Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 228 Epilogue: The Wolves At Bay

The month is December and the peace treaty between the Ruthenian Empire and the Yamato Empire has been ratified and taken into effect. The Yamato citizens who were affected by the war protested the harsh terms imposed on their country ever since it opened to the world.

Some of the citizens were angered by their decision of surrendering too early in the month as their last war with the Ruthenia Empire lasted in the year. The Yamato Empire government, with their new Prime Minister, declared martial law in the country to control the civil unrest.

The Emperor of the Yamato Empire apologized for the conspiracy of his ministers and handed voluntarily those involves, including Shinzo Sakawa, who was reported to be committing suicide when the police entered his residence. Fortunately, he was stopped by the police and taken into custody.

Alexander Romanoff, the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire, accepted the formal apology of the Emperor of the Yamato Empire when he found out that his ministers were undermining him. The Yamato Empire even added if Alexander can lower the war reparations they have to pay but Alexander refused, stating that it was final.

Hence, The Yamato Empire has to pay the Ruthenian Empire one hundred two billion rubles, revoke the protectorate status of the Choson Empire and recognize its independence which is still in the works.

The Second Rutho-Yamato War ended in Ruthenia's victory. Cheers and roars echoed across the transcontinental empire with the people celebrating a huge victory in the Yamato Empire. The Martial Law that was imposed on the Far East has now been lifted and everyone returned to their normal lives.

The victory is so important to Alexander as it cemented his position as the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire. Reforming the Empire from the ground up and making it economically and militarily a powerhouse was such an outstanding feat that no other monarchs were able to achieve before.

Impressive as it may be but some are beginning to act cautious towards Alexander and the whole Ruthenian Empire. its neighbors, who are also a world power with colonies overseas and exerting influence across the world.

One of them was a country across the Atlantic Ocean. A country named the United States, an economic powerhouse who are apprehensive of Ruthenia's unprecedented growth.

December 1st, 1927. Washington D.C.

Located in the city was a palace painted in all white that glimmered under the light of the sun was the presidential palace of the United States. It's called the White House, it serves as the official residence of the current president.

In the oval office, a man sitting behind the beige desk was holding a glass of scotch as his fingers tapped rhythmically against its surface. His name is William Dudley Pelley. His imposing body is clothed in a black suit tailored just perfectly, his hair combed back revealing his sharp face that seemingly gives an impression of a former military general. His icy blue eyes scanned over the newspaper in front of him.

He gave a light "hmph" as his interest was piqued by its content. "The Ruthenia Empire is beginning to look more troublesome eh?"

"Mr. President," a young man wearing a butler suit called for his attention. "The Prime Minister of the Deutschland Empire has arrived."

"Let him in," William set his glass down on the desk as he folded the newspaper he was reading. The door opened, revealing a man in his thirties donned in a white suit, a top hat adorning his head, and a small smile plastered on his lips. Even though he is in his thirties, his handsome face says otherwise. His silver hair reached his neck and his eyes sparkled like emerald gems and his aura exuded confidence and nobility.

"Well, well, isn't it the new Prime Minister of the Deutschland Empire, Erik Jan Hanussen." William rose from his seat, giving the Prime Minister a handshake as the latter returned it with equal vigor.

"I am glad we could meet today Mr. President. I'm here to congratulate you for winning the highest position in the United States Government."

William smiled and his eyes flickered to the butler. "You may leave us please." The butler bowed at him before leaving, closing the doors softly.

The amicable expressions on their faces turned grim and serious. "I'm sure the news has reached you, My Shepherd."

William strides back to his desk and sits on his chair. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured two glasses, handing one to Hans.

"Drink up," William offered.

"Thank you," Erik replied, taking the drink, and gulping down half of it before setting the glass on the table beside him. He looked around the room before his gaze settle upon his leader. "I've come here to talk about our plans in the West."

William took another sip of the liquor. He took a moment before speaking. "And I'm guessing that you will propose to delay it, right?"

"That's right, My Shepherd. The war in the Far East has made light of that. Even if we were to orchestrate a world war, the Ruthenian Empire is going to win it easily as they possess the most advanced weaponry in the world."

"Yes, I've seen the papers and the reports of the war correspondents. Just who are making the scientists and engineers behind those war machines? This is going to be a challenge for us. We need to get hold of those technologies and reverse engineer it, no matter the means."

"That's going to be another challenge, My Shepherd. You see, even the finest agency of the Britannian Empire, the MI6 failed to pass the stringent measures placed by the Ruthenian Empire to protect those technologies. My government had tried to negotiate with the Ruthenians but they rejected it. Now I know why the Ruthenian Empire is exporting high-quality bombers and fighter aircraft..."

William completed his words. "It is because they have something better. At this point, no country in the world can even match the Ruthenian military. We have to strengthen ourselves for this cause, Erik, militarily and economically."

"I agree, My Shepherd. We shall do what we always do, stay low and strike when the opportunity comes. I've already talked to the other Shepherd, they know what to do."

"Good, no matter how long our cause would take, I will make sure that it will happen before I die," William's sharp eyes glinted dangerously, and his voice lowered slightly, indicating that he was ready to fight for the sake of his ideals.

Erik smiled in awe after hearing that. "There's good news, My Shepherd. The Yamato Empire got ahold of an infantry weapon the Ruthenians are using during the war. It's a new rifle that can fire up to thirty rounds without ever reloading. It is also light to carry and could make all the standard-issue rifles of the great powers obsolete."

"I have reached out to the Yamato Government about that. We have a copy of it and I'm now investing large funds to reverse-engineer it. The Congress was reluctant at first but when I talked about the possibility of us getting into a war with the Ruthenian Empire and the fact that we are behind in terms of technology, they gulped and accepted immediately."

"We will be waiting for your result, My Shepherd. The country you are leading right now is the key to our victory. Utilize it well."

"I know, you don't have to remind me. Anyways, there is also another person that could threaten us."

"Who is it?"

"Diana, the next queen of the Britannian Empire."

"Hoh," Erik mused. "I know her. I believe she is working with the royalist factions to get the power back to the crown and is making progress. But don't worry, even Her Royal Highness Diana herself is wary of Ruthenians, and the fact that they are geopolitical rivals means they won't get along."

"Even still, we have to watch out for her," William said.


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