Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 212 Goodbyes

Vasili and his men exited the Royal Palace along with the King and his palace servants.

The Righteous Army just finished cleaning up the bodies that had desecrated the palace grounds. They were jubilant as they were able to kill their occupiers who took their rights out of them.

The King was somehow stunned at the scene outside of his palace. He was on a strict order from the Yamato not to go outside during the duration of the war. The Yamato troops stationed in the royal palace were to enforce the order but they were killed in the covert operation conducted by the Ruthenian Special Forces and the Righteous Army.

He may not be able to go outside but he can feel the magnitude from his place alone. With the shaking of the ground, the loud guttural burst of rifles, and the men howling in anguish, it is as though he was sitting on a front row seat.

The Chosonese who saw their king in flesh immediately lowered their weapons and prostrated in front of him.

“Your Majesty, are you alright?” Eun-Ae was the first to speak, the others looked at the king reverently.

“I’m fine,” Gojong said, his voice weak.

Eun-Ae took a look at his face and saw a sullen eyes shadow around his eyes. It was obvious that he wasn’t doing well in the palace. Well, after everything he had experienced, from the Yamato taking over his country and his closest advisors and ministers betraying him. He had gone through a lot.

“You may stand dear, it may hurt your knee for kneeling too long,”

“Don’t worry about it, Your Majesty, this is a common gesture and a noble one when we, your people, are graced by your presence.”

Gojong smiled at hearing that there are still people in his domain who see him as a king. It’s a shame that he failed his duty by not protecting the country from the invaders. Though he had done everything he could to counter the threat of imperialism to his country through industrialization and modernization of the military. It was still too late.

“Your Majesty, where is King Sunjong? Eun-Ae asked as she stood.

“Sunjong, my son, left the palace two days ago along with the Resident General and the ministers. It seemed that they had evacuated and gone south. I don’t know if they have gone to Tokyo, I’m sorry that’s all I know.”

“No, It’s fine, Your Majesty. You are our objective after all!”

“Me? Why? I’m no longer the king of this nation. I’ve already abdicated my throne to my son,” Gojong stammered.

“The Ruthenian Empire sees it the other way around,” Eun-Ae said.

“The Ruthenians?” Gojong uttered and turned around to look at the tall Ruthenian soldiers who were watching them speaking.

They bowed their heads lightly to which Gojong returned. “What does your government want from me?”

“Our government recognizes you as the head of state of the Choson Empire. We haven’t formally recognized your son’s government since your abdication.” Vasili explained in English, allowing one of Eun-Ae’s men, Jang, to translate.

“Me as the head of state?” Gojong repeated, confused.

“I wish I could share more information but I can’t share something that I don’t have. We’ll leave that to our government. For now, we wait here as our transport is on its way to take us,” Vasili said and Jang translated his words.

“Where are you taking me?” Gojong asked.

“We are retreating to Vladivostok, that was our instructions,” Vasili answered.

“You should go with them, Your Majesty,” Eun-Ae pleaded. “The entire Choson Peninsula is a warzone and it is not safe here.”

“But what about you and the people who aren’t yet rescued from the Yamato’s chains?”

“Don’t worry, the Righteous Army will fight alongside the Ruthenian Army to liberate them from Yamato’s control,” her gaze flickered to Vasili. “Isn’t…that right?” she said in English.

Vasili said nothing. There are no guarantees here.

“Your Majesty, leave the fighting to us. We have been fighting the Yamato even before the Ruthenians came,” Jang added.

“Thank you, you have my eternal gratitude,” Gojong said. He felt like he would break if he didn’t express his thanks. He shifted his eyes to Eun-Ae. “What’s your name dear?”

“I’m Gang Eun-Ae, Your Majesty.”

“Gang Eun-Ae? It sounds familiar…to think that a noblewoman such as you would arm up and fight for the country. I will never forget your service,  I hope that we meet again in the future. I will need people like you,” Gojong told her.

Eun-Ae was speechless but nevertheless accepted his offer.

Gojong faced Vasili again. “So, I don’t have my palanquin with me but I can walk. Where shall we go?”

Jang translated the king’s words for Vasili to understand.

“Ah, don’t worry about the transportation, we have it covered. They’ll arrive in less than five minutes,” Vasili said.

Jang repeated Vasili’s words in his native language for Gojong to understand.

Gojong let out an “ahh” sound, appearing to have understood the situation. In reality, he doesn’t know how they will evacuate here. Is a car going to pick them up and transport them to a port and board a ship that will take them to Vladivostok?

Eun-Ae tugged Jang’s sleeves gently and whispered to his ears.

Jang nodded and called Vasili again. “Captain Vasili, Her Highness Eun-Ae wishes to speak with you.”

Vasili nodded and walked over to her. “What is it?”

“I just want to say something to you,” Eun-Ae said in Choson and Jang translated. “I don’t know if I’m going to say this right but…Spasibo.”

Vasili chuckled softly when she said the word Spasibo in the cutest way possible. Spasibo means “thank you” in the Ruthenian language.

“Well, Gamsahabnida. It is sad to say that we will be leaving soon.”

“Wait…you’re leaving?” Eun-Ae gasped.

“Yes, apparently our job here is done. We will be taking your king with us to Vladivostok and then I and my men are going to return to St. Petersburg after. You are a brave woman, Eun-Ae, and it’s been a pleasure working with you for the last two weeks. I hope that we see each other again soon in this country.”

A touching word that he said. His tone was so tender, the girl couldn’t help but feel touched and sad at the same time.

“I’ve taken a liking to this country and I wish to learn more about it. I hope that the upper-ups assign me here again. There are a lot of things I’d like to try.”

“Once the peace is restored, I will personally welcome you myself,” Eun-Ae’s words come out naturally. This would have been a heartwarming moment for her if only she could speak Ruthenian. That settles it, she will study and learn it.

“That would be great,” Vasili smiled warmly back at her and offered a handshake.

Eun Ae took his hand.

Moments later, a whirring sound permeated the air and soon enough a helicopter arrived from above. That’s weird, he hasn’t seen this kind of design before. It wasn’t the Black Stork or the Alkonost, a CH-47 Chinook-type helicopter. This was something new.

It descended slowly to the ground, sending gusts of wind that made the hair and the clothes of the people below flutter.

The Chosonese gape in amazement at it. It was their first time seeing such a new aircraft design.

The helicopter that had just made it to the ground is a copy of a certain Soviet Helicopter that was recently produced by Imperial Dynamic Systems. The Mil Mi-26.

It’s bigger compared to the Black Stork and the Alkonost. Its size alone occupied the front lawn of the Royal Palace.

“Okay, I think that is our ride,” Vasili said as he turned to Eun-Ae. “That’s how we will get out of the capital.”

“I’ve never seen such a thing before.”

“Most of the people in the world didn’t. We are the only nation operating that kind of aircraft,” Vasili said. “Good bye, Eun-Ae, Jang. Help my comrades to win this war.”

“Yeah…goodbye,” Eun-Ae said.

The Ruthenian Special Forces and the King boarded the helicopter and once they were strapped in, its helicopter blade spun, generating lift, and rose up into the sky.

Eun Ae remained standing and watched as it flew away.

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