Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 316 The Uncertain Future

April the 5th, 1929. Britannia Empire London.

On the grounds of Buckingham Palace, Alexander made his way to the Beast, escorted by an entourage of Imperial Guards with Rolan leading the way.

He entered the Beast that will be escorted by five armored SUVs armed with miniguns on the roof.

Inside the Beast, Alexander saw Sevastian who greeted him with a polite smile.

"Your Majesty, it's time," Sevastian said.

Alexander smiled back. "Yes, the time has come."

After Alexander entered, Rolan followed. Naturally, he would sit at the front. But due to the circumstances and impending threats, he had to be at the place where he could reach the emperor quickly.

Upon boarding the Beast, the convoy started moving and headed towards Westminster Abbey, where the crown ceremony was held.

Along the journey, the three strike up a brief conversation.

"So, Rolan, you said that you have something to say to me and it's been making me wonder as to what it is. You may now proceed," Alexander said, looking at Rolan who sat across him.

"Your Majesty, the crown ceremony presents a threat to your life. I suggest that we leave the country once the event is over. As you are aware, I was engaged in combat with two black hand operatives yesterday in the alley near one of our Foreign Intelligence Services safehouses. They were not being cooperative but whenever we asked if they were planning something in the crown ceremony, they would only sneer."

"Your Majesty, Rolan warrants me to make a special request to the government of the Britannia Empire. That we leave after the ceremony. They agreed and I hope you understand," Sevastian added.

Both of his top men are suggesting that he should leave the country as soon as the crown ceremony is over. Well, he understands the nature of the threat and wouldn't go against them.

"Okay fine…but what if they attack during the crown ceremony? I'm sure Rolan had already hatched a plan out."

"We have an escape route, Your Majesty," Rolan said, his voice carrying confidence. "We are working closely with the Foreign Intelligence Services and Scotland Yard. Our men are positioned in strategic locations around Westminster Abbey where they'll have eyes on us. To be honest, I wish that it will only remain a plan and not live in it. Not to mention we only had days to plan. There are a lot of uncertainties,"

"I hope so too," Alexander said, crossing his legs and looking out the window to see spectators waving their hands at the convoy, trying to get his attention. "I wonder where the other heads of state are? I consider myself lucky as I'm the only emperor who was allowed to stay in Buckingham Palace."

Rolan pressed his earpiece and communicated with his teams on the ground.

"According to our men, the head of state of the nine great powers are also making their way to Buckingham Palace while others are doing a quick visit to some of the popular sites of London such as Victoria Towers, London Bridge, St. Pauls Cathedral, and River Thames," Rolan reported and continued. "We will be the first ones to arrive at Westminster Abbey."

"Am I the only one who is noticing that the Ruthenia Empire is getting special treatment?" Alexander wondered out loud.

"I noticed it as well, Your Majesty. It must be because the Future Queen of the Britannia Empire has feelings for you," Sevastian said.

"Hmm…I'm not that dense to realize it," Alexander didn't bother denying that fact. "I hope that one day she'll find someone who will love her. I like how I am loving my family," he said and continued. "Oh, now that I speak of that now I am starting to miss them…their hugs, kisses…ahh."

Alexander sighed dreamily. "Ah, Black Hand…please don't ruin this occasion for me and Diana."

After a five-minute ride, the Ruthenian convoy arrived in front of Westminster Abbey. There, Alexander can see from his window the crowds, the cameras, and the journalist that is going to broadcast this sacred succession ceremony of the Britannia Empire.

The Imperial Guards stationed at Westminster Abbey approached the vehicle and surrounded it. One of them opened the door for the three to step out.

Alexander, Rolan, and Sevastian stepped out of the vehicle and began to walk down the red carpet that was laid down on the floor. At the entrance of the cathedral, Alexander saw a familiar figure standing idly.

She has pink hair so it's easy for him to identify.

"Your Royal Highness, Anne," Alexander greeted as soon as she arrived at the main entrance. "Good to see you on this lovely morning."

"Good to see you too, Your Imperial Majesty, Alexander," Anne curtsied in front of him.

"So are you excited about your sister's crown ceremony?" Alexander asked while looking at her eyes as if looking for subtle reactions.

Anne hummed. "Of course I am, it's my sister's ascension to the throne after all. Why wouldn't I?" She smiled genuinely.

Alexander detected a lie in her eyes. Her sincere gaze and genuine smile were nothing but a façade, an act designed to hide her true feelings behind a veneer of innocence.

However, Alexander knew that he would never be able to completely tell just by looking at someone. He had to use his intuition and experience about why she was lying. The time he first met her was full of mysteries that troubled him a little.

"As expected…well, I hope the ceremony would go smoothly otherwise it would be a shame to the Britannia Empire. After all, the world leaders of the world are attending. They can't afford to make a mistake here."

Anne was silent, her thoughts wandering inside her head. Alexander paid it no heed and simply bowed his head at her lightly before proceeding to Westminster Abbey.

As soon as Alexander went inside along with his trusted officials, her innocent smile changed to that of a cunning smirk, and the color drained from her face.

"I have resolved myself to this cause, Alexander. Nothing will get in the way of me taking the throne…" she said inwardly. "For that to happen, my sister would have to die, everyone would have to die…and each and one of you will be thrown into confusion, playing the blaming game, until eventually, you destroy one another. Look forward to it, you so-called world leaders…"

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