Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 282 Makarov And His Men Arrives!

Forty-five minutes later, the Bogatyr arrived at Beijing's Airspace. Makarov ran a final brief to make sure that nothing would go wrong during the operation.

"Thirty seconds!" the loadmaster inside the cargo bay shouted as he announced the time the plane will take to get to the drop point.

Makarov nodded, acknowledging the time left for them to stay in Bogatyr.

"The International Legation Quarter is under heavy attack from enemy artillery. We will call in an airstrike as soon as we land. Then, we re-established communication with the Central Command as the International Legation Quarter's communication was compromised. After establishing a communication channel with the Central Command, each of us will take a position to defend the International Legation Quarter until the arrival of helicopters who will pick us out of here along with the Ruthenian Ambassador and his staff. Do you all understand?"

"Yes sir!"

"Loud and clear sir!"

As his soldiers voiced their understanding of the mission, Makarov cocked his head to the side, beckoning them to meet him at the ramp which is now opening.

A sudden gust of wind from the inside pushed their back a little. Makarov walked forward to the edge of the ramp and looked down below. There was a layer of dark clouds with flickering orange light underneath.

"Even at this altitude, I can still see explosions. The fighting must be intense there," Makarov remarked before walking back inside. "Okay, get ready to jump out."

"Allow me to go first, captain!" one of his men volunteered as he dashed towards the end of the ramp and jumped out.

One by one, his men jumped into the sky and penetrated the clouds below. Makarov watched as everyone jumped out of the plane. Twenty seconds later, the only person present in the cargo bay is the loadmaster and him.


"the window is closing out, you now have to jump!"  The loadmaster urged.

Makarov cracked his knuckles and his neck as he made his way to the edge of the ramp. He took a deep breath before diving into the clouds and descending toward the ground.

He can see the canopy of his men's parachute below. The view from above was destructive. Explosions on the ground rocked the air and its deafening roar reached their ears.

It didn't take long for them to hear the gunshots erupting from both sides. Makarov didn't expect the ensuing fight to be this chaotic. Yet the thrill of participating in such a battlefield is making him excited.

Forty seconds later, Makarov and his team landed in the middle of the International Legation Quarter.

The first thing that greeted them was the inquisitive gazes of the frantic citizens.

"Who are those people?"

"I don't know, they came from the sky."

"What's with their outfit? Are they soldiers?"

Makarov and his men didn't mind the gazes cast on them and the words thrown at them. Instead unloaded their gears as they prepared to join the battle.

"Maintain contact with one another. Remember, we have radios while the military guards here don't. I'll go meet Mikhail first at the Ruthenian Legation, the rest of you join them. Be sure to introduce yourself first so that they can't mistake you as their enemy."

"Yes sir!" his men saluted and spurred themselves into action.

Makarov rushed to the Ruthenian Legation. He didn't see any guards at the entrance as they must be probably fighting in the front lines. It was unfortunate, as there was no one for him to ask for directions. Nevertheless, he entered through the door.

"Sir Mikhail! Sir Mikhail! Where are you!" Makarov yelled out as he continued walking further inside the hallways. There was no light as electricity must have been cut off by the Boxers. Good thing that he had night vision on him, which allows him to see through the dark.

Despite his call, he heard no response and it made him anxious. Could it be that he's not here? Makarov kept calling out for Mikhail's name until he reached the end of the hallway.

"We're here!" someone said behind him.

Makarov turned around to the source of the sound and there he saw a room. He didn't hesitate to enter the room.

Upon entering, a crowded room was greeted before his eyes. So this is where they were hiding huh?

"I'm Major Makarov from Ruthenian Special Forces, I came here to get you out.

"Oh good lord! We were worried that help won't be coming so I am relieved to see you here."

"Mr. Ambassador, I'm glad that you and everyone here are in good health. Now that I confirmed your status, I will inform the Central Command to send out helicopters to get you out of here."

"Uhm...Sir Makarov, what about His Majesty's decision about us considering the option of staying here? Will the Ruthenians help the ten great powers?"

Makarov shook his head. "His Majesty's decision remained the same. The Ruthenia Empire will not participate in the conflict and will only evacuate its citizens out of this Legation Quarter. Oh, I almost forgot, Mr. Ambassador, you must contact the ambassadors of the ten great powers and offer them a chance to leave this Legation Quarter."

"Uhm...understood, I shall go immediately," Mikhail replied as he stood up and headed for the door.

Makarov grabbed his radio and contacted someone. "Overlord, this is Alpha, we have landed at the International Legation Quarter. I have positive identification on the Ruthenian Ambassador, over."

"Copy that Alpha, how many of them are there? Over." Overlord asked.

"There are..." Makarov glanced at the people sitting on the floor nervously and counted them "... twenty-three of them in total. Over."

"Copy that Alpha, we shall wait for you to contact us when the other ten great powers made their decision. For now, your orders are to help the military guards and defend the International Legation Quarter."

The ground shook under Makarov's feet as an explosion erupted near the legation.

"Overlord, the International Legation Quarter is under heavy bombardment by enemy artillery. Request immediate air support."

"Copy Alpha, strike package is on the way."

"Thank you, Alpha out,"

Ending the transmission, Mikhail turned to the staff of the Ruthenian Legation. "Stay here and don't go anywhere."

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