Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 707 707 Aldred’s Impact

Chapter 707 707 Aldred’s Impact

In bars, living rooms, bedrooms, and even in the privacy of their toilets, citizens across the Imperium were glued to holographic projections, witnessing the awe-inspiring display of Aldred's power. Gasps, cheers, and exclamations filled the air as people processed the magnitude of what they had just witnessed.

In a dimly lit bar on the desert planet, a group of patrons huddled around a flickering holographic display. The bartender wiped a glass absentmindedly, eyes fixed on the scene unfolding before them. One of the patrons, a seasoned soldier, exclaimed, "I've been in battles, but I've never seen anything like this. Aldred's a force of nature!"

In a cozy living room on a gas giant, a family sat together, their eyes wide with amazement. The youngest child, usually restless, sat in rapt attention. "Mom, can I be like Commander Aldred one day?" The mother chuckled, "Maybe not a Commander, but you can be a hero in your own way."

In a bustling city apartment, a solitary individual watched alone. The viewer, once skeptical of Celestial Platoon's effectiveness, now stared in disbelief. "I guess the Platoon means business. Aldred... he's not just a commander. He's a savior."

The impact on Celestial Platoon's reputation was immediate and profound. Once viewed by some as an organization with lofty ideals, now it was synonymous with the might that had just been displayed. Across the Imperium, people started to view the Platoon as the beacon of hope, the force capable of standing against the demonic threat.

Many people have fallen victims to the demons cruel and ruthless activities, and many more people claim to have the power to fend this threat away. However, they never truly showed something of Aldred's level. Leveling an entire planet full of demons with absolute east. Only the gods have the power to do that!

In the central command of the Celestial Platoon, Cleome and Salamander watched the reactions pouring in from various planets. Cleome's eyes gleamed with pride. "We're not just fighters; we're defenders of the Imperium. Aldred has given us a new image—a force to be reckoned with."

Salamander nodded. "The demons won't know what hit them. The Imperium is rallying behind us."

Cleome and Salamanders were greatly patriotic so being recognized as heroes made them extremely excited.

As the transmission continued, children across the Imperium looked upon Aldred as a living legend. In holographic projections, Aldred's image resonated with an air of invincibility. The children, wide-eyed and filled with admiration, started mimicking Aldred's gestures and poses.

On a residential colony, a group of kids gathered in an open square, playing an improvised game where they pretended to be Aldred. A makeshift holographic projection showed their hero in action. "I'm Aldred, and I'm here to save the galaxy!" shouted one child, brandishing an imaginary weapon.

In schools, teachers found it challenging to keep children focused on their studies. Instead, they were drawing Aldred's symbol on their notebooks and sharing stories about the commander who fought demons with the power of the stars.

The impact was not just confined to the public. Within the Celestial Platoon, there was a renewed sense of purpose and pride. Emissaries, once facing skepticism from some factions, now received nods of approval and admiration.

Back on the Stellar Seraph, Aldred received reports of the public's reaction. A holographic projection in the ship's command center displayed scenes from various planets—cheering crowds, children imitating his gestures, and even artists creating murals depicting his celestial feats.

Vortimer was still in disbelief at the impact of what Aldred had done. Before this the progress of obtaining resources from the nearby worlds were extremely slow and tedious. Many of these worlds have different cultures, interest, and beliefs in mind.

For a random 2 year old organization to appear out of nowhere and ask them for money was extremely insulting already. If not for them using the Inquisitor's name, the emissaries would be thrown out of the planet immediately.

However, because of Aldred's one move. A SINGLE MOVE!

Hundreds of millions of worlds were moved and not only accept him but even praised his name.

Two years ago this man was just a part of a small mercenary squad, now he's a hero of the Imperium.

"What a terrifying intellect." Vortimer's metallic body trembled for the first time. He wasn't really capable of processing admiration or fear, but perhaps this was how it feel.

A sense of awe.

The reason why Vortimer still help Aldred was how this man always manage to surprise him time and time again with his grandeur plan and strategy to achieve his goal.

Aldred always manage to find his ways unthinkable to him, an ancient robot with trillions of recorded data. He thought he had seen the patterns of every possibilities, and yet, Aldred manage to create something entirely new.

Vortimer had never seen the likes of Aldred since the rise of the Human Emperor and the creation of the Holy Sons.

