Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 237 A Familiar Name

After signing the two treaties presented by the Ruthenian Empire, Alexander and Gojong stood in the center of the stage and performed a handshake once more for the world to see.

"We are going to make a lot of money, King Gojong. And in that way, you will be able to revitalize your Empire, make it as economically strong as mine," Alexander said, still shaking Gojong's hand.

"Thank you for the generosity and compassion you have been showing to us. I and my people are not going to forget this chance you have given to us," Gojong bowed his head slightly forward, showing an appropriate amount of respect. He released Alexander's hand, "Emperor Alexander, are we going to discuss another subject backstage? You said to me that you are going to offer us military aid."

Instead of answering, Alexander just showed him the way by extending his hand toward the stairs where they can leave the platform.

King Gojong followed him without question as Alexander proceeded to another place that is not available for the journalist and to the public.

Gojong continued to trail behind Alexander until they arrived at a huge door embellished with intricate patterns, golden inlays, and gold filigree around its edges. A man was standing at the other end of the door who was obviously there to welcome them.

"Welcome back, Your Majesty, Sir Alexander." The man spoke in a deep voice. It was Ruthenian so Gojong couldn't understand what the man was talking about. It is kind of embarrassing for him to not be able to as the head of state in front of him can speak Chosonese. He'll make it a priority when he is free of work to learn the Ruthenian language so that the next time they meet, they are not going to converse in Chosonese but Ruthenian.

"Good afternoon, I'm His Majesty's National Security Advisor. Sevastian. It's an honor to meet you, Your Majesty, Sir Gojong," Sevastian placed his hand on his chest and bowed reverently.

"The honor is mine," King Gojong returned with a slight nod.

"We shall continue this inside," Alexander gestured towards the door while gesturing for Gojong to follow him. Once everyone had stepped in, Gojong was taken aback at the exquisiteness and the lavishness of the room.

The ceiling is adorned with intricate golden inlays and patterns, the carpets are made from the exquisite wool that he had not seen. The furniture looks expensive and he took notice of the strawberry scent that perfumed the room.

"Please take a seat, King Gojong," Alexander offered, pointing to a vacant chair that has a velvet pillow laid across it. The cushion is decorated with tapestries woven out of silk and expensive threads and it looks very comfortable.

King Gojong sat on the chair Alexander offered him before Alexander sat across from him. They looked at each other for a while before he spoke.

"Now, let's discuss another topic and get to the point. The Ruthenian Empire is willing to lend the Choson Empire military vehicles, aircraft, and weapons for national defense. But it won't be the same caliber as the ones we currently have. We will also give your soldiers Ruthenian military training and make them a deadly force. However, we can't proceed if there's a pest in your country."

King Gojong frowned, "Pest? What do you mean about that?"

Alexander sighed heavily before he began to explain their current situation to Gojong. A few minutes later, he finished explaining everything to Gojong. Even he doesn't know what's happening to his country at the moment.

"Your Righteous Army, they are a rebel force during the rule of the Yamato Empire in your country. But I was informed that they are disorganized, with no clear chain of command, just a group of militias working in their respective districts to drive out the Yamato. Now that they are gone, some Righteous Army groups decided not to pledge their allegiance to you and make their own country instead."

"Wait what?" Gojong's eyes widened. This is new to him. "How do you know this?"

"Because we conducted a classified investigation. Now I'm declassifying it for you. You see, those leaders have different agendas and interests and are promising the people that they would do a better job than you. They say that your incompetence in dealing with domestic and international affairs has led the country into a state of submission. Which means, your population is divided at the moment."

"I don't know this," Gojong confessed.

"There's one Righteous Army group that earned our attention," Alexander paused for a moment, building up suspense. Gojong leaned forward, waiting for the next word from the emperor.

"The Righteous Army Group in Hwanghae. Led by a man named Kim Song-ju. According to our intel, he doesn't recognize your government and has declared that he will make his own but with a different twist. He wants to build a communist utopia."

The name Kim Song-ju was very familiar to him. It was the name of the first supreme leader of North Korea. So he too exists here huh?

"Communist utopia?" King Gojong repeated, unaware of the definition of the word.

"Communism is a political theory written by a Deutschlander named Karl Max where everything in the country is owned by the government. It is a classless, stateless, money-less society in which all genders, races, people of all sexual orientations, and all ancestries are treated as equals. Now I don't know how Karl Max's works spread into Asia but now that it is present, we cannot turn a blind eye to this. This is the complete opposite of how things are run in Ruthenia. We don't want communism sharing our borders. That's why I propose to you, the head of state of the Choson Empire, to combat the spread of communism."

"If it's that bad, Emperor Alexander, then I will help."

"We can't proceed to further negotiations if their group exists in the Choson Empire," Alexander sighed. "Our military stationed in Hanseong is going to conduct a series of operations to eliminate every one of them. When I'm stressing this to you, you know how badly I want them gone, right? I don't want a communist ally whose ideology is completely different from ours."

"I understand, Emperor Alexander. I'm going to inform my ministers about this," King Gojong promised.

"Speaking of ministers, what happened to the ministers we caught and handed to you?" Alexander asked.

"Well Emperor Alexander, those ministers signed a treaty with the Yamato Empire without my consent and permission. It is a treasonous act that demands the harshest of penalties."

"Is it death?" Alexander asked.

"No, Emperor Alexander. Death would be a mercy to them so I gave them the worst."

"So it's torture huh?" Alexander muttered under his breath.

"Something like that, Emperor Alexander," Gojong smiled.

"Well, it is the same to us but without resorting to physical violence. Do you know that there is worse than physical violence?"

"No, Emperor Alexander."

"Breaking them from inside out," Alexander revealed. "Well, I think we are done here, King Gojong. Thank you so much for your time. Please allow me to walk you back."

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