Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 302 A New Undertaking

The clock struck three and the resounding applause from the Palace Square of the Winter Palace erupted, filling it with cheers and roars as they waved their hands up in the air to welcome their Emperor who was walking over to the podium.

His kingly walk was complemented by the ceremonial bands who are playing their drums, flutes, trumpets, and other musical instruments.

The shuttering of the cameras and the flashing of light flickered from below where the journalist and cameraman stood.

Alexander felt invigorated at the sight before him. It was truly elegant and grand that moved his heart. He waved his hand back to them, increasing the sound of their cheers even more.

Then he raised his hand in the air, stopping them from making any sounds. The people complied with the gesture and silence settled the Palace Square of the Winter Palace. Now that he had seen them from the balcony, he can say that there are too many people to the point he can no longer see the ground they are standing upon.

He tapped the microphone with his finger to check if it was working properly. He heard a thudding sound from the speakers, indicating that it was working perfectly.

Alexander then turned to the audience who were all staring at him attentively waiting for him to start.

A smile spread on his lips, taking a look around the crowd before speaking into the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Palace Square. I hope the day is treating you all well," Alexander began with a casual greeting. "I know some of you are wondering why you are here, asking the people next to you about what's going on but can't provide an answer. Or why I decided to make a speech that appears sudden to all of you. Don't worry, all your questions will be answered. To the people of Ruthenia, and across the world, I'll start by introducing myself. My name is Alexander Romanoff, I'm the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire. A man that will share to you the groundbreaking achievement the Ruthenia Empire, No, humanity has ever accomplished."

After saying that, the crowd's interest in his speech skyrocketed. Alexander took a glance again and saw that everyone was waiting for the climax. He will give it to them, and he will owe it to one of the people that inspired him to take interest in space. Former president of the United States, John F. Kennedy.

"No man can fully grasp how far and how fast we have come, but condense if you will, the 50,000 years of man¹s recorded history in a time span of but a half a century. Stated in these terms, we know very little about the first 40 years, except at the end of them advanced man had learned to use the skins of animals to cover them. Then about 10 years ago, under this standard, man emerged from his caves to construct other kinds of shelter. Only five years ago man learned to write and use a cart with wheels. Christianity began less than two years ago. The printing press came this year, and then less than two months ago, during this whole 50-year span of human history, the steam engine provided a new source of power.

"Last month electric lights and telephones and automobiles and airplanes became available. Only last week did we develop penicillin and television, and now if Ruthenia's aircraft can reach the highest point of the sky then it's not impossible for us to reach beyond it. Ladies and gentlemen, I will stop here to show a video of us proving that reaching space is not impossible."

Upon saying that, the crowds gathered in the Palace Square turned their heads to look at two large projection screens. To the people watching from their homes, the media being broadcasted was suddenly changed.

Now, everyone was all eyes on the video being presented to them. The first scene displayed a large rocket in a spaceport being viewed from a bird's eye view. The second scene transitioned to the men wearing white coats operating a computer machine. The third scene returned to the rocket where the bottom part of it ignited.

The rocket lifted and soared into the air, breaking the clouds, and reached space. The fourth scene showed a video of the rocket itself. Located at the upper section of the rocket, a conical-shaped metal detached and a ball-like object with four sticks emerged like an egg hatching from inside of it. Then came the beeping sound.

Engineers and scientists, as well as political entities who have been informed about the mysterious beeping sound, shuddered in realization. Diana Rosemary Edinburgh was one of them.

She is currently watching the broadcast with her eyes open wide. The familiar tone of the beep was familiar, where engineers from the Royal Science Society had said that the beep are coming from above.

"Don't tell me...The Ruthenians had already gone to space?!" Diana muttered, her mind racing. "I see now...everything is making sense this for us to realize that we are really behind in terms of technological advancements? really had us there...I thought we are this close to rivaling your unprecedented growth of power but this...this sealed everything..."

Diana said as if she was having a mental breakdown. This changes everything. The balance of power can no longer be shifted to their side as it was already been tipped to the ground by the Ruthenians.

The video broadcast on the television ended and returned to Alexander.

"I'm making it official, everyone. Ruthenia has reached space! Some of you may not believe it but we already calculated its orbit around the world where you can see it orbiting at night. Of course, to prove that we can really go to space I have decided that the next launch will be available for the public to view. It will be in April so set your calendars."

The crowds in the Palace Square gasped at the announcement, excited for the month to come. Though, thinking that it was the endgame of his speech, that's where they are wrong.

Alexander cleared his throat, getting the attention of the crown again back to him.

"So, everyone, humanity has reached space. What's next? Do we explore what's beyond it? My answer to that will be yes. I'm an ambitious person who wants to achieve many things, and that is one of them. However, it takes one step at a time to unveil the secrets of space. And by one step at a time, I mean we are going to the celestial body closest to our Earth, and that would be—the moon," Alexander declared and everyone fell silent.

"You heard it, everyone, the Ruthenia Empire has taken what seems to be an impossible challenge. Going to the moon. It will be an expensive project but let me tell you, it's all worth it. This will signify that we humans can do everything as long as we put our minds, our souls, and our hearts into it. That's all everyone."

Concluding his speech, the crowds roared again, chanting "Long Live the Emperor" repeatedly.


Deutschland Empire, Berlin.

Kaiser Wilheim was crumpling a paper under his hands, frustrated at the fact that the Ruthenia Empire is ahead of them.

"Erik!" he shouted.

"Yes, Mein Kaiser?"

"I want you to confirm if the Ruthenians are telling the truth. That they have reached space."

"Will do, Mein Kaiser."

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