Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 288 Getting Fooled

In the Ruthenian Legation, the ambassadors from the ten great powers convened in a meeting after finding out about the annihilated troops of the Boxers besieging the International Legation Quarter.

"This changes things, Sir Mikhail," Claude began. "Now the enemy was exterminated using your superior Air Forces, it seems as though there's no need for you to evacuate all of us…"

Mikhail's eyes widened in surprise, and Makarov reacted the same.

"Pardon me if I'm about to curse in the presence of the ambassadors of ten great powers but what the fuck? It sounded like you used us! This is unacceptable, a complete affront to the Ruthenia Empire."

"You don't have to get aggressive Mikhail," Myers joined. "I mean think about this logically. We have no way of contacting our government or our military but now that you annihilated the Boxers, Mister Claude's military is going to arrive in four days."

"I'm getting confused," Mikhail shifted his eyes to Claude. "Sir Claude, I thought you were aware of the possibility of the Boxers coming tomorrow? I mean do you really think that it was their main forces that attacked us?"

"I am aware of that fact but without intelligence, we can't tell if there is really a force that will come to the International Legation Quarter tomorrow. Unless the Ruthenia Empire is withholding any information from us about the Boxer's position."

"The Ruthenia Empire is not obligated to share military intelligence with other powers that could implicate us from interfering with the Hanese internal affairs. What you are just doing is disrespecting our country's sincere and genuine help of getting you all out of here safe. St. Petersburg is not going to like you all changing your decision of staying in the International Legation Quarter. Assuming that this is a unanimous decision? Isn't it?" Mikhail glanced over to the ambassadors with a scrutinizing gaze.

"The Francois Republic and its constituents in the International Legation Quarter wished to be evacuated, Sir Mikhail," the ambassador of the Francois Republic said as he raised his hand. He continued. "We can't be too complacent on the fact that the Ruthenia Empire annihilated the Boxers as there is a possibility of other forces coming to the International Legation Quarter and finishing where they left. Remember, the Boxers are hell-bent on an anti-foreign, anti-colonial, and anti-Christian movement in the Han Dynasty. Every member of that movement does not like us so I am imploring to you all on behalf of Sir Mikhail that you think over your decision wisely, otherwise there is no turning back."

"I couldn't have said it better, Sir Stephen," Mikhail smiled.

"This is expected," Myers said, leaning backward in his wheelchair as he spoke. "Your country is an ally of the Ruthenia Empire and hence you must be with them."

"Well, I wouldn't take my chances here, Sir Myers."

"So is anyone who wishes to leave for real?" Mikhail asked one last time. If no one raised their hands then so be it. He wouldn't waste his energy on old fools who just used the Ruthenian Empire to buy them some time.

He can already imagine himself making an uncomfortable call to St. Petersburg. His Majesty's National Security Advisor as well as His Majesty himself is not going to like what they are going to hear the moment he's out of the International Legation Quarter.

Ten seconds had passed and no one raised their hands. How ridiculous that they are desperate to leave the International Legation Quarter when under attack and now that the storm has been calmed they went back on their words?

"Since no one raised their hands let me make the Ruthenian Empire position clean here. From here on we are not obligated to help you. You are all responsible for your own decision. And should something bad happen to you while you are staying in this Legation, know that you had your chance. We don't want your government demanding an explanation as we are not compelled to do so in the first place. Now, with all that aside, we can adjourn this meeting as our transport will be getting here soon."

"You are clearly underestimating us, Mikhail," Claude said. "The remaining legation here is part of the great powers. Don't even think that some uncivilized farmers in this country can put up a fight against a proper army."

Underestimating, how ironic. The military guards from all legations were having a hard time defending the International Legation Quarter. If not for the Ruthenians' help, they would not have had this conversation.

Mikhail didn't want to speak any longer, instead, he beckoned them out of the meeting room, leaving Stephen, the Francois ambassador, Makarov, and him alone.

"I must say, Sir Mikhail. I was completely taken aback by their sudden change of decision. We felt stupid," Makarov said.

"Don't mind them, let's just focus on leaving this god-forsaken place," Mikhail replied before looking at Stephen. "Sir Stephen, you should get your people ready as well."

"Very well, I shall take my leave to do just that, Sir Mikhail," Stephen stood and saw his way out.


The aftermath of the attack of the Boxers on the International Legation Quarter can be seen clearly in the damage to the infrastructure. The buildings turned into rubbles from Boxer's artillery, the ground full of craters from the explosion of the shells, fire raging everywhere that is currently being extinguished by firefighters, and lastly the corpses lying on the side of the road.

The artillery bombardment of the Boxers leveled up a particular place in the International Legation Quarter, making it suitable as a landing for the Black Stork helicopter whose rotor blades are beating the air.

All the citizens watched, even the ambassadors and the military guards as it hovered to the ground.

There are three Black Stork helicopters in the air right now, enough to carry nine people, excluding the pilots, co-pilots, and the officer in the cabin.

The Francois and Ruthenian Legation Staff stood in a line, waiting to be extracted. Makarov stood in front with a megaphone in his hand.

He spoke through it. "Okay everyone, no baggage is allowed. I repeat, no baggage is allowed. The helicopter can only carry a specific weight so whatever you have on your luggage right now, be it whatever that is, leave it."

The Ruthenian Special Forces enforced Makarov's order by checking all the people. If they don't have luggage, they will clear them out.

"No! You can't take this away from me!" a shout came from the mouth of a little girl in the line.

"What's the matter there?" Makarov asked, leaning to the side.

"Sir! Is this okay?" one of his men pointed at the girl clutching a teddy bear on her chest tightly. She had a determined expression written over her face, making it clear to him that she won't let go of her toy.

"I think that's fine since it's small to be carried," Makarov approved before returning to the people in front, who are the ambassadors.

"Sir, are you ready?"

"I want to make sure that everyone gets out so I'm staying behind for now," Mikhail said.

"Me too," Stephen said.

"Very well," Makarov agreed.

The Black Stork landed behind him, sending a gust of wind outward. The door slid open and gave Makarov the go signal.

"Okay come forward!" Makarov said and one by one, the staff of both legations hopped inside the helicopter.

While they were on that, Makarov grabbed his radio and contacted the Central Command.

"Overlord this is Alpha, we are evacuating the people as we speak, over."

"Copy that Alpha, is there something you need over?"

"We need more helicopters," Makarov requested.

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