nobility comes with its own set of complications. We must consider the long-term implications of such an alliance."

Admiral Varson, who had remained silent, now spoke up. "While I agree that the Celestial Platoon is a relatively new entity, their actions speak louder than the years of existence. We need allies who are not just powerful but also share our vision for the future. The established organizations you mention are powerful, yes, but their allegiances are often questionable."

Governor Haskel slammed his fist on the table, his frustration evident. "I refuse to put the fate of our people in the hands of an untested mercenary group. We need assurances, guarantees that they can deliver what they promise."

The room buzzed with whispered conversations, the leaders weighing the options and the risks involved.

Governor Tessa, who had been silent, finally spoke. "Perhaps we're missing the point here. It's not about choosing the oldest or the most powerful ally. It's about choosing the right ally. The Celestial Platoon has shown us that they are committed to this fight against the demons. Isn't that what matters most?"

Her words seemed to resonate with many in the room, and the mood shifted slightly. The dissenters, though still visibly unsatisfied, appeared to be contemplating her perspective.

General Elara seized the moment to steer the conversation towards a more productive outcome. "Let's put this to a vote. Those in favor of increasing our support to the Celestial Platoon, say 'aye.' Those against, say 'nay.'"

The room filled with a chorus of 'ayes' and a few scattered 'nays.' The majority had spoken, and the decision was clear. The Celestial Platoon would receive increased support, albeit with a watchful eye on their progress.

Inside the command center of his flagship, Aldred stood observing the panoramic view of the planet below, now bustling with the activities of construction and fortification. His stance was one of quiet authority, his gaze fixed on the future he was shaping.

The door hissed open, and Shinari entered, her posture reflecting both urgency and efficiency. She always looked as beautiful as ever. Aldred sometimes get excited when he took a look at her.

She approached Aldred, a digital tablet in her hand, displaying a flurry of figures and reports.

"Aldred, I have the latest update on our resource allocations and funding," Shinari began, her voice a mix of professionalism and underlying excitement.

"The recent vote among the planet leaders has resulted in a substantial increase in our support. It seems your actions have convinced them of our potential."

Aldred turned to face her, a faint smile touching his lips. He could not hold himself and grabbed Shinari by the waist.

Shinari blushed but kept her professional poise. That made Aldred want to tease her even more.

"Good. We need those resources to fortify this stronghold and to continue our campaign against the demonic forces. How substantial are we talking about?"

Shinari swiped through the tablet, bringing up a detailed chart. "We're looking at a 40% increase in funding and resources compared to the previous quarter. This includes access to advanced materials, technologies, and additional manpower. It's a significant boost, one that could accelerate our plans here and beyond."

Aldred nodded, pondering the implications. "This is excellent news, Shinari. With this support, we can expedite our efforts and strengthen our position here. But we must also be cautious. This increase in funding will draw attention, not just from our allies, but from our enemies as well."

Shinari acknowledged his concern with a nod. "Agreed. The additional resources will undoubtedly escalate the scale of our operations, making us a bigger target. We'll need to enhance our defenses and intelligence networks."

Aldred's eyes returned to the view outside, where the future stronghold was rapidly taking shape. "Make sure Vortimer and Salamander are aware of the increased funding. I want them to use these resources effectively. As for the attention we'll attract, let them come. We'll be ready."

Shinari made a note on her tablet, her expression determined. "I'll relay the information immediately. We'll ensure that every credit and resource is utilized to its utmost potential."

As the door closed behind Shinari, Aldred allowed himself a rare moment of respite. He walked over to a plush couch situated near a vast viewport, the panoramic expanse of space stretching out before him. With a casual snap of his fingers, two impeccably dressed maids appeared, one carrying a tray of exotic fruits, the other a crystal decanter filled with a sparkling amber liquid.

Aldred accepted a glass, the liquid casting a warm glow in the dim light of the command center. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice softer than the commander persona he often projected.

As the maids retreated, Aldred leaned back, letting out a weary sigh. His gaze drifted to the stars, twinkling against the backdrop of deep space, interspersed with the silhouettes of thousands of spacecraft that orbited the planet. The sight was both magnificent and sobering.

"What a tiring day," he said to himself, the words barely more than a whisper. He sipped his drink, the flavors rich and complex, a momentary indulgence in his relentless existence.

As he gazed out into the cosmos, Aldred pondered the duality of his nature. "I do what must be done," he mused, his thoughts trailing off. The victories were sweet, but the weight of command, the lives lost, the decisions made, all bore heavily upon him.

In this vast universe, he often felt like a small cog in an immense machine, yet he knew his actions rippled far and wide. The responsibility was immense, the path often lonely. He was a beacon for some, a harbinger of doom for others.

Aldred's hand tightened around his glass, a silent acknowledgment of the burden he bore. He knew that the path ahead was fraught with challenges, but he was resolute.

His wives were waiting for him after all.

The stars seemed to shimmer in response to his thoughts, a cosmic dance of light and shadow. In that moment, Aldred felt a profound connection to the universe, a sense of being part of something far greater than himself. It was a fleeting feeling, but it filled him with a quiet resolve.

As he finished his drink, setting the glass down with a soft clink, Aldred stood up, his moment of introspection giving way to the leader he needed to be.

There were battles to fight, a future to forge, and he was at the heart of it all.

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