Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 285 Talk Our Way Out

As the emergency meeting concluded, Makarov spurred out of the Britannian Legation and headed straight to the Beijing Wall where his men were located.

They were firing at the Boxers' infantry with great accuracy and precision. Every bullet their guns spewed, took one Boxer's life. Even the Boxers who are hiding in the dark can't escape from Ruthenian bullets. It felt as though they were being chased down by it.

"Sir, you arrived. How did the meeting go?" One of his men asked.

"Everyone decided to leave the International Legation Quarter. This is going to be a pain in the ass evacuating thousands while engaging the Boxers at the same time."

"So what do you plan to do?" his men asked again.

"We are going to negotiate our way out of here of course," Makarov said. "I hope they accept because if they don't they are wasting their lives."

His men just nodded. He can already imagine what would happen if the Boxers reject their proposal. Bombs would rain upon them, killing everyone caught in them mercilessly, and those who survive will realize the mistake they made.

But how?

"How are you going to speak with them? Can they understand Ruthenian or English?"

"There must be someone, especially those who hold the command, that can speak with us. For now, we need a megaphone and an interpreter…"

"Wa…wait!" his men stopped him. "Does our government know about the decision of the ten great powers? Going out there to conduct negotiation is an unsanctioned action and could get you court-martialed," his men warned him.

"Oh, I almost missed that. Keep fighting, I'll speak with Sir Mikhail, the Ruthenian Ambassador."

"Yes sir!"

Makarov stepped down the ladder and made his way back to the Ruthenian Legation, where Mikhail can be located.

He entered his office. The legation staff is still in his office.

"What can I do for you, Sir Makarov?" Mikhail asked.

"I need you to come with me for a second, Sir Mikhail. This is urgent."

The two stepped outside the office and proceeded to talk. Makarov told what his men told him and Mikhail hummed in understanding.

"Oh, that's what you are worried about. Very well, if you can help me get in contact with St. Petersburg, I can get your permission. Of course, there's a high chance that they'll agree to it."

Makarov prepared the radio and adjusted its radio frequency. "Overlord, this is Alpha. I bring you news about the decision of the ten great powers, they all decided to leave."

"This is Overlord, Alpha can you repeat that? Did you just say that everyone wants to leave?"

"That's an affirm, Overlord. I have the Ambassador of the Ruthenia Empire with me and wish to talk to someone with authority."

"Copy that, stand by," the radio crackled before it turned off.

Seconds later, the radio crackled again.

"Alpha, I have the National Security Advisor of His Majesty here with me. Hand the radio to the ambassador."

"Copy," Makarov complied with the order and handed the radio to Mikhail.

"Hello? This is Mikhail, the Ruthenian Ambassador to the Han Dynasty. To whom am I speaking."

"My name is Sevastian, the National Security Advisor to His Majesty, Emperor Alexander. I heard that everyone is coming with you, so what do you want?"

"We need permission to negotiate with the Boxers for an immediate ceasefire," Mikhail stated. "I am aware of the capacity of our helicopters and they won't be able to accommodate them all. To ensure their safety, we will have to speak to the leader of the Boxers."

"Hmm...Very well, you have my permission, do everything necessary to make them comply," Sevastian said.

"As you wish, Your Highness," Mikhail said and returned the radio to Makarov. "You now have permission, you may proceed."

"Thank you," Makarov said and left the Ruthenian Legation.

Five minutes later. In the battlements of the Beijing Wall, Makarov and an interpreter stood in the open. It was dangerous but sometimes you have to take a risk for something to happen.

"I speak to the general of the Boxers besieging us," Makarov said through the megaphone and the interpreter translated his message.

In an instant, the firing halted. Everyone's eyes flickered to Makarov. Even the sniper who has been sniping military guards has Makarov on the crosshair of his sniper.

Makarov asked again. "I wish to speak with the General of the Boxers. I stand here, unarmed, seeking peace."

Suddenly, three figures stepped forward from the dark.

"Is he the general?" Makarov asked himself.

"Come down here!" the man shouted in English.

"Very well, wait for me there," Makarov brought the Megaphone down and beckoned two of his men to follow him.

"This is going to be exciting," one of his men commented.


Fifty meters from the gates of the Beijing Wall, Makarov, along with his two men and interpreter, stood face to face with the supposed General of the Boxers.

"Do you have a name?" Makarov asked.

"I wish not to tell you my name under any circumstances, sir?"

"I'm Makarov…a Ruthenian soldier. Don't mind the soldiers behind me, they are just protecting and I believe it's the same for the two soldiers behind you," Makarov glanced at the two whose weapons are trained at him.

"You are right. So, what do you want, Sir Makarov?" the general asked.

"I demand an immediate ceasefire. Everyone inside the International Legation Quarter has decided to leave Beijing for good. And that will become a reality if you would let us evacuate."

"I won't fall for such tricks, foreigner," the general huffed. "I know it, if we allow you to leave, we will only give you time for your military to arrive. That is not going to happen, in fact, we are determined to flush this country out of foreigners."

"Look I understand what you all are feeling right now but to be honest, I don't really care what your goals are. My mission is to get everyone inside the International Legation Quarter to leave in one piece. That can only happen with your approval."

"What if I refuse and decide to slaughter everyone for the crime of exploiting my country?" the general growled.

Makarov was unfazed by his change of tone and simply gave an answer. "Well, should you refuse then we will be left with no choice but to kill all of you before you get to take a step inside the Legation Quarter?"

"Are you bluffing?"

"Do I sound like I'm bluffing?" Makarov scoffed. "Did you see what happened earlier, when we obliterated your artillery from above? That's us. The Ruthenians possessed a technology that you can't even fathom. Do me a favor, look up, and tell me what you see."

The general gaze up into the sky. "I saw clouds and a dark sky," he answered.

"You're right but you are missing something. You see, there is an aircraft there watching this negotiation unfold. One of them is the aircraft that can obliterate you with one push of a button. Yeah, the aircraft earlier, do you remember now? It's okay if you can't see them but what's important is that they can see you and are ready to fire at us again should you wish for it. Sir, do you really want to die for your country because, to be honest, I'm ready to die for my country right now? A man like you must have ambitions. If that was true then I suggest not throwing your life away over ideals and pride and seal the deal. So, what is it going to be?"

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