Now, Vortimer not only follow Aldred because of their goal, but because he was excited to learn more from him.

"Excitement… when was the last time I feel this way? When was the last time I admire someone?"

Certain memories flashed in his head, like a recording of the past, flooding him with a certain emotions the humans called nostalgia.

Vortimer iron lips slightly curled into a smile.

Aldred was staring at the screen until he noticed Vortimer's weird behavior. "Anyway, I've been meaning to ask. You aren't really a robot are you."

"Why do you say so?"

"Well, for starter you have a very powerful soul."

Vortimer's mechanical eyes moved.

"I can tell. Your soul is the adventurous one. Always hungry for knowledge. Always want to learn new things. Always dreaming of experiencing everything the universe could offer. We're kind of the same, you and I."

Aldred let out a sigh as he smiled. "If I imagine you as human children, you and your little brother would be running around hills and forest, get wet and dirty before you come back home when it's midnight."

Vortimer's eyes widened, creating a crackling mechanical sound. "You can tell?"

"Of course. I have a very sharp pair of eyes."

In reality, Aldred just read about the history in Vortimer's panel. He even found out that Vortimer was his actual brother.

He could explain his power, however, he chose to act mysterious to look cool.

Aldred leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on the holographic displays showing the aftermath of his celestial onslaught. The transmission from various planets continued to play on screens surrounding him. Vortimer, in his metallic form, stood nearby, still processing the implications of Aldred's grand display of power.

"You know, Vortimer," Aldred began, breaking the silence, "this isn't the end of our mission. We need to visit other demon-infested planets. Hit them hard and fast. After this first attack, they'll likely fortify their defenses or, worse, launch a counteroffensive."

Vortimer's optic sensors flickered as he processed the information. "Logical. Striking swiftly will prevent them from consolidating their forces effectively. It will catch them off guard."

Aldred nodded. "Exactly. We can't afford to give them time to adapt. We need to be relentless in our pursuit to cleanse the galaxy of their corruption."

Vortimer considered the situation. "Aldred, I suggest we assemble an armada. Multiple fleets, each targeting a different demonic stronghold simultaneously. This way, we can maximize the damage and reduce their chances of mounting a coordinated defense."

Aldred grinned. "That's a sound strategy, Vortimer. It's time to show the demons that the Celestial Platoon is not to be trifled with."

Vortimer's metallic voice carried a hint of excitement. "I'll coordinate with the commanders and start mobilizing the fleets. With our combined strength, we can eradicate the demonic presence across multiple worlds simultaneously."

As Vortimer initiated the communications with the commanders and various fleets, Aldred contemplated the upcoming battles. The demons had shown their capacity for malevolence, and it was time for the Imperium to respond in kind.

The battleship traversed through the cosmos, and as it approached the next demon-infested planet, Aldred and Vortimer focused on devising a plan of attack. The holographic displays showcased the enemy's concentrations and strategic points on the planet's surface.

Vortimer's metallic form became a hub of activity as he processed data and strategized with the commanders. "Aldred, the fleets are ready for deployment. We can initiate simultaneous attacks on multiple fronts. The demons won't have time to react."

Aldred stood up, determination in his eyes. "Let's do it. Send the signal to the fleets. Make sure they understand the importance of swift and decisive action. We're not just fighting for our survival; we're fighting for the very soul of the Imperium."

The command center buzzed with activity as Vortimer relayed the orders to the assembled fleets. Commanders from different planets prepared for the coordinated assault, their resolve strengthened by Aldred's previous demonstration.

The armada moved into position, each fleet targeting a different demon stronghold on the planet. The battleships cloaked themselves, becoming invisible to the demonic forces below. As they descended through the atmosphere, Aldred observed the strategic points highlighted on the holographic display.

"Engage stealth mode," Aldred commanded. "We strike as one, and we strike swiftly."

The fleets moved with precision, their advanced technology allowing them to approach undetected. As they reached their designated positions, the cloak lifted, revealing the Imperium's armada ready to unleash its wrath.

Aldred, seated in the battleship's central console, watched the coordinated assault unfold. The demon strongholds were taken by surprise, the simultaneous attacks overwhelming their defenses. Dark energy crackled in the air as demonic forces scrambled to counter the unexpected onslaught.

As more than a thousand world exploded, Aldred eyes' flashed as he downed a glass of wine.

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