Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 214 The Prospect Of Geopolitics In The Future

p Thirty minutes after the nuclear bomb test, Sevastian and Alexander were having a meeting in a separate room.

"Your Majesty, that bomb, is that what you've been working on for years? Because if it is, that explains the mysterious budget proposal that includes redacted parts for the Armed Forces," Sevastian inquired.

"Well not all, Sevastian. The nuclear program is just a part of it. But I admit that almost half of it goes to the funding of the nuclear program which I must say is successful now that we have a working prototype."

"I've never seen such a weapon in all my life. I thought that our military already boasted the most destructive weapons in the world, I didn't expect that it's just an ant compared to the thing earlier," Sevastian said in a low voice. "So, what are you planning to do now, Your Majesty? Are you going to  use that destructive weapon to end the war with the Yamato Empire?"

Alexander stared him directly in the eye after asking him.

Sevastian gulped at his piercing gaze. Did he say something that offended him in some way? No there's none, it's just a simple question so why would he react like that?

Feeling that a bead of sweat began pouring out from his pores, Alexander broke the ice and chuckled. "No, I wouldn't authorize such an attack. The atomic bomb is just there to protect our sovereignty that will soon be challenged by other superpowers," Alexander explained and Sevastian heave a sigh of relief.

Alexander continued. "We can defeat the Yamato Empire in conventional warfare. We are seeing it right now. But those conventional technologies we are using in the war are not something to be ignored. The world is reacting to our weapons and as such, harboring doubts. What do you think will happen if Britannia Empire, Deutschland Empire, Austrean Empire, Francois Republic, and the United States team up with one another because we are technologically superior to them?"

Sevastian pondered for an answer as his emperor made a good point. "They are going to isolate us," he answered and continued. "But why did you add the Francois Republic? Aren't they allies?"

"We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow," Alexander quoted. "Francois Republic was once our enemy but became friends when felt threatened and isolated by Deutschlanders political maneuvers. In fact, we hated each other. So what if they also feel threatened by our superior technology? They can simply change sides. Hell, I am even receiving reports from the Foreign Intelligence Services that the Britannia, Deutschland, and Francois are up to something. To ensure the safety of my country and my people, I have developed the most powerful weapon humanity ever produced."

"I am now starting to understand, Your Majesty. It's a shame that I only get it until now. To think that I didn't expect this is a failure of my duty as the National Security Advisor," Sevastian said apologetically.

"That's fine, at least you now know so I'm confident that you can begin planning countermeasures if such an alliance arises," Alexander replied cheerily as he put his arm around Sevastian's shoulder.

Sevastian nodded. "Yes sir, we will beat the Britannia in their so-called 'great game' But before I do that, Your Majesty, what is your plan for the country from this moment forward? Do you want to build an economic powerhouse or a military powerhouse?"

Alexander simply let out a "hmph" inwardly before answering. "Why not both?"

"Then that's going to affect our foreign policy. Your Majesty, is there a way for your company to export our latest technologies to the world?"

"My company can create an export version, why did you ask?" Alexander asked.

"We are going to make the world dependent on us, thus deterring them to form an alliance to counter us."

"Hoh," Alexander mused and leaned forward, his interest piqued by Sevastian's words. "It's not a bad idea. In fact, there's a lot of money to be made and money is the most important thing our country needs badly as I have a lot of plans to introduce in our massive empire."

"Would that be another megaproject of yours? Your Majesty, you really are greedy when it comes to these development construction projects. The highways, the dams, irrigation lines to our central Asian territory, railways, ports, airports, and the new massive Imperial Council you proposed. In order to support these projects, we need money."

"That's right," Alexander let out a chuckle. "Also the atomic bomb earlier, don't think that it was invented purely for destruction, it also has its benefits I'm going to reap as well. Little by little, it is going to replace the way we generate electricity, improve our medical technology, and they can be used as fertilizers for better yield."

"I see, I did think it that way, Your Majesty. That atomic bomb can not only end life but also build better lives for the living as well."

"Yes. Anyways, we have to go now, we have another prototype demonstration that requires me to attend," Alexander said as he rose to his feet.

"Another atomic bomb test perhaps?" Sevastian asked as he stood and walked with him as they exit the door.

"Nope, this time it's going to be more exhilarating than an atomic bomb. Say, Sevastian, if I told you that humans can go to space, would you believe me?"

Sevastian looked at him as if he was crazy. Are humans going to space? That's absurd, even the idea of it sounds impossible! Wait...this is Alexander he is speaking to, his company has produced technology beyond human imagination that defies common sense. Could it be that his Emperor is serious? That they build something that could go beyond the skies and into space?

Sevastian let out a forced chuckle as he nodded his head. "If it's your company, Your Majesty, I think that's possible."

Alexander scoffed softly. "I expected a bewildered expression but this one is okay."

They exited the room and headed over to the command and control center. There, Heisenberg stood, looking proud and confident as ever.

"Your Majesty, are you satisfied with the demonstration? Did it exceed your expectations?"

"You've done a good job, Heisenberg, I have never doubted your skills ever since I recruited you. I knew you had it in you. Now, with the demonstration finished, I want you to help with the new projects of the Ministry of Energy and the Department of Navy.

"Understood, Your Majesty."

"Where are we going next, Your Majesty?" Sevastian asked.

"Central Asia, Leninsk, Southern Kazakhstan."

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