Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 292 Honest Thoughts

"So you're going to Britannia in April, Your Majesty?" Sevastian, who was listening to Alexander's voice ever since he picked up the telephone finally spoke after speaking with Diana.

"Yes, she's inviting me to her coronation. She's going to be the future queen of the Britannian Empire. I wonder how things are going on her end, I heard that she's trying to take back the power the monarchy had once lost to the parliaments centuries ago."

"They were making good progress, Your Majesty," Sevastian said and continued. "According to the Foreign Intelligence Services, anti-royalist Members of the Parliament are being hunted by secret operatives working for the crown. It's only a matter of time before the monarchy regains their control over the Britannian Isles."

"To be honest, I couldn't care less if the monarchy regains the power they once lost. As long as it's not harming our country's interest, we will continue maintaining our relationship with them."

"I agree with you, Your Majesty," Sevastian nodded affirmingly. "Speaking of which, Your Majesty, this is just a funny thought and I hope you don't take it seriously. Your progressive and radical reforms in the country are threatening your position as the perpetual Chief of Staff of the Ruthenia Empire. Should the time come when the people demand more like electing a new head of state similar to the United States, what will you do?"

Alexander silently pondered for an answer. He had anticipated this question before when he was writing the new constitution for the Ruthenia Empire. There will be times when his decisions and policies won't satisfy the people and would look for someone that can give them the satisfaction. That's one of the basics of political leadership. So to keep his power intact, there's only one thing that he must do.

"As long as I work for the benefit of my people and for the country, they wouldn't think of such a thing. That is something I can guarantee. Unless there will be a third-party influencing the minds of the people into thinking that I am doing bad. Why did you ask this anyway?" Alexander locked his gaze with Sevastian.

"Nothing Your Majesty, I was curious…" Sevastian answered as he stood up in his seat. "I believe everything is settled. I will take my leave now, Your Majesty," he bowed and turned on his heel, and ambled forward.

Alexander watched as he made his way to the door. Just before he could reach the doorknob, Alexander spoke.

"You see, I'm not really keen on ruling this country until my death. In fact, I would rather step down as the emperor and let someone else take over."

"Your Majesty…" Sevastian turned around, frowning. "What are you talking about all of the sudden?"

"It's my honest thought. I don't want to rule this country forever. So I don't reject the idea of me getting replaced as it is bound to happen anyways. Though I'm not saying I will step down now, I'm thinking maybe after fifteen to twenty years where my future son, if I would have one, I hope, could take the throne."

Sevastian stared at Alexander for a few seconds. So he will not be like any other greedy emperors who will do whatever it takes to keep the power to themselves. The emperor is open to the idea of him getting replaced and that is something you wouldn't hear from someone who wields great power.

"Your Majesty, so that's the path you are going to take?"

"Yes, Sevastian...for me this emperor thing is like any other desk job. It's tiring to the point you want to give up. So to someone who is yearning to be the head of state, I will say to them that they have no idea what they are about to face. Oh, I have taken so much of your time, Sevastian. I apologize for holding you, you may leave now."

"Your Majesty, you shouldn't say that. If you wish for me to stay for five or ten minutes, I wouldn't mind. Because you take precedence. Oh, speaking of which, I almost forgot, we have an issue to discuss," Sevastian walked back over to Alexander's desk and took his seat.

"Oh, about what?" Alexander propped up his chin, resting his arm on the desk as he stared at Sevastian.

"The Britannia Empire joining the Deutschland Empire to the Han Dynasty. This could pose a significant threat to the Kuomintang. As you all know, four factions are hell-bent on taking control of the country under their own leadership, there couldn't be more perfect timing for the western powers to send an invasion force and take strategic cities and ports from Han."

"Now that you said that, I'm beginning to realize the impact of this on ourselves. The western powers have justification to take lands from them due to the International Legation Quarter incident. If they take strategic lands or ports from the Han, then there won't be as much of a benefit from helping Kuomintang because what we wanted is already taken by either Deutschland or Britannia."

"We have to ensure that Kuomintang will be able to take control of the country and the territory that was taken from them except Manchuria," Sevastian stated.

"But the expeditionary forces of both countries are on their way to the Han, we have to stop them from landing on the Hanese mainland," Alexander said.

"I see where you are heading with this, Your Majesty," Sevastian said. "We should speak with the Joint Chief of Staff about this and we have to be very careful so as to not implicate ourselves in the attack."

"A submarine would do a very good job of sinking a ship carrying troops. But just as you warned, we must make sure that they won't think it was us who sank it."

"That's easy, Your Majesty. We can make a deal with the Kuomintang that they are the ones who fired the torpedo in exchange for continued military support and intelligence."

"Have it done immediately," Alexander ordered.

"I will head to the Command Ops and inform them about the new operation," Sevastian stood up again and bowed before leaving the office.

Alexander sighed after hearing the door closing when Sevastian left. "That was close."

